
Chapter 187

Chapter 187

Fenrir is the most special existence among the monsters he trained.

Even if the creature bitten by its fangs is not fatal, it will cause serious injuries or even death.

This is Loki's confidence.

One bite, and Odin, who is already aging, will die immediately.

In Loki's eyes, using it to deal with Bai Ming was just a small test.

That's how it should be.

But when he heard the screams and saw the scene in front of him, his whole body suddenly stopped.

The smile on his face then solidified, and his eyes slowly darkened.

At the end of the street, the figure that should have been swallowed by Fenrir was still standing upright under the moonlight.

The fangs were so huge that they could easily bite through even equipment made of fine steel and mithril, but they just stopped in front of Bai Ming for a long time, unable to bite down.

But he obviously didn't take action, Fenrir's mouth seemed to be holding an iron ball, and no matter how hard it was, it couldn't be closed.


A roar that could make one's blood boil came from Fenrir's mouth.

The thick limbs pressed against the ground, and the sharp claws carved out jaw-dropping ravines. 24

A faint aura emerged from his body.

Under such circumstances, Fenrir's mouth began to slowly close towards Bai Ming.

The invisible space cracked like broken glass.

It was only then that Bai Ming chuckled and nodded:"Not bad."

What he praised was not Fenrir, but the defensive stance he had taken previously.

Although it is just a SR ability, being able to withstand Fenrir's blow is worthy of other evaluations.

Of course, Fenrir's strength was somewhat beyond his expectations.

At first, I thought it was just a monster, and its strength was at most the same as that of the Demon King. But now, it seems that it is not much different from Seraphulu, or even Sirzechs, who is a transcendent.

However, this also makes Bai Ming look forward to seeing if Fenrir's soul energy can be brought to him unexpectedly after it is devoured.

Facing Fenrir's bite, Bai Ming didn't show any unnecessary expression.

The fragments of the position are like a broken mirror.

Seeing this situation, Loki's stiff expression relaxed a little.


How could someone who had the strength to deal with the fallen angel cadres be eaten by Fenrir so easily?

But no matter how hard a bug struggles, it's still a bug.

Just then, Loki heard a voice coming from the front

"Are those monsters you trained the reason why you dared to rebel? No wonder..."

Bai Ming chuckled

"Why are you laughing when death is imminent?!"

Loki showed an unhappy expression.

"Without these monsters, you would be like a rat hiding in the sewers, with nothing to do except hating Odin every day and night."

As if being stabbed in the heart, Bai Ming's words made Loki's face turn blue and white for a while.

Before he could study the past of Warcraft, he really only dared to beg Odin for mercy. Even if he was resentful in his heart, he did not dare to make a mistake.

Bai Ming's words Let him recall the history of humiliation again, and after a brief silence, he turned into the embodiment of rage:"Are you fooling me, you bastard?!"

Majestic divine energy burst out from his body, and Loki, stimulated by Bai Ming, vowed to crush him.

Feeling his master's emotional changes, Fenrir let out a roar like hell from the depths of his throat.

Strong divine energy erupted from his whole body. The monster in front of me was about to engulf the figure in front of me!

But…No taste of flesh and blood

"Here it is."

When Fenrir was confused, he suddenly heard a voice coming from above his head.

At some point, he saw the figure that should have been swallowed by it standing on his head, his words and eyes were full of contempt. (It's so cool to watch. For novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Ho ho ho——!"

Fenrir fell into a rage, roaring violently and the momentum swirling around him, even the exorcism barrier set up by Loki was affected.

The distant scenery wavered like a mirage.

With Fenrir as the cause, cracks extending hundreds of meters long extended in all directions.

Even in the clear night sky, dark clouds gather due to divine energy, swirling in the sky like whirlpools


Bai Ming frowned slightly.

Then, he raised his right foot and stepped down on Fenrir's head.

Bang——! It was like the force of Mount Tai.

It was overwhelming and majestic.

Pale lightning flashed across the sky, and scalding wind blew from the end of the space. It blew.

Fenrir, who was about to explode, only felt severe pain coming from the top of his head, and then he could hear the loud explosion.

The dozens of meters long body was suddenly bombarded, and Fenrir let out a miserable scream. , the ground beneath him was crushed into transparent crystals in just an instant.

The huge shock wave continued unabated, blowing away the surrounding houses like dandelions.

It was also thanks to Loki's deliberate expulsion in order not to alert the snake. The human barrier has resulted in no one living nearby. Otherwise, ordinary residents would have been killed or injured.

Fenrir, on the other hand, is a transcendent-level monster after all. After being hit by Bai Ming's stomp, he still wanted to struggle to get up from the ground.

Although his body had already Breaking hundreds of bones, those sharp teeth also have the power to tear gods into pieces.

Seeing this, Bai Ming was also a little emotional.

With a character like Loki, who can 490 research Fenrir, who is among the top ten in the world, he must not Not to mention, he is indeed a genius.

But I'm sorry, your wolf will soon become mine.

Bai Ming looked down at Fenrir who was stepped on by him, with a slight smile on his lips.

In front of the god, he knelt down.

A blue light emerged in Bai Ming's right hand, and divine power soared into the sky rising from him.

The target of soul absorption must be very weak or dead to activate it.

Fenrir, as a Warcraft, has a stronger physique than ordinary gods. Strong, there is really no good way for Bai Ming to subdue him in a short period of time.

But it doesn't matter. If you can't surrender, then just crush him with violence.

Bai Ming lowered his body slightly, and then his right fist with blue light was aimed hard at Fen underneath him. Lir blasted out.

The world-destroying blue light was like a turbulent red torrent, instantly flooding Fenrir's body. Even the apocalyptic behemoth that could bring Ragnarok was wiped out in the god's haste.

The aftermath didn't stop there.

This punch caused the mountains to collapse and the ground to crack, and the earth's crust screamed and screamed. The earth was shaken by the mighty force, nearby buildings continued to collapse, and even the mountains in the distance seemed to be split from the middle. It opens, revealing a huge crack.