
What's Beyond The Horizon

I have always pulled myself up and stopped myself from breaking down infront of everyone. I promised myself not to let them see my weakest side and always kept my apperance strong so no one could take advantage of my fragile state.

But at this moment of time, all the hiding and the preventing was put to waste. Here I am in the middle of our lawn infront of everyone crying.

Their eyes were glued on me as they watched me cried loudly. None of them dared to comfort me, even my parents nor my brothers. They just watched me waste my tears. None even offered a tissue.

But my embarassing scene was halted when I stood up from the ground as I wiped my tears away. With my head held low, I walked out away from the scene and went directly in to the house.

I did not mind their whispher and stare. I just walked out straightly without minding anything at all.

I hurriedly entered my room and locked it. I changed my clothes into a pair of jeans and a hoodie. I wiped my make up from my face and untied my hair. I took out all the boobie pins and clips out of my hair.

When I fixed myselr, I took my luggage out of my closet and put some clothes inside of it. I have really made up my mind. I really need to get out of this place this instant.

I was busy fixing my luggage when I heard a loud bang coming from my door.

"Open up, Missy," I heard my dad shouting from the outside. I did not bother to open it nor answer them.

I silently cried while putting all of my decent clothes inside the luggage. I took some jewelries and a phone with me also. I took all my saving and left my other credit cards, I only took my personal credit card.

"Open this door right now, Missy. We need to talj. Daddy have somethibg to say to you," He said and I rolled my eyes at what just said.

"No! I won't! I don't like the idea, Dad. Did you ever consult me about it? No! So yeah, We don't need to talk about something. My decision is final!" I screamed.

The banging of the door keeps getting louder and louder until it finally came to a halt. For a second, I fet relieved not until I heard a tiny sound coning from the door know. Looks like they are using a key to open it.

And yes, I was right. The dark and red facr of my Dad was the first thing U have seen when my door opened. I could feel he is fuming mad. Who wouldn't? I also am mad. No, angry.

"What are tou doing?" he asked me when he saw my luggage.

I faced him with a straight face. "I am leaving," I said.

He shook his head. "No no no. No one is leaving this place!"

"I am! I will!" I shouted at him. I closed my luggage and carefully dropped it on the floor. I took his handle out and dragged it.

"No, you're not leaving. You're not going anywhere," he said as he grabved my arm.

I harshly freed my arm out of his grip. "Yes. I am. You did not consult me about you remarrying and also did not consult me about me marrying. I am so done with the system, Dad. I need a break from it," I said and pulled my luggage.

"Step your foot outside your room, I am disowning you," he threatened me.

I didn't give aby second thought and just step my foot out of the room. I didn't not even budge to turn around and just walk straightly out of my room, out of the house.