
Just Another Op Mc With a System (Dropped)

Evan was just an average gamer reading a web novel as he was walking and got hit by the infamous Truck~kun

lSpacel · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Team 7?

Asura woke up and strolled leisurely out of his house. One of the members of team 7 were supposed to meet him in front of his house, Asura was excited to see if there are any major differences to characters in this world.

On his way out the door he was running through all of the common AU's of Naruto and was wondering if it was normal with a few changes or if there was another system user around and if there was then would he have to kill them? If so, were they strong?

So many things were going through Asuras mind right then and as he was thinking these things a normal looking dude from America was standing in front of him.

[Host another system user has been detected]

Asura's mind was going so fast just then with some other thoughts as well one things for sure why is he here and what system does he have?

[Host target has the Talent system and it awakened 3.5 years ago and I have started communications with the other system and they want to remain friendly to us and the host dosen't know he just thinks you are the result of him messing with the plot of the anime]

"hello there" Asura said while he remembered about the Observe skill from the Gamer

[Skill gained through certain action]

[Observe: (Toggle) Lvl Max Displays any information about the target of the skill]

'Observe' Asura thought to himself

[Name: Rick Maccoy

Level 15

Strength: 120

Intelligence: 17

Dexterity: 150

Agility: 25

Charisma: 15

Luck: 20]

He then used drain on his strength making it go from 120 -> 102 and Asuras going from 110 -> 182 as drain now takes up to 15% permanetly and gives Asura 60% of the targets stat points and also used it on dexterity as drain level 10 lets him take 2 stats from a target making Rick from 150 -> 127 and Asura from 100 ->190

Asura could feel the strength he gained from the unfortunate person and then a message popped up in front of him

[Title gained through Specific action 'Leech': now able to steal levels and HP when targeting somone with a stealing skill]

[Title gained through specific action 'Theif': Now able toblend in with shadows with a sud-invisibility for as long as you supply mana]

This was good news as Asura looked up to a traumatized Rick and he was just looking at Asura as he couldn't be observed by his inferior system. This caused Rick to become suspicious of Asura although it was only a suspicion.

Rick reluctanly took Asura to the training area of Team 7 and Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi were waiting there

'Seems Rick here replaced Sakura' Asura thought to himself while confused on why he replaced Sakura anyway.

"So you're the new one?" Kakashi said lazily while taking out the bells Team 7 had to try to get from Kakashi Hatake but this time they were given to Asura and the others had to get them off of Asura in 15 minutes or they will be hit with 1000 years of painful death.

As that was said Asura out of nowhere bursted forward and into the forest and activated Assassins footwork effectively making both his 'Chakra' Signature dissapear and his pressence dissapear completely. This causes Sasuke to activate his sharingan and be dumbfounded when Asura is nowhere to be found at all until Kakashi activated his sharingan in which Asura copied right away as he was watching from a distance.

[Kamui (Active) Lvl 1/100]

(1/100) As it isnt unlocked for Kakashi yet)

Lets you teleport to a Dimension inside of your Sharingan eyes

1.Kamui (Self): Move yourself to your Kamui Dimension

2.Kamui (Target): Move your Target to the Kamui Dimension

3.Kamui Intangibility: Move a certain part of your body to the Kamui Dimension in order for it to phase through matter]

[Tsukyomi (Active) Lvl 1/100]

Alter the targets mind and cause them to feel immense feelings (Pain, Sadness, etc.) and alter there perception of time]

[Movement prediction and increased perception Gained from non Mangekyou sharingan]

Just like that Asura bolted back and just stood on top of the wooden pole in the middle of the field after 5 minutes passed. All of the pursuers of Asura saw this and launched off towards him. As this was happening all of Team 7 went to grab the bells there hands went straight through it and they all smacked into each other as they were coming from different angles and were attempting to grab they bells but it didn't work in the slightest.

Asura was just standing there as Rick realised it was Kamui and his fists and forearms turned pitch black and wemt in to punch at Asura.

'Thats Haki isn't it' Asura thought to himself 'That seems like it will hurt really bad'

As Ricks fist came down near Asuras chest Asura weaved 1 handsign and used [Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu] causing Rick to be hit with a big blast of fire dealing 150% damage directly to his torso.

This didn't put Rick down for long as he got back up and charged again but this time as Rick was about to punch Asura, Asura grabbed his arm and used

[All for One] taking Busidou Haki for himself while leaving it with Rick as to not raise any suspicion. Asura then threw Rick at Mach 1 (Speed of Sound) into a tree sending Rick tumbling through a forest. Next up was Sasuke and Naruto as they both really wanted to avoid '1000 Years of Painful Death' so they were like Rabid Animals grasping at straws.

Naruto and Sasuke used both of the moves they were saving for the Chunin exams and used Rasengan and Chidori (Cant remember the name of the version Sasuke knows) and both launched at Asura as he used [Senju Wood: Great Forest Emergence] and caused a 10 Kilometer (6.2 Miles) circular forest trapping Sasuke and Naruto in a cage of 10 meter (~30 feet) thick wooden cage.

Kakashi was astonished as wood styke is rare but, using Senju Wood implies either that Asura has Senju DNA implanted in him or he is a normal Senju. Kakashi was wonderng these things while using

[Senju Wood: Great Forest Retreat] Sending the forest away so it dosen't stick around with it's super tall trees.



Name: Asura Ito

System Points : 600 000

HP: 100%

Race: Demonic Primordial Human

Level: 14

Strength: 110

Intelligence: 269

Dexterity: 100

Agility: (67/100)

[Assassin Techniques (MAX Level)]

[All for One 5/100]

[Immortality] (Lifespan Only)

[Super Human Strength]

[Trancendent Mind]

[Super Human Endurance]

[Trancendent Agility]

[Super Charisma]

[Infinite Luck]


[Primordial Chaos Energy]

[Primordial Eyes]

[Elemental Resistance 1/100]

[Elemental Affinity 5/100]

[Water Affinity 9/100]

[Lightning Affinity 11/100]

[Lightning Resistance 3/10]

[Water Resistance 1/10]

[Fire Affinity 10/100]

[Fire Resistance 2/10]

[Earth Affinity 1/100]

[Earth Resistance 1/10]

[Drain 10/100]

[Bushidou Haki 1/100]

[Kamui 3/100]

Weapons: Kunai, Shuriken, Megenjin

Wrote this one in study hall. Anyways have a good one and see you whenever I make a new chapter idk?

lSpacelcreators' thoughts