
Chapter 140

Chapter 140

Being hit by the burning wind, people on the street hurriedly ran into nearby shops to escape the sudden climate change.

Just when people were wondering what happened.

Everyone's heart seemed to be grabbed hard at this moment.

His body could not help but tremble, and even the ability to speak seemed to be lost.

It was as if there was a terrifying existence that transcended the laws of reality and was descending from an unknown space.

At this time.

A beam of light crashed down from the dark sky, and the smoke that was instantly stirred up spread from the center of the fall in all directions.

In just a few seconds, the ring-shaped Mach rings spread to the entire island.

But people have no time to care about those things now.

Just because the huge god is coming in front of you.

The green-black giant crashed to the ground along with the beam of light. His figure was blurry in the dust and mist, but his scarlet eyes were extremely clear.

It's like a devil peering into the human world from the abyss.

When the dust cleared, the majestic giant divine soldier came into view.

The posture is upright.

The scarlet eyes seemed to be full of anger.

The posture standing tall on the earth is the best that people in this world have ever seen.

The mouth opened into an O shape and it was difficult to close it.

Even though this is a special zone for demons, even those who have experienced demon wars have never seen such a scene.

The thunderclouds were chaotic, the scalding wind blew over the earth, and at the same time, it rained heavily.

"Is my eye broken? How could you see such a thing?!"

"God, what happened?"

"Has a certain True Ancestor appeared?"

"quick…Go quickly and invite the demon officer and the security team!"

At this moment, people are completely crazy because of the appearance of the giant god soldiers.

But compared to these people who are far away, the original soul facing the giant god soldiers is completely stupid.

Compared with the ones she summoned"The Blue Ice of the Enchantress".

Just from the size point of view, it is like the huge gap between a little monster and Ultraman.

In addition, the oppressive feeling of facing the phantom god and seeing the wrath of the god made her really famous. Zudu felt suffocated.

It was even difficult to keep his body standing, as if his body was hundreds of times heavier than usual.


The original soul swallowed, resisted the pressure, and said with a trembling tone

"At once…Even so, I am still the strongest True Ancestor, and the size difference is…explain…It doesn’t explain anything!"

"Enchantress of Cang Bing! Freeze him for me!"

But after the order was issued, there was no response.

"Ru…What are you doing?! Enchantress of Cang Bing!"

The original soul looked at the beautiful mermaid with its wings curled up, not as gorgeous as it was summoned at the beginning.

"This is my order!"

Finally, under the forcible command of the original soul, the beast with the tail of a woman and a fish reluctantly breathed out cold air. The hot cold air in the air blew wildly, and the magic power turned into pure cold air. In just a moment, In a short time, the area near the Blue Ice of the Enchantress turned into a temperature field of absolute zero.

But before the absolute zero storm could spread, a huge hand that covered the sky and the sun stretched in.

It was impossible to maintain a complete disregard for matter. In the extremely cold realm of the form, the huge palm grasped the familiar beast that breathed cold air in the palm of his hand. After just exerting force, it crushed the familiar beast and dissipated it into sporadic magic power. Seeing this, the original soul was completely stunned.

Yan. The colored pupils were all the figures of gods.

Looking at the giant divine soldier in front of him who could destroy the world, he was completely stunned.

When Bai Ming was about to take a step forward, the girl's pupils lost their flame color and were replaced by a blue like a glacier. Then he fainted and fell to the ground.

Seeing Yuan Chu's little movements, Bai Ming couldn't help but chuckle.

This Yuan Chu's tone was not small, but he was not very courageous.

Was he so frightened that he shrank back? (Reading Baoshuang novels, just Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And just as Bai Ming laughed, the transformed Giant God Soldier also roared like thunder.

The low roar of the Giant God Soldier swept across Gozo Island.

Just hearing this sound People's hearts were beating uncontrollably, and they felt strong fear and uneasiness.

Xiaoya City looked at the giant god so close with dull eyes.

His heart was shaken, and at the same time, he was extremely horrified.

He has been traveling abroad all year round, and he has seen The existence of various races.

Even Wang Wei, the True Ancestor, has experienced it from a distance.

But even so, the giant god appearing in front of him at this time is still beyond the scope of his understanding.

He urgently wants to leave This place.

But her legs have become so weak that she cannot walk normally.

Compared to Xiaoya City's reaction, Liana looked completely horrified and disbelieving at the same time.

Although she is also a vampire of the old generation, Liana's mentality is not much stronger than that of ordinary people.

On the contrary, after the decline of her family, her heart becomes even more fragile.

The giant divine soldiers that descended on the earth completely destroyed her psychological defense, making her completely a prisoner of the gods..At the same time, there was still a trace of reason in her panicked heart, making it difficult for her to accept the fact that the fourth true ancestor's beasts could be defeated so easily in front of her eyes.

Nangong Nayue was no exception.

Although she was mentally prepared, she still She was startled by the appearance of the giant divine soldier.

The aura it displayed was completely beyond the scope of her intervention. A great divine power that did not belong to this world.

A power that completely surpassed the true ancestor.

Let's not put it aside. The reaction of others.

The reason why Bai Ming chose to become a giant god weapon was, on the one hand, to warn the original.

As a god-killing weapon created by the True Ancestor thousands of years ago, it is difficult to say that its character is very good.

And Bai Ming is too lazy to talk about it. Too much nonsense.

Power is the best right to speak.

The original is like an untamed beast, no matter how good your persuasion is, it will never be effective.

Only by oppressing with stronger power can the work of taming be carried out.

Now Bai Ming was very satisfied with the result.

The original soul shrank into Agulola's body and pushed out the body's consciousness.

As long as he didn't cause trouble, his next plan would go smoothly.

On the other hand, it is related to what Bai Ming will do next.

The main goal is what definitely needs to be accomplished.

Secondary goal selection completed.

His appearance this time and the news of the Fourth True Ancestor are expected to spread throughout the world soon..