
Slime Key

" Goddamn that is good"-Albert

The bowl previously holding the stew now having become empty, was placed in the sink while he placed the pot of pogofruit stew in the fridge so he could preserve it.

He headed outside, the sun still shining bright on his tanned skin, his eyes holding a fierce amber coloration, his previously blonde hair now turning a turquoise. The smell of salt wafting through the air, its source being the rock slimes.

"Maybe I could use rock plorts to make salt? I mean I can't get salt using ocean water so maybe the rock plorts can grant me the salt?"-Albert

But he didn't hold on to those thoughts for long as he grabbed his Slimepedia and looked up the plortonomics (The properties of a plort) of a rock slime.

Rock Slime


Rock slimes earned their name from the rocky crown of sharp spikes atop their slimy bodies. But their affection for minerals doesn't end with their appearance: rock slimes are strict vegetarians, favoring the satisfying crunch of the heart beet most of all.

Rancher Risks:

The dangers of a rock slime should be fairly obvious: their rocky crown is sharp enough to pierce straight through a rancher's boots. But it's not all about watching where you're stepping as these rocks are always rolling. When you see a rock slime revving up for a tumble, it's best to get out of the way.


Rock plorts are prized for being a key component in the production of 'blue metal' an amazing alloy that's stronger than titanium and lighter than plastic. Because of its amazing strength, blue metal is often a key component in the hulls of light-speed capable starships, synthetic appendages, and protective phone cases.

" Wait if that's the case for Rock plorts then what about Pink Plorts?"- Albert

Pink Slime:


Pink Slimes are the most common slime found on the Far, Far Range. They're cheerful, docile, and the easiest of all slimes to ranch. A pink slime will eat anything you put in front of it, though they have no favorite food, and their plorts are the least valuable of all slimes.

Rancher Risks:

Not much to worry about with a pink slime. They're soft, squishy, very happy to be around a rancher, and found all over the Range. But because of this, a rancher won't go far without finding a few pink plorts, which can lead to largos, and then...


Pink Plorts are an excellent "multipurpose generic substance" used to manufacture everything from food products to household cleaners. All over earth, people are eating burgers, sweetening their coffees or scrubbing their floors with pink plort products. That's some serious versatility!

" Wait, judging by the phrase 'sweetening their coffees' that means that pink plorts can be used as sugar or an organic sweetener, which can mean that I can make cakes!"- Albert

" Well that would be the case if I had flour or wheat, heck I don't even have milk! One of the most important needs of a Rancher's well... Ranch"- Albert

Sighing at his Dismay he went around the Free Range and collected as many Carrots and Pogofruits as he could, sometimes giving the excess amount of carrots and pogofruit to nearby pink slimes or one of his rock slimes. Looking at the small pile of carrots and pogofruits in his hands he carefully walked over the rickety bridge towards the pink Gordo.

He grabbed and fed each carrot and pogofruit to the Gordo by tossing the food at its face to which somehow they disappeared which by far was the most confusing thing he had seen in this world. After around 30 or so carrots the Gordo's eyes became widened as it made the sound of rubber being stretched out too much until... Pop.

What used to be the Gordo was now a pile of Pink slimes, two crates, and a slime key. Nabbing the Slime key he smashed the two crates against the nearby rock as he saw the crates give him about 100 newbucks, a Roostro, a Stony Hen, a Cuberry, and a tabby slime which he quickly grabbed in his hands other than the tabby slime which he put in his Vac-Pack.

Entering his home he placed the stony hen and the roostro in the coop and went to an empty space next to his bubble-shaped home that was more elevated than the rest of the Ranch and bought a garden for 250 newbucks, with the garden bought he planted the cuberry as he fed his rock slimes and sold 15 plorts for 17 newbucks each, which gave him 255 newbucks back.

Considering his losses and the profits he had gotten, he had accumulated 455 newbucks, 105 more newbucks than what he had before he popped the Gordo.

He used that money to buy the solar shield upgrade on the corral and prepared for the night, he lay in wait as the night came in fast and so did its glowing followers. Phosphor Slimes. They glowed in the dark like stars and as he got closer he could see a few of the entering his vicinity. He inched forward until they were in arm's reach and he pulled out a pogofruit, to which one brave one got closer... sniffed it... and finally he had gotten what he wanted.

" A Phosphor Plort!"- Albert

Squealing in Joy he went back to the Ranch as he gave the plort to a rock slime, in real-time he could see as the rock slime ate the phosphor plort and became a Phosphor Rock Largo!

" Hey Buddy, have you gained some weight? Pft-Hehehehehe"- Albert

"Look at you bro, you look fatter than a Gordo"- Albert

As if on cue the Largo started rolling at him at an accelerated pace, that was until it hit the wall of the corral as Albert started wheezing from laughter. After around 20 minutes of Albert laying on the ground crying and wheezing from laughter, he finally got up wiping the tears from his eyes as he spoke in a certain manner as if speaking to a friend.

"Alright, alright I'll stop man ok?"- Albert

The Largo closed its eyes as if it looked mad and puffed its cheeks as if it was pouting. throwing in a cuberry, from the tree of well cuberries growing in the Garden, it ate the cuberry and smiled and looked as if it nodded.

Soon the other rock slimes ate some of the phosphor plorts that came out of the Largo and soo became Largos on their own and proving at the same time that the Corral Couldn't fit them anymore, the number of Largos in the corral was six without any slimes left inside. Grabbing the plorts that they had produced which this time was curiously double from the previous time now being 30, he sold them to the market which now had them at the price of 14 newbucks each.

This gave him about 420 newbucks now and in total, he had 450 which was more than enough to buy the High walls upgrade. Now without worries about having his slimes escaping the corral and his Chickens were safe from wild slimes, he grabbed the big slime key and headed towards a big bridge connecting both the Dry Reef ( where you start in the game) with a small stony island that when progressed through led him to a secondary island where which a big circular door greeted him.

As he placed the key through the hole in the middle of the door it clicked before rotating on its own and opening the door whilst opening new opportunities for our Hero...