

Volume I Isabella lost her job because of her fervour to help her family. Her sister was battling a deadly sickness and no possible job could help Isabella raise the money for the medical bills, thus, she chose the fastest way for a woman. That was to lose her innocence. 'Just one night' was what she told herself, and things went according to her plans. But fate didn't break off there. Luke Powers met a desperate woman at the right time or was it wrong? He was arrogant, cruel and proud. He paid her well for the night but fate didn't cease their interaction. Through his mother's schemes, Luke found Isabella at his gate with her luggage, moving in with him as she was the caregiver his mother hired for him. Was he a child who needed a caregiver? Of course not, but his mother had hopes for him. Hopes that his life will be filled with love and joy. Hopes that Isabella would change him despite possessing a mundane role in his life. However, the job wasn't an easy task for Isabella as she had to face a cold arrogant man. Isabella had to face another agony, staying with and faring with his attitude, all while worrying for her sister. Was there really hope, not only for Luke but for Isabella? Volume one is completed, watch out for volume two!! Volume II Gloria woke up alone after spending the night with the love of her life, Lucian. Unbeknownst to her, their passionate night resulted in an unexpected pregnancy. Years later, Gloria returned to State AD, successful in her career and a proud mother to her son, Michael. Meanwhile, Lucian was now a wealthy man, having fulfilled his duties as an heir and ending his contract marriage. However, his ultimate plan to win back Gloria's heart was still incomplete. Lucian wanted to reunite with Gloria and build a relationship with his son, but Gloria denied him any chance of that happening. She refused to accept him as Michael's father. As they struggled to navigate their complicated past and present, they faced an uncertain future. Will Gloria eventually forgive Lucian and fall in love with him again, or will she continue to deny him his rightful place in their lives? Their fate remains unclear, but only time will tell if they can overcome their past mistakes and build a future together. Check out my new book; One Night With A Billionaire Alpha! Welcome and happy reading!

Lee_Grace · Urban
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332 Chs

Oh, God! Women!

What was she expecting? 

A kiss on the forehead? 

Isabella stared into space as she thought of what had just happened. She was disheartened! 

He didn't even introduce himself to her or let her know his name, which was a distinct gesture that he wasn't planning on seeing her again and even if he did, he wasn't interested in her life or whatever she was into. 

It was fair though. They knew each other not. They only played a beautiful game. 

Still feeling sore, she pushed herself to sit only to wince a little before getting used to the feeling that was throbbing between her legs. 

He was good, very good at doing that deed, he made it seem like they were dancing in the sky while protecting her from falling by assuring her to just look into his eyes. He had a heart, she thought. 

Despite knowing that she was a virgin, he didn't claim his right of doing it roughly because he paid her. She was still grateful. 

And suddenly she covered her face when she recalled that he knew she was a virgin. How cute and romantic. It was a different sensation her body savoured. Isabella knew from the beginning that she wouldn't be able to get him out of her mind once the deed was done. There she was on the bed, still thinking about the special night she had with a proud and arrogant stranger.

Oh no! Was she being a bad girl now? A bad girl to say she felt great pleasure in what she did? 

"Oh, what do I do?" Isabella grew frustrated because last night couldn't leave her head. 'It won't hurt' his voice followed in her head to cause more discomfort in her midsection. She got involved with him because of her sister but she was now stuck with him and praising him. So absurd!!

"Isabella," she then called herself. "Hey, he won't remember you, he probably has forgotten what he did with you so get it out of your head too, now! Now!" Talking to herself she slapped her head and then her cheek only for her to remember the reason for the intimacy.

The cheque!! Her face lit up, so she turned to the table only to take the piece of paper.

As she couldn't contain the joy that filled her heart, Isabella covered her mouth with her palm in astonishment.

"He really did add a million to my request," she told herself and suddenly screamed. 

"My sister is going to be alright, yes! Everything will be fine again!" Hopping on the bed reminded her of her soreness. 

"Oww," she grimaced her face and pushed the pain to the back of her head and then focused on the sheet. 

"He's so nice," she muttered to herself, staring at the cheque as much as she wanted to. When, actually, she was recalling last night; how his hands touched her all over.

Weirdly, she wasn't disgusted, instead, she was pleading for his touches and hot kisses on her lips. 

Isabella then touched her lips, trying to sense the feeling she felt when he kissed her. It felt as though it was her first kiss.

Isabella turned around and buried her face into the pillow. The stranger was too cute to be forgotten so soon and that easily. Why did he have to be so sweet to her?!

Then it struck her mind that even if he wasn't sweet and nice, she still wouldn't recover quickly as it was her first time. 

Eventually, Isabella was able to set her feelings aside and stood up completely naked to witness how large the room was. The luxurious room appeared better than how it did in her dreams. "Paradise," she breathed and inhaled. With that, she located the bathroom. 

Walking now became a heavy task for her because of the soreness between her legs. How big was he for him to cause this much effect on her pussy? Isabella wondered. 

After bathing and putting on the pink dress again, she realized that she came with high heels meaning she was going to… Isabella sighed. Her legs weren't strong enough to perform on heels and she couldn't walk barefoot so she had to wear them.

Isabella took pictures of every corner of the room when she was ready to leave. She then went closer to the bed to pick up the cheque only to catch a glimpse of something interesting. 

So she stretched to get a hold of what she thought was interesting and there it was, a necklace. Isabella gasped. It was real gold and…it must belong to the handsome man that refused to introduce himself. 

Isabella childishly placed it in her mouth to feel the gold but it appeared to be too hard to her teeth so she giggled and stared at it again. 

She'd keep it. 

He might come back to the room with another woman but she believed that if the necklace was precious to him, he'd look for her and she'd be able to see him again. She had no bad intentions. She just wanted to see him again.

With that, she packed everything in her bag and left the room.

… …

He presented a stern expression before leaving the room for Isabella. But when he closed the door, he couldn't help it, he had to smirk. He could… could say that the night he spent with that virgin was the best night ever!

It was, of course, stressful but he loved how dominating he was over her. How weak she acted to him and how she listened to his commandments and how she cried and how she expressed the feelings she felt as he made his way into her tight hole. To him, it was beautiful! 

He would never meet her again but it seemed she'd last on his mind for a while until he found another woman better than her. For now, she was the best!

The way he treated her last night, taking it wild when she began to cry in pleasure, made him wonder how she'd be feeling between her legs. He had seen her wince earlier so she must be feeling pain. With his bigness, she should feel that way and he was proud! 

Luke eventually started the engine of his car after settling in. He didn't want to get scolded by his mother for spending the night out as she knew he had no work to do. 

He only spoke with an agent last night when Isabella found him. 

His mother wanted him to settle down and have a family of his own as she believed that he was nothing but a player.

Well, one could call him a player because his relationship with his exes was just for pleasure, which appeared to be more like a game. Luke wasn't into love

He believed that he was fine without a wife and didn't need a woman in his life. However, he might consider marriage when he turned thirty-eight. 

In the traffic, he took a glance at his side view mirror, waiting for the traffic signal when suddenly he saw his neck empty. Where was his necklace?! 

Still in shock, he recalled how he banged the virgin last night and wondered if he had lost his necklace because of how sweet she was. Oh, God! Women!!