
Chapter 2: Threads of Fate

Rupesh had just finished another exhausting day at work. As he walked down the crowded street, he pulled out his phone and dialed his mother's number. It had become a routine for him to chat with her on his way home, sharing the details of his day and catching up on family news.

His mother's voice came through the phone, warm and comforting. They exchanged pleasantries and started discussing their plans for the upcoming weekend. Rupesh was completely absorbed in the conversation, unaware of the approaching danger.

Just as he was crossing the street, engrossed in the conversation with his mother, a large truck came speeding around the corner. The driver, distracted and not paying attention to the road, failed to notice Rupesh in the crosswalk until it was too late.

The truck collided with Rupesh with devastating force, sending him sprawling onto the asphalt. The impact was sudden and brutal, causing severe injuries that left him unconscious and bleeding.

His mother's voice still echoed from the phone, now filled with panic and distress as she heard the terrible crash on the other end. She desperately called out to her son, but there was no response.

Pedestrians nearby rushed to the scene, calling for an ambulance and attempting to assist Rupesh as best they could. The driver of the truck, realizing the gravity of the situation, stood there in shock and disbelief at what had just transpired.

Rupesh's life hung in the balance as the paramedics arrived, working urgently to stabilize him. His mother's voice, now trembling with fear and sorrow, continued to emanate from the phone, a stark reminder of the conversation that had abruptly turned into a harrowing accident.

As Rupesh lay there, pain coursing through his broken body, he felt a deep sense of despair wash over him. It was as though the universe had conspired against him, subjecting him to yet another cruel twist of fate.

With each labored breath, he cursed his luck, his thoughts a chaotic whirlwind of regret and longing. He thought of his mother, her warm smile and comforting presence. Guilt gnawed at him, knowing that his accident would fill her heart with anguish.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he wished he could turn back time, undo this dreadful moment that had shattered his life. He yearned to hear his mother's voice again, to tell her how much he loved her.

Then, amidst the pain and sorrow, he thought of Lisa and the other figure, Rachel. A wry smile tugged at his lips, an ironic twist in the midst of his agony. He couldn't help but find a hint of dark humor in the situation.

"Truck-kun, you really outdid yourself this time," he muttered weakly, his voice barely a whisper. "But you know what? Fuck you."

As the darkness closed in, Rupesh held onto that last defiant thought, a fleeting act of rebellion against the merciless hand of fate. Whether it was the end or the beginning of something new, he couldn't say. But in that moment, he found a glimmer of strength and resolve, determined to face whatever lay ahead, no matter how uncertain or challenging it might be.

As the ambulance sped away with Rupesh inside, his mother's cries and pleas for her son's safety were the last sounds he heard before slipping into unconsciousness. The world around him faded, and he was plunged into a realm of darkness and uncertainty, unaware of what awaited him on the other side. 


As Rupesh slowly regained consciousness, his vision remained a hazy blur. The world around him was an indistinct sea of white, and he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. Panic welled up within him as he realized he couldn't move, couldn't feel his body.

Frantically, he attempted to move his limbs, to shake off the disorienting fog that enveloped him, but it was futile. He felt trapped, his thoughts racing as he tried to make sense of his situation.

Was this a dream? He wondered. Perhaps a bizarre and vivid nightmare induced by the accident. He desperately clung to the hope that he would soon wake up, that he would open his eyes to find himself safe and sound.

But doubts gnawed at him. The persistence of the white, featureless void and the absence of sensation made him question the nature of his existence. Was this some form of afterlife, a liminal space between the world of the living and the unknown?

As exhaustion overtook him, Rupesh's thoughts drifted once more to his encounter with "Truck-kun," the accident that had brought him to this enigmatic place. He cursed the cruel twist of fate that had led him here, and he clung to the belief that he would awaken from this surreal nightmare.

With that last thought, he allowed himself to drift back into a restless sleep, his mind caught between the realms of dreams and reality, yearning for answers that remained elusive.


In the tranquil embrace of late evening, the playground lay bathed in the soft, waning light of the setting sun. The scene was a serene one, framed by a palette of warm colors, as if the world itself was preparing to rest. The playground, a haven of youthful exuberance during the day, now stood empty and silent.

Amidst this tranquil landscape, a lone figure rested on a weathered wooden bench, the most diminutive presence in the midst of the towering jungle gym, swings, and slides of the playground. At first glance, one might mistake this frail, black-haired child for being around the age of 5 or 6, but the hardships etched into his emaciated face suggested a life far more challenging than his apparent years would imply.

His skin was startlingly pale, its translucence accentuated by a myriad of old and fresh wounds that crisscrossed his fragile form. The thinness of his frame spoke of a hidden fragility, as though he had weathered more than his years should bear. The child appