
Chapter 2 (Annoymous message)

Days turned into weeks and weeks into months, yet my relationship with Brian grew stronger and stronger till we began dating! Everyone knew about it. Although, the school was in uproar noticing my close relationship with Brian, my parents weren't left out as well. Of course, I'm opinionated and I didn't buy into anyone's opinion of leaving Brian alone, I love him and that's all that matters.

Brian became the dream guy anyone could ever ask for. Spoilt me in any little way he could, flaunted me to his friends and gave me the love, care and attention, I've always desired.

I remember when he proposed to me during CAT with a neck chain, I didn't see it coming. It was what I always wanted but I didn't expect it to come in sooner. Of course, I accepted and hopped to the house excitingly.

I was usually opinionated, I don't know how Brian did it but he made be believe that Emily was not a bad sister as I always thought and I could understand why she acted coldly.

He was not the only influential boyfriend, I became an influential girlfriend as well. He improved academically and athletically.

I'm not the type that makes decisions to regret but one of the worst decisions I've ever made was making Brian improve in badminton. Every girl around him wanted to play badminton. That was my first heartbreak ever since I met Brian. He seemed to be giving all the girls attention they wanted. I couldn't stand it. I walked to a rooftop close to the school after studying to stargaze.

I stared blankly at the clouds, ignoring the galaxy of stars. Tears was the perfect way to express the pains and heaviness in my heart. I took a glance at my wrist watch, 9:26pm and Brian had not called.

"Alison Winston"

I flinched and turned to see who was that, it didn't sound like Rosa. I noticed a girl at about 140cm tall with a hoodie. We were about 18cm apart and the light reflection would not let me notice her face.

"Who are you?" I managed to ask

" Who cares? it doesn't matter, I have a message for you"

"Why will you drop a message without letting me see your face?" I asked as I began to walk towards her, holding a pen as a defense

"You shouldn't have made him improve, he doesn't deserve it, I pray you won't have to regret this too much"

"Who are you talking about?"

"You're a sweet person and you deserve everything good, I hope you'll take my advice and leave him alone!"

"Could you at least....."

She ran away already, leaving me confused and abandoned. I broke the pen to pieces and threw my phone to the floor.

"calm down alison, calm down" I tried to calm myself

I sat on the floor, holding my thighs to my chest, clenching my fist, closing my eyes and trying to calm down

After some minutes, I picked up my phone and headed home. The cracks on the phone weren't bad as I expected. 5 missed calls and 3 messages from mom, 2 missed calls from driver and one from Brian. I took the bus and went back home.

"Alison where have you been? what were you doing outside till late in the night?"Mom yelled

"What else? she was out again chilling with her boyfriend" Emily added from the dining room

"Why are you bleeding in your palms?" Dad asked

I clenched my fist and hid it at my back

"What's wrong with you? when did you become this violent?" Mom cried as she brought out my palms

I released my hand from her grip and ran upstairs. I could hear mom screaming and scolding me. I walked to the washroom in my room and rinsed the blood out of my hand.

I grabbed a bottle of water and supped.

"Alison calm down, go to sleep and you'll be fine" I encouraged as I held my chest and breath slowly

* * * *

By morning, I was a little bit better. Slight headache and sober.

"I'm sorry about last night mom"

"We have a lot to talk about, hurry and eat we'll talk in the car"

"This is not because of Brian, I...."

"Eat your food and don't say a word"

" I'm not hungry"

"Alison, what's wrong with you?" Mom asked as she held me by my arms, looking straight into my eyes and trying to search for answers that doesn't exist

"Mom, I'm not just hungry" I answered as I threw her hands away from my arms

"Pressurized? I can ask the school to give you a break"

"I'll be fine by the end of today, I promise" I walked away leaving her in confusion

At school, I sat at the classroom feigning attention and staring blankly at nothing. During lunch, I was the first to appear at the cafeteria.

"Alison! what's up with you today?"

