
Who are you

In an isolated island within the vast jungle there was a huge mansion. The mansion was everyones dream it consisted of a huge tennis court, basketball court, a garden of all variety of flowers. Lawn which was about more then 20 acres that lawn had four mini fountains at the side and and a huge fountain in the middle with a crying naked lady statue in it. A maze that was build of trees thick trees, there were 3 helipads and 2 helicopter .The mansion it self had 3 swimming pool,man made lake and pond. The mansion had 25 rooms. The ground floor with living with modern furniture with ancient look to it the living room was decorated with paintings the wooden wall had small lamps every where in the center of the room had huge glass chanderline the right side of ground floor have 4 servant room with queen sized bed and each room had flower printing on them in pink colour the furniture that can cost fortune every thing was properly arranged every room had different vibe they also have attached toilet to it with modern entities. Left side of the house had a huge dinning table that can fit 30 people and a huge kitchen with filled stock of every good, vegetable, kitchen appliances. The first floor have home theatre, gaming room with all new games, art room, karoke room, liabary which was of two floors and at last horror house. The second floor had a study next to study the liabary next to liabrary there is a master bedroom. Next to the master bedroom there is a workshop which took rest to the second floor, The third floor has 6 guest room, fourth floor had two rooms only one was artificial snow world and second was a sauna. Fourth floor had a vacant room,A ball room, a mini club where all types of drink could be found.Fifth floor had a huge terrace which was basically a garden with a pool and a artificial fountain near the fountain there was a small tent which had bed and a small fridge and table. The mansion had too many rooms but only one person to use them and her name is Maisie Blue. The only heir of blue industries. She is living in the mansion from 5 years with the butler,chief, 2 maids and 2 bodyguards.


It was a sunny day when suddenly the alarm in the house started ringing Maisie was in her room sleeping she got up started her computer and checked all the surveillance camera and near the island she could see a cruise arriving she instantly called her bodyguards and asked them to look over who has arrived the bodyguard went directly to the the location send by Maisie

When he went there he was shocked to see the symbol on the ship it was of Hardings one of the biggest company in entire world. The bodyguard called Maisie and said "Miss the cruise is of Harding company what should i do" Maisie was shocked as only her uncle knew about this place how come Harding company cruise is near her island. She said the bodyguard "John i said you 100 times stop calling me miss and second thing let them arrive and ask them what they want" John replied hesitantly "yes mai... Maisie ". As the cruise came near the land the cruise stoped and three man came in a boat 2 of then were dressed formally and one was dressed in very casual clothing. John did as he was said to he asked the causal dressed man but he ignored him and suddenly the two formally dressed man blocked him. John was wondering who he was as the ceo of harding company was a 35 year old man who is this man who looks like he is in his mid twenty's. Then john asked to one of the formal dressed guys why are they here then they replied they want to speak with Miss blue. John asked the reason but they were not speaking a word soo he went to a corner and called Maisie and said her "they wants to meet with you". Maisie said "ask them why they want to meet me" john gritted his teeth and said "i asked them but they are not uttering a single word" Maisie was looking everything from the camera she said wait there i come there. John said "but miss it can be dangerous" Maisie said playfully " they are in our area how can that be dangerous ? they should be the one to be scared not us, wait there for 10 min i m coming.

After 10 min Maisie arrived with her butler and other bodyguard and she came out of the limo she directly walked towards the man who was sitting on the chair with sunglasses on and a mask on his face and one of his worker holding umbrella for him and the other one building a tent she went towards him and asked without hesitating "who are you?"

Hey guys this is first time i m trying to write novel please forgive me for my mistakes as i m not good i m not that good but will try to be better. And i will really love to get your reactions and tips every comments matter to me so do comment let me know if you like them or not i will respect your choice

tanvi_Ghodkecreators' thoughts