

"Shut up."

"Oh, that wasn't for me, Isabella," he gave her the bossy look that made her remember that the man she was talking to was her boss.

"Should I apologize?"

"No, just relieve the shirt from covering you," he looked so cool.

"You are so naughty," she uttered after figuring out what he meant.

"I wanna see," he leaned closer to the phone.

"Luke, stop this," she covered her face.

"Did you eat?" He asked after he saw it was time he stopped.

"I'm hungry but..."

"You don't feel like eating," he completed it for her.

"Yes," she answered.

"I know," he said only for the both of them to stare at each other without speaking.

"Did you eat?" After a while, she asked about him.

"You told me to eat well and I did," he answered.

"That's obedient of you," she dragged her legs close to her chest.

"No," he disagreed.

"Come on," she closed her heavy eyes because her head was throbbing.

Next chapter