

Sanya and I started waiting for the others in the school garden. Astrid and Lori were in another class.


-Finally you have arrived!


-Girls Blake and Zen will also come. Blake said wait.

Just then, Blake and Zen appeared at the door and walked towards us.

Lori began to speak in her usual friendly manner:

-Zen, welcome back to our school!! We are so glad you came with us. You know me, I'm Lori, Astrid and Cla. Glad to meet!!

I averted my eyes and nodded in approval.

Contrary to his handsome face, Zen was acting careless:

-Uh, yes, yes, me too.


-Come on, what are you waiting for, let's go!

So we set off. We entered the cafe where we always sat, a little further from the school, and started chatting.

-Blake, come on, you too! The whole school should be using this app.

-Can't I use it because I'm a man, Lori?

-No, just because you seem like a smart person.

Astrid intervened:

-Hey! Let's hang in there. I use it too and it's pretty fun.

- It is not clear whether it is a game or a serious chat application. What's fun? It's ridiculous.

-Cla, Zen, what do you think?

-I uh...

Suddenly Zen interrupted:

- This is a loser. For girls who are not beautiful and boys who are not handsome.

He was getting really rude.

Blake laughed:

-Dude, I'm your friend, don't do it.

-Don't you think you're speaking too rudely, Zen?

-What, are you disturbed, C..Cla?


- Okay, never mind.

Sanya chuckled.

- Yes, you two do not need this application. You can go on a date together.

Zen laughed:

- With this girl, don't make me laugh.

At that moment, I literally heard my heart breaking.

-Was there really a need to be so rude? I am going.


-I'm sorry...

-It has nothing to do with you, Zen is an arrogant person.


-Did a fight break out while I was collecting love points...


- Shall I ask you how to talk?



I got up from the table and left the cafe in tears. What a stupid day.