
Just for you my love

"You again...sigh...what are you doing here" "Oh! I just came to have my lunch." smiles coldly. "In the library???" "So you do know it's a library. So you must also known that why people come to a library" "....." ANOTHER SCENE "Hey! I saw you sitting here alone so i came here to give you company." She in her mind [Its good that you came otherwise I have to eat alone today] "I have some urgent work in the university, i just stopped to grab some food". He in his mind [I came here just for you] YET ANOTHER SCENE In a dark room "After what she did to me i want to hate her. And i really hate her. I want to make her suffer..but i can't bear to see her hurt even the slightest." sighs. "I guess my love for her is more than my hatred." At the same time in her room she was crying and murmuring in between " Jin...i love you jin.. I don't regret all this. All these sufferings i have expected them. What i regret most is leaving you. That i am weak. I can't protect the people I treasure. And let people control my life." So here i am with my first story. Its a college romance. Cute, comedy, romantic journey of our main leads. Its like a roller coaster ride. There are some slight misunderstandings at one point. But it will only strengthen their bond. Apologies for grammatical mistakes and other errors. Background for cover photo is taken from pinterest. If anyone have any problems pls contact me.

ak_shasha · Urban
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

She Had Been Through Worse

Then they continued talking about Li Wei.

"What about you Wei Wei, you don't like our Li Wei? Are you staying here unwillingly just for our sake." asked Yu Lian.

"No, he is pretty nice. And I am also very excited to see him." replied Wei Wei.

"Oh, my bad. You just didn't say anything earlier, so l thought you don't like him. You were quiet the whole time we were talking about him " Yu Lian said.

"It's just that...umm... I was just a little distracted." Wei Wei scratched her head.

"What were you thinking about? Dreaming about Li Wei." said Yu Lian and winked at her.

"No.. not that...Just..." said Wei Wei in a hurry.

"You don't need to lie to us. We are friends after all. Quick, tell us what you were dreaming? " said Yu Lian mischievously.

"But I was not dreaming about anyone." repeated Wei Wei helplessly.

"Then you should. He is so handsome and so perfect. I had always dreamt about him. Dreamt of seeing him person. And today all my dreams will come true. I am so excited." said Yu Lian.

"We can see that. What else do you dream about? Just seeing him or...." said Lin Yao teasingly.

"LIN YAO.... your thoughts are so dirty." Yu Lian pouted and blushed.

"When did I say dirty things? I haven't even completed yet and you have already confirmed that it is dirty. Your mind is dirty that's why you took my words in a dirty way. It was just a casual question, okay." Lin Yao shrugged.


And they continued to tease each other.

"Wei Wei, how are your room mates? Are you comfortable in there? " asked Lin Yao with concern.

"They are nice, specially Andria she is very kind and gentle. And the others they are...umm.. okay." said Wei Wei remembering the weird glances that they were giving her earlier.

She was way too familiar with such gazes.

Their judging gazes, openly showing their disgust for her clothes. They were looking down on her just because she was not wearing branded clothes or expensive jewellery. She was nevertheless used to all these. She doesn't mind their prejudiced behaviour. Actually she had been through worse so it was nothing for her. She shook her head to clear her mind of her thoughts.

"Wei Wei, if there are any issues you can share with us. We are friends after all." said Lin Yao seeing that Wei Wei have blanked out.

"Yes, you need not worry, we are with you. Just tell us if they dare bully you." Yu Lian said.

"Ya, why will I worry when I have you guys." said Wei Wei with a sincere smile.

"Guys look there at that place it is so crowded.

I think Li Wei have arrived. We should go there quickly." said Yu Lian excitedly.

Quickly they arrived at the crowded side. Li Wei was sitting at a table leisurely with his friends. And not too far, there was a crowd of people specially girls. But Li Wei was completely at ease as he was used to it.

"Ah... look there he is.. and he looks even better in person." exclaimed Lin Yao.

"Yes" said Wei Wei.

"Yes, but there are so many people here obstructing our view. We should try and go to the front." said Yu Lian.

"But it is too much crowded." said Wei Wei.

"And what if we got squeezed in that crowd." said Lin Yao.

"Are you an ant that you'll get squeezed?" Yu Lian said and rolled her eyes.

Lin Yao pouted.

"I know it'll be a bit exhausting to went past that crowd. But........

...once we did....we can see Li Wei more clearly. And there are chances that he can also notice us. Remember without pains there are no gains ." said Yu Lian.

"Now tell me who's coming with me."

And just like that they went into the tranquil wave of people. But walking past the crowd was even more difficult then they expected. They were constantly being pushed to different directions. Reaching halfway they almost lost all their energy and willpower.

Yu Lian and Lin Yao were still struggling to get to the front. But Wei Wei had completed given up, letting her body to follow the wave of those over enthusiastic people.

Suddenly she felt a push and unable to keep her balance, she fell forward. She was awaiting a hard fall and cold floor. She tightly closed her eyes. But she doesn't feel any pain from the fall.

[Why is the floor so soft and warm?] she wondered.

Lifting her head she saw two charming eyes looking back at her.

[Slightly golden hairs, brown eyes, a pointed nose and a handsome face. Ahhh.... its Li Wei. I actually fell on Li Wei.] Wei Wei thought to herself.