
Chapter 11

  Before long it was the day of the dance and despite being in town a lot beforehand, she never ran into Rob Munro again. Seeing him again, dressed in Black tie and in his own opulent setting made Rose shiver in anticipation; a dread overtaking her already stretched nerves. He would be on his home turf surrounded by his own friends and belongings and she would be like a fish out of water. Facing him again was not really something she was looking forward to. He had a knack for making her feel awkward and out of her depth and she wasn’t entirely sure if she even liked him.

  Abby had promised to wait on her out at the front entrance, so she would walk her in and they had agreed on eight pm to meet. At least that way she did not have to look around nervously, trying to find a friendly face. She could walk confidently with her friend’s arm and smile and look radiant instead.