
just love story

At the age of 5 they promise to be each others friends for rest of their lives but at the age of 18 they ditched their promise and roll onto each other. To know What happened to their friendship or to their promise just read Friends or lovers #A scene from chapter 62 Tiya turned around and was about to leave when Sam suddenly hold her hand pulled her close to him and kissed her. Tiya's eyes were wide open, her mind was not able to process what was happening, before she could think about anything she felt short of breath, Sam released her as she gasped some air. Tiya was about to say something but was only able to say, "WHAT" when Sam hugged her again and very passionately placed his lips on her lips for another sweet kiss. ? Tiya was shocked as she thought Sam was not in his true state of mind, so she started pushing him with her full force but her every effort seems to be in vain as the more force she applied to push him away, the more harder he licks her lips. Sam seems to be in full swing as he doesn't want to stop ever. The next moment he released her, She wanted to say something but again the moment she said, "What" Sam placed his palms on her mouth and he blocked her against the wall, he then started kissing on her earlobe then on her neck. Tiya thought that Sam was behaving like a possessed person. (Right Sweety he is possessed by his own emotions and feelings) She started struggling but then Sam leaned by towards her ears, his hands were still covering her lips, he said in a perfectly seductive voice, "I have waited for fifteen years for this moment, for fifteen years I have been keeping it inside me but now please don't stop me, please don't say anything, I love Tiya. Please be with me forever I love you.... I really really love you. " Hearing those words from Sam, Tiya was stunned, she was so stupefied by his words that she forget to say anything.

loll_doll · Fantasy
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178 Chs


Early in the morning Mrs. Peace came to pick up Tiya.

"Welcome Mrs. Peace" Mrs. Aka greeted respectfully.

"Please take a seat, I will call Tiya."

Mrs. Peace is a very noble lady of the town who loves to do social work, she enjoys her vacations being with orphans or in old age homes. Despite of her sweet behavior no one knows that she is actually an A-Lister special agent of Black commando panthers unit of the country.

Ruby serverd hot chocolate with snacks to her and Mrs. Aka went upstairs to call Tiya.

"Tiya wake up, it's already nine in the morning and you are still sleeping." Mrs Aka literally pushed her from the bed.

"Mom just five minutes more. Please mom"

"No, just get up now. Mrs. peace is downstairs to pick you up."

"Oh shit, I promise them to give tuitions for their board exams." she immediately rushed towards the bathroom and get ready in just no time.

"Good morning Mrs. Peace, I hope I am not late." she said while coming downstairs.

"Oh not at all dear." Mrs. Peace said lovingly.

"Let's go"

"Tiya have your breakfast first." Ruby said from the kitchen but Tiya rejected it, "Don't worry I will eat with the kids."

On their way to orphanage, They purchased some sweets, candies and chocolates for kids

The moment they enter the orphanage, kids started jumping with joy, they all were happy to see both of them. Once they realized that they have bought presents for them, all of them smartly make a queue and start taking gifts one by one. After that they thanked both Tiya and Mrs. Peace for the treats that they bought for them.

Mrs. Peace then accompany Mr. Ramu and Mr. Bikash(care takers of orphanage and old age homes) to talk about some paper work while Tiya followed the kids towards their study rooms.

All the students were excited so they quickly opened their books and started studying. Tiya was helping them, wherever they got struck or face some problem, Tiya help them to simplify their problems.

Tiya was happily helping them when she remembered something then she looked around the whole room and scratched her head. She actually remembered the face of a sweet little girl who is very good in studies but today she is not finding her anywhere.

"Hey kids where is that cute little girl who used to be very good in studies? " she asked out of curiosity.

Kids looked towards her face but none of them replied anything so she asked again, "The little one who used to sit on that last bench, Is she got adopted by someone? "

Everyone was just looking blankly at each other's face then one boy said, "No such girl was there in our orphanage."

"Okay then I must be hallucinating" Tiya also shrugged off her thoughts but after some time she remembered her name so she asked again, "Hey I think her name was Satabdi "

When Tiya said that name, she realized that there was a. certain moistness in a little boy's eyes but he hide it quickly and the boy who replied earlier again said that there is no girl named Satabdi here.

Tiya was getting curious about their reactions but she didn't force them to ask for anything. After teaching she left with Mrs. Peace with a promise that she will visit tomorrow again.

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