
Just another Valentine

....... :If You were told to define or describe LOVE? What would you say? Emma: LOVE?... LOVE Is pathetic, it is weak, it so over rated and that is why, it is so last season So get over it because it doesn't exist. Ereadura Emmanuella Adetokunbo the last born out of 3. Life hasn't been a bed of rose for her and her family. Yes, she comes from a wealthy family but that doesn't mean she doesn't have the wounds that she is nursing. Go on an adventure with Emmanuella and find out what life has in store for her.

Moroti_Writes · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 5

Emmanuella POV

It's lunch time, my favorite time of the day but, no one could ever know that, At least not yet. We were in the hallway heading forward when it came to mind. Kelvin still doesn't know his way round the school yet let alone where the cafeteria was, but I ignored the thought remembering I left him in Lydia's care. Mercy and I head to the cafeteria in a comfortable silence neither of us wanting to start up a conversation.

On getting to the cafeteria, the place was filled up as usual since it was both seniors and juniors that shared the cafeteria. If only the management of the school could decide to build another cafeteria, one for the senior block and this for the junior block it would be much appreciated. This wasn't the only thing we had to share, we also shared the schools gym and sporting equipment amongst others.

Mercy and I picked a tray as we lined up to get out lunch which was jollof rice and salad with chicken and soft drink. I smiled at the menu as the chef filled my plate adding extra to mine since she know just how I like it a little extra. At least we didn't have to pay for out lunch that was the compensation for having to share the cafeteria with junior students. The management of the school still weren't sure if they were going to build a new cafeteria anytime soon. I sigh as one of the juniors ran past me almost knocking me over I groaned at that because I knew I didn't have much strength. I mean, it's really sad and I won't deny it.

I eat a lot but it never actually shows on my body. It's annoying because i eat as much as i can but I can never get the curves I've been dreaming of nor the massive strength I've been dreaming of all my years. I guess it's all because I started my menstrual cycle a little late. Either that or God probably thought it was fair to bless me with long hair as compensation for lack of curve and adequate stamina and strength. I rolled my eyes mentally at that before heading to our usual sit where the guys were to waiting for us.

Kelvin POV

The ringing of the bell signals the end of 5th period and the beginning of lunch break I dipped my hand into the conner of my bag to bring out my phone and wallet but Lydia stopped me in my track.

"Jeey Greek god ... What do you think you are doing?... you'll only need that if intend on buying something extra with it. "

"First of I've told you it's Kelvin or Ademoyiola which ever one you prefer and second of why is it not necessary"

"Oh you poor unsuspecting Greek god, your school fees already covers for that, including notebooks and text books. "

"Huh i never knew, at my old school we had to buy our lunch, notebooks and textbooks I used. Why do I have a good feeling you are just calling me Greek god to annoy me?"

"Ditto! now your catching up. "

"Urgh can we go to the cafeteria now, the whole class is almost empty and i don't know my way around here. "

"Hmmm... Nope"

"No? Why No?? "

"Hmm... Because you didn't ask nicely"

She said grinning and giggling at me, while I was on the verge or yelling at her to stop playing game before we spent the whole lunch break in the classroom bickering about something trivial and irrelevant. i groaned out loud and took a deep breath before finally saying.

"Please oh please Lydia take me to the cafeteria"

"Hmmm No. "

"What the f... Why No!?! "

" that wasn't very convincing"

She said in a sassy African American accent and I was marveled. Which promoted me to ask and she continued to respond to me in her African American accent.

"Hold up, are you... An African American? "

"Urr duur I thought that, that was pretty obvious from the way I was flirting with you. "

"O.M.G! I did not know that. "

"Yea well I'm not entirely entirely African america, more of mixed. See my mom is African American but my dad isn't. He is pure Nigeria. From Ondo state actually"

"Wow! "

"Yea I know right. Now about that plead?... This time it has to come from your heart, and with sincerity. You know we are both art students so, I'd know where it's coming from the minute it falls off you mouth"


I sighed and said completing my statement

"please oh please dearest Lydia will you be my guide to the cafeteria. "

"Well why didn't you say so Greek god? , I'd be you guide anywhere. Just hold on tight so you don't get lost. "

With that, we finally left the already deserted class, on our way to the cafeteria she said

"Oh and by the way, you should build an armor for my teasing, because I'm just getting all fired up to tease you. "

"Urgh you!!! You know what?, I don't have the strength to deal with you right now. Let's just get some thing to eat first. "

Once we got to the cafeteria I notice well enough that nobody was paying for their food. They just grabbed a tray, got severed, picked a drink and went to eat and so did we.

After being served, I took a bottle of water and a chilled bottle of fayrouz my all time favorite drink. I wasn't looking at where I was going so I didn't notice on time that someone's leg was in the way. I almost fell with my food all over my face . But thanks to Lydia who saved me in the nick of time just when I was inched away from falling into my embarrassment. Instead of getting an apology from the owner of the leg I got insulted. He roughy shoved me aside before saying.

"Watch it punk, can't you see? if you need a pair of glasses, maybe you should go the clinic across the street. Next time you try to ruin my new sneakers your face gets it! "

He raised his fist treating to punch me at his last statement but decided against it, after boring hole into me with his eyeballs he sneered before leaving. I just raised an eyebrow at his retreating back before Lydia came to lead the way to our table. She gave me heads up on the guy that almost succeed in tripping me and ruining my first day in school.

"That my friend, is Chukwuekene the baddest dear devil in all of senior block, every junior fears him. Rumors have it that he repeats each class twice before he gets promoted. "

"Ouch no wonder he is soo grumpy "

"Again its just a rumor... but I think its true"

She said the last part in hush whisper. Once we approach the table I watched Emmanuella closely and saw how she visibly froze avoiding my questioning stares. She still wouldn't talk to me and I wondered why. I mean our friendship goes way back, what happened all of a sudden, why all this cold shoulder?

I decide to brush it off as Lydia and I sat at the table. Lydia decide to do the introduction since Emmanuella wouldn't spear me a glace and Mercy well I'm not sure she talks or rather she is too shy to talk let alone introduce me to the other guys at this table.

"Soo guys this is... Kele... "

"Say itttt... "


"Say ittttt"

"Kelvin! urgh he is new. "

"Yes! This is such a personal Victory /achievement for me guys, she be calling me Greek god all morning like as if it were the name my mother bore me with. "

"Can't really blame Lydia for that. Literally every guy with legs and arms, is a Greek god. It's her thing. "

"And besides you parents did an excellent job bringing you to the world, I mean ... have you looked yourself up in the mirror"

"I know right, he is one fine piece of meat "

I groan out loud at this before saying

"Hello. you do not realize I am sitting right here, and can we get to the introduction part already? "

"Groan all you want, that ain't gonna deny the fact that you are handsome. "

Lydia responded before introducing me to the other three guys who were agreeing with Lydia about my handsomeness. She introduce me the one I was directly opposite to

"This is Chiebuka ( glaring at him) the one that agreed to me flirting with every guy as my thing, NOT TRUE! "

Moving on she introduced me to the one that was directly beside me as

"This is Faruq with a q, the one who agreed to your Greek ness"

"Lastly this one line answer young man over there, who has been so focused on finishing his food is Chigozie"

I was going to reply but Chigozie beat me to it by saying with a bored fake French accent.

"Ooh my apology Mademoiselle for trying so hard to observes table manner"

We all laughed him before Lydia, Faruq, Chiebuka and I started eating. By this time, Mercy and Emmanuella had almost finished their meal, it was when I was rounding up my lunch that I noticed Mercy hair. How I didn't notice it before I don't know but i went ahead to appraise her as she looks absolutely ravishing.

"Wow, how come I didn't notice this before, nice hair do Mercy. You look absolutely ravishing "

"Ummm... thanks"

She murmured before blushing and I chuckled at her shyness. After awhile I spoke up again asking a question I've been meaning to ask

"Your welcome, quick question, how come you guys are allowed to carry different braided hair styles with out being penalized for it? I mean the last school I went to it was a huge No No. "

"It's not like there are no rules at all, there are; its just our principal is very

lenient with a few things some schools are strict with. Let's just say we are like your regular school but way cooler. "

Mercy responded to my question in a low chilled and barely audible voice. I smiled at her making her blush and causing me to wonder if she is always this shy, but I doubt that though she seems more of a loud chatter box when we first met this morning. I guess she's probably not used to me yet, immediately I thought of that, an idea popped up in my head and I finished the last of my food and gulped down my remaining drink.

"Hey do you guys wanna chill after school or something, I know a great place we can go. "

But before they could chorus their answer which by the looks on their faces was a positive one, Emmanuella cut in answering on behalf of them saying.

"No thanks, we'll pass... WE would be having headache by then. "

She said with her arms crossed and her eyes darting all over the place. After a while, Chigoze broke the awkward silence Emmanuella's cold respond brought to the table as he said

"So, does anyone have any party this weekend?.. Anyone?... Okaaaye.."

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