
Chapter 199

Chapter 199

Although the goddess's self-esteem did not allow her to ask for help at the beginning, after considering the consequences of her failure, she had to deign to ask that demigod for help.

"According to secular customs, you may need to cross-dress before meeting."

Athena said to herself.

Through the picture reflected from the window, the goddess saw herself today.

From the perspective of modern people, this dress is indeed quite simple.

At the same time as this thought, this dress seemed to be wrapped in sheets. The ordinary clothes turned into starlight and disappeared, replaced by a suit of modern clothes.

The upper body was a beige jacket, the lining was a white shirt, and the lower body was wearing a black pleated skirt.

On the legs were dark blue pantyhose. , with a blue cat-eared felt hat on top of her head.

This outfit was seen by Athena in an exhibition called"Fashion Show" when she was wandering around the earth.

Looking at the mirror Athena herself is in a better mood.

I have to say that although mortals are weak, they have good aesthetics. The ornamental value of this dress is much better than her previous robe.

After changing, Athena We arrived at a restaurant again.

The moment the goddess entered, the guests who were dining inside seemed to feel some kind of call. They all dropped their things, queued up and walked out.

Soon, the restaurant was empty.

Only if The moonlight-like goddess sat upright.

Then, the chat group was opened.

I am not a loli god:"Bai Ming, you can come in.

Bai Ming:"Okay.""

[Group news: Group member"Bai Ming" participated in the mission and is about to go to the world where group member"I am not a Loli God"]

[Group message (private): Do you agree with group member"Bai Ming" to go to your world?]



The next second he made the decision.

In the air in front of Athena.

The calm space twisted like a whirlpool, and with crisp footsteps, a black-haired figure walked out of it. The majestic wind rising from the ground blew the hair on his forehead. The hair, under the soft light of the restaurant, reveals a handsome face with a smile.

August is coming to an end, and the arrival of midsummer in Milan is filled with a trance-like heat.

Although Athena, the god of disobedience, will not It is controlled by the natural temperature, but the moment the boy appeared, there was an inexplicable feeling of heat.

The central air conditioner blew out like hot air.

If it weren't for the body of a god that can't sweat, I'm afraid Athena would have already Is there a thin layer of sweat on your forehead?

"Miss Athena, first meeting."

The black-haired figure looked at the petite goddess with a smile on her face.

Compared with the relaxed Bai Ming, Athena's face had no smile.

After a long time, she frowned and exhaled, using a slightly doubtful tone.

"…Are you really Bai Ming in the chat group?"

"Although I may have the same name, there is probably no other person in this world who has joined the chat group."

Bai Ming took advantage of the situation and sat down in front of the goddess.

He wanted to order a cup of coffee, but found that the huge restaurant was deserted. He must have been kicked out by Athena.

It can be seen that Athena deliberately chose this place to entertain him.

He was entertained, but not completely entertained.

While Athena was hesitating, Bai Ming used his divine power to grab a bottle of wine and open it. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) In the past, he didn't like drinking..

But after his physique changed, alcohol could no longer affect him, and he began to like the taste.

Looking at the action of the boy pouring the wine in front of her, Athena became even more confused.

Is this a demigod?

How is this possible!

This kind of How could this level of soul power and sense of oppression be brought about by a mere ceeb god?

As the oldest Earth Mother Goddess, she has more advanced"vision" than Yuan Miko.

To put it simply, it is far beyond the spiritual power. The divine vision above the vision.

After Bai Ming appeared in front of her, the divine vision opened uncontrollably, allowing her to see the huge soul capacity in this smiling man. A similar feeling, she felt in the bodies of those enemies I've felt it too.

But no matter which one, it can't be compared to it.

This is definitely not human….Demigods, and what a normal god slayer can have.

Perhaps if you continue to read, you will be able to tell something, but compared to those witches who will instantly lose their composure when seeing gods, Athena can still maintain her normal self in front of Bai Ming.

Even with her appearance and temperament that are irresistible to women, Athena will not be greatly affected.

Athena looked away.

The man who seemed to have some kind of huge shadow inside his body in front of him suddenly became harmless.

"Miss Athena, please introduce me first. My name is Bai Ming."

Pushing the half-filled wine glass in front of Athena, Bai Ming showed a faint smile.


Considering that she is a member of the chat group, the silver-haired goddess omitted her prefixes.

Since they had already met in the chat group, Bai Ming did not continue to be polite to Athena.

"Confirm, Miss Athena, can you still sense the existence of the Gorgon Stone?"

Hearing this, Athena closed her eyes.

After a few seconds, she shook her head at Bai Ming.

"I don't know what kind of secret technique those mortals used to isolate the snake's breath. I can no longer sense the position of the snake."

"But I can be sure that my snake was handed over to the hands of my enemies by those humans."

The enemy of the god of disobedience is the god-killer.

Bai Ming nodded, and then asked:"Can you describe the appearance of the god-killer? Or features?"

Reality may not be exactly the same as the fixed plot.

Especially when you, a butterfly that has traveled from another world, has already flapped its wings.

Before taking action, confirm the information first.

"my enemy…He has the same hair and gender as you, but his appearance is plain, and he possesses more than one kind of power. Compared with other god-slayers, the son of Epimetheus did not have the same power when he saw me for the first time. It's strange that he doesn't want to fight with me."

This information.

The real hero is Kusanagi Godou.

As a god-slayer, he can suppress the fighting spirit in his body when he sees the disobedient god. Looking at all the god-slayers in the whole drama, it can be said He is the only one.

As for the protagonist template.

In Bai Ming's opinion, all the god-killers in this world have one.