"Rosa, I got a message yesterday and it still frightens me"

"What? from who?"

"idk her...I explained everything to Rosa

"The only suspect I have is Brian"

"Are you for real right now? How about the guy in grade iii? or even the one at grade v ? are they not improving?"

"I know but something still feels odd, it came be any of them still"

"Rosa it can't be Brian, he had a low life until now"

"Doesn't change the fact that someone knew him somewhere"

" I thought you'd be sensitive enough to think it's one of those guys either from grade iii or V.

"Why are you still opionated ? Why are you finding it so hard to see it this way?"

"Cos I know Brian! I know him very well more than you do. You're just a friend who doesn't like him for any reason"

"A friend? cool"

"C'mon Rosa, I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way"

"It's fine, go meet your man whom you know everything about" she retorted and walked away

I managed to walk to class and endured the pain as my stomach grumbled. After lunch, Rosa was found absent in class. It was pitiable that no one asked after her. Soon after class, I ran outside in search for her. I finally found her at the basketball court with Brian.

"Oh shit!" I ran towards them and stopped at 15km distance from them. Rosa was holding Brian by his collar, sobbing and accusing him of having a girlfriend who was tormenting my life. I was pissed no doubt but I waited to see his reaction.

"I don't know what you're talking about" He stuttered

"You motherfucker! stop pretending, you know what I'm talking about more than anyone else" She yelled

"Rosa!" I called out

She left his grip. Brian scurried towards me

"What's she talking about? Are you fine?"

"Did I just occur to you?"

I walked passed him and met Rosa. I drew her close to me and gave her a hug. I needed it more than she did, I was confused, I didn't want to suspect Brian, neither did I want to hurt Rosa by refusing to buy into her opinion.

After school, Rosa decided to submit our projects whilst I helped her arrange the shelves in the library.

"Look, I'm sorry"

I recognized the voice, it was Brian. I snubbed him and continued arranging.

"Lissy, I'm sorry, please don't ignore me and say something"

"Like what?" I asked turning to him, "What do you expect me to say after you chosed your girlfriends over me. You suddenly became a coach huh? Did I ever cross your mind? Did you think of me? Did you even bother...."

Brian cut in by planting a kiss on my forehead and drew me closer to his chest and wrapped he's hand around me

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he apologized patting my back

I couldn't say a word, I soaked his blazer with tears and rested my head on his shoulder

"I missed you" he broke out

No! my heart was beating fast again. I left his grip and slapped him.

"How could you act so nonchalant and here you are trying to confuse me, what if something bad happened to me? You know how much I hate late nights"

"I'm glad it did not" he grinned

"You find this funny huh?" I queried as I pushed him, "Does that mean you do not have any explanation to your actions? and you avoided me intentionally?"

"You're creating a scene here"

"Oops! I'm creating a scene now? Is this another way to avoid my question? Brian Thomas, why did you avoid me yesterday?"

"My phone went off, I ran to the library but you left already, I managed to call you after charging it"

"These lies sounds like the one from middle school and I'm in no middle school!"

"Stop overreacting"

"Really? first I was causing a scene now I'm overreacting?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way, it's just that we're in school and you're Alison, what will you think will be the headline of the newspaper this weekend? Alison is seen fighting with her boyfriend?"

"Who gives a fuck about reputation when we're having a serious issue here?"

"I'm sorry"

"Alison, Mr hart is here" Rosa called out

"I have to go now"

" Are you gonna leave without saying anything?"

"It's fine Brian, I understand you, Rosa let's go"

* * * *

"Don't you you have something to say?"

"I'm tired Rosa, do you think I'm losing Brian?"

"Why? You're trying your possible best to keep this relationship going"

"I think my best is not enough"

"Then what are you going to do? plant a micro chip? fight with the other girls?"

"What do you think?"

" I think you're trying your best already and if he loves you so well he won't harm you in any way"

"When did you know so much about love and relationship?"

(chuckles) "It's obvious. Don't push yourself too hard because of love. What you're giving is enough, what you deserve will fall back to you"

"C'mon Rosa, you deserve a hug for this" I said I turned and hugged her.

We both smiled and entered the car.

Tow weeks passed by and everything was back to normal not until the anonymous girl showed up once more. I and Rosa were both to the library when I told Rosa to wait outside while I make use of the convenience. After I was done, I met the hoodie girl standing beige the mirror with head bow down, I recognized her by her hoodie and tried to recognize her face through the mirror. She was smart enough to cover the hoodie properly. I walked to up to her, aiming at removing her hoodie

"Alison, you're making the worst decision of your entire life, focus on your studies and keep making us proud"

"Who the hell do you think you are huh?" I asked, about to remove her hoodie

"Let me make it clear. Gain mastery over your emotions and don't push yourself too hard, what you deserve will fall back to you"

"What? Rosa???" I asked trying to pull her hoodie. She was very defensive, she threw to the floor and ran away

I ran outside, only to meet Rosa walking towards the convenience room

"Are you done?"

"How dare you disguise yourself and speak gibberish to me? Who do you think you are? My goddamn mother?" I yelled holding her by her collar

"Let go, what are you talking about that's worth so much fuss?"

"I'm no kid anymore, don't you dare think of pretending cos it's not working" I sneered

"What? what has come over you?"

"You should have told me to my face, I know you never liked him" I drawled releasing her collar

"What the heck are you talking about?"

"The girl. If you're not the one why did you run into conclusion that it was Brian? Why did she repeat what you said?"

"I dunno, it could be a coincidence"

"What sort of silly coincidence is that?"

"Alison, I know you're frustrated and upset but you have to go easy if we must find her"

"Yeah, sure. In my search, I hope you won't be the victim, cos I'm not going to take it easy with you, stop now while you can" I warned as I walked away. Typical of Groomville, the almost everyone was watching, videoing and enjoying the scene.

"It's gonna be a spicy headline this week" I muttered under my breath

I felt a hand holding me by my arms, I turned to realized it was Brian.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled as I walked away

"What are you doing? Do you know what's going to be the headline this weekend? Ali...."

"Alison, the pride of Groomville went violent and violated one of the rules in school" I cut in, "wait, what? are you for real right now? You don't care about how i feel or what conspired between us? You only care about what people will say huh?"

"What ever it is could be settled amicably, you've been friends for a long time, you've fought several times, you should have been matured enough by now to sort out things without being violent"

"Oh right" I said as I nodded my head and clenched my fist. "My life is in danger and you're more worried about scenes and rumors. You know what? Fuck you, I hate you!" I screamed, trying to hold back my tears.

"What danger? What are you talking about?"

I ran out already, fighting the tears in my eyes.

Sooner as I expected, I was summoned by the principal, Mom was already waiting at the office.

"You silly child, who do you think you are? when did you become so violent to be fighting in school, huh? answer me you idiot" Mom scolded as she slapped me

"It's okay ma'am. I've known Alison for over sometime now and I'm certain something is wrong, Alison cannot be so violent, who knows Rosa might have pushed her into it" The principal convinced

"No! I'm at fault" I yelled as I turned and looked at Rosa standing at the far end of the office with heads bow down looking so sober.

"You know this is going to affect your school records, how can you be so careless?"

"I'm sorry ma'am"

"Are you sure that silly boy of a Brian have nothing to do with this new behavior?"

"I'm not sure Mrs Winston, they're just kids. What do you have to say Rosa"

"I'm sorry ma'am"

"You both can leave, I'd sort it out, just be careful"

"How about Rosa, what do we do with her?"

"What can I do? I'm already going through a lot helping her family yet she still act this way, sort it out with her as well"

We could hear the distant chatter of mom's voice as we both walked to the classroom

"I'm sorry" I finally broke the ice as I held my hands and bowing in shame

"It's fine, I know how tormenting and frustrating it could be, you don't have to be sorry" she answered coldly

"Look, I'm really sorry"I apologized as I crossed over to her and held her by her hands,

"I'm sorry Rosa" I pleaded as I looked into her eyes

"It's okay, I forgive you"

"Jeez, I'm a whole lot of mess, maybe I should transfer school"

"No! you're not going to do that, you're strong, you're not a wimp" she reminded disgustingly

"You think so?"

"Yeah" she answered, this time holding my cheeks with her soft palms,

"You're Alison Winston, a warrior, a strong woman who conquered a lot..."

"Hey, we're not talking about academics here" I answered as I tilted my head away

"I know, I'm not talking about academics either" she answered facing my head to hers, " you'll do well, as usual"

I fell on her shoulder and leaned. She had the most comforting words and shoulders in moments like this. She stroked my hair gently and patted my back. I went home that day ready for the worst and so ready for this annoymous girl, I've had enough already.

Again, everything was back to normal as before. My relationship was going smoothly, academically I was doing well. Brian didn't leave my side, in short he became more romantic. He wakes me up by 1am to read, sings me a lullaby by 3am, sends a romantic good morning texts.

Mom was right, being in a relationship came with a lot of distractions, but if maintaining my grades was her fear, I was ready to to help her overcome it. With this determination, I began to violate my personal rules, I hunged out a lot, I visited the beach on several occasions, sometimes we just walk take a walk to the park and order some ice cream. Mom was worried, I was as well, but I was ready to take this risk.

The beach became my favorite spot. One of those weekends, we both went to the beach for a little picnic, wearing a macrame bikini Brian got for me. We started preparing for the picnic, Brian went to get some drinks while I arranged the picnic, then my phone beeped, I checked, it was a message that reads;

"How's the picnic going? I know you've been dying to meet me, I want to grant that wish, meet me behind the bar. Ps: don't get caught by Brian"

I wrote a note for Brian and scurried to the bar. I saw Brian getting some barbecued chicken, he'll be back in a jiffy, I thought as I hurried. I waited behind the bar, counting my breath and hoping for the best. Suddenly, a beautiful girl, walked up to me and gave me a piece of paper, I collected hesitantly and unfolded it.

"I'm 30m away from you"

I looked up and saw her, her face was still obscure, I recognized her by her shoe lace which had two different colors. She was so thin and pale. Her face cap won't let me even notice her face, I scurried towards her before Brian called out to me. I paused and punched the air with agitation, she quickly ran away. I was lost, lost in my thoughts and wandering helplessly, I didn't even hear Brian talking but I'm certain he was probably asking tons of questions. I walked away bowing my head in shame

"I won't show up after now. This was your last chance. Please be careful" I read the message and flipped my phone over.

"What's up with you?" Brian asked as he ran towards me and stopped me by my arms

"Do you know her?"

"What? who?"

I walked closer to his face, "The girl, dressed in purple pants, black T-shirt, white sneakers and colored shoe laces, blonde hair, black face cap, 140cm tall thin, french accent...."

"What are you talking about?"Brian cut in

I moved my face closer to his, I could see the fear in his eyes, yet it looked confusing to me, what was he scared of? about me knowing his relationship with this girl or my mysterious behavior?

"Why are you avoiding contacts? nervous? guilty?"

"What has come over you? Are you accusing me of having an affair now?" he asked with a teary eye

"I'll call you when I get home" I answered ignorantly

"I thought we're having a discussion and picnic?"

"I'm not interested in the both anymore"

He stopped me by my hands and gave me a snog, pressing me to his chest and stroking my hair.

"I love you alison and I can't cheat on you, I love you alison"

I felt stupid and guilty, "I'm sorry Brian"

"What did she say to you?"

"Nothing, I was just acting foolish, I love you Brian"

"I love you too Alison" He said still stroking my hair as I rested on his shoulder.