
Beautiful Day Outside

I shift around my arms, trying to get into a more comfortable postion. The wooden bench that my back laid on served as a horrible but acceptable place to sleep.

The sound of footsteps on concrete come and go, as I continue to easily hold the state between consciousness and the sweet feeling of rest.

"Hey, Bro! Bro!"

And I could already hear Raven's calls, or as I like to call it- chirping.

"Gray! Come on, seriously! How are you so calm!? You're going to be enrolling in the most prestigious huntsman academy IN THE WORLD!"

The way he shouted the last part drew a bit more than a few people's attention.

I could totally vouch that the guy grew up into someone as bubbly as Ruby, and as cool headed as Sun.

Trying to keep the plot of the show in my mind had been a mentally challenging task.

At first, I had to recall the many exciting and boring events of it, as to know what was canon or not, since the handwriting of an 8 month old baby was FAR from legible.

Most of the non-important details of it were most likely gone from my mind, and some of it didn't really matter anyways.

I've got some nefarious plans to blunder and some of my own plans to execute.

I lazily open one of my eyes to look at my ever so excited younger brother.

Raven had short and ruffled hair looked to be his most prominent feature, alongside his midnight blue eyes. His attire consisted of an open grey jacket with a black undershirt, black fingerless gloves, ocean blue trousers, and steel toed black shoes. His figure was fit, but edged with a bit of bulk, and stood at 5'10.

"What makes you think Vale is the greatest?" I lazily pointed out.

"Well, as huntsman-"

"In training."

He ignored the fact I interrupted him and continued.

"I think that being morally mature is a key factor of being a huntsman."

This was at the point that Raven was droning on about this topic. It really was fun seeing him switch from his high spirited attitude to his mature and stern speech giving one.

"Shade, in Vacuo, is more loose and free with it's system. This usually prompts some, if not most students to gain a slight but noticeable trait of lawlessness once they graduate.

The Atlas military is exactly that: a military. Governed by hierarchy and rank, they give more militant direction and order, rather than freedom of movement.

Haven, to me, is the only one that has the closest standard in terms of education, and I do admit that they have a better cultural advantage over us."

Suddenly, I could see the sparkles of excitement appear in his eyes again.

Before he says the next thing in his mind however, I cut him off.

"Beacon. Most prestigious school. High standards therefore better students and alumni. Yada yada."

"Daaww. I wanted to say, though."

I shrugged at his slightly dampened expression.

"You get sick after hearing the same thing 419 times. Plus, I came here to de-stress and I'm 'bout done by now. Let's go home, Chirpy."

The way he frowned made me chuckle a little as I mentally use 'Observe' on him.

[Name: Raven Heartvale]




Aura Level:C8

Aura Capacity:860/860






(With Aura)

Heh. He always was the one who took my Muay Thai lessons seriously. With stats like those and the way he fights, he could probably already pass as a first year student.

Hopefully, he wouldn't get dragged into the raging rivers of fate, of which is called 'canon'. Hopefully…

17 years to reminiscence about an old life. Which means 17 years to remember friends and family long past, and master several forms of combat with another body.

I never decided to go to Patch, which was west of Vale, where a certain main character was probably ready to drop out off.

I wasn't going to mess with canon directly and consciously… at least for now.

Walking down the suburban streets of my neighborhood was a nice change of pace, compared to the long jogs I always take during mornings.


[Name:Grayson Heartvale]





Aura Level:S9

Aura Capacity:8140/8140






Stat Points:10

Overkill? That just means I'm doing it right. Thank God for exploits and overpowered stat points.

I don't know if I lucked out or got a defective system.

If I hadn't read "The Gamer" in my past life, I wouldn't know the prominent features of a 'Skill' list and 'Gamer's Mind', which don't exist in my system.

No quests. No parties. No money dropping of off Grimm.

Just a Status menu, coincidental updates, and fortunately, an infinite inventory.

These features of my system, or lack thereof, means that I have more independence of power that I can use that are probably only limited by my own abilities.

Oohhhh, and I got SO MANY to show off.

Our home is just the same as any other in the neighborhood, a medium sized two story house. With the only thing that set it apart from others was the thin gray stripes across the white exterior.

"Mom, we're home!"

"Dinner'll be ready on 6!" She shouted from the kitchen.

Since Mom's early retirement from her profession, Dad still had to keep up his office job as an accountant.

If life has it's ups and downs, reincarnation has it's own.

Being mentally more mature, knowing not to take candy from strangers, laying low before the plot kicks in a week or so. Y'know. Rebirth stuff.

I relish the warm feeling of home and go up to my room. As I exhale a sigh I didn't know I'd been holding, I look to the mirror to check my own appearance.

Ray and I shared the same short and ruffled hair, with mine just being a light blonde. Midnight blue eyes the same as Mom's gazed back at me. The figure I built was lithe and excellent when it comes to agility, and stood at 5'8. I had a red, short sleeved, button down shirt, light grey pants, and black shoes with blue highlights that had a little secret to them. I really only need my blue hand wraps to complete my bland looking huntsman outfit.

17 years of plans that I readied myself for, of which I'm not even sure will happen.

I just hope that I am ready for the plot to kick in…