
Chapter 18

  Rob woke her a couple hours later, moving over her to kiss her passionately.

  ‘I don’t want to leave beautiful, but I have a flight to catch. I need to be in Edinburgh for a meeting.’ He stretched out, pulling her head to rest on his exposed chest as he leaned back against the headboard at a slight angle. Rose sighed, equally bummed that he had to go.

  ‘You can’t help being in high demand with your business.’ She smiled up at him sleepily, smiling when he traced his fingers across her face, tucking back stray strands of hair.

  ‘Sometimes all the demands on my life get on my nerves. I would rather just stay here with you indefinitely.’ He smiled, moving down so he could pull her body against his in every way possible, moulding together, face to face, hooking her legs with one of his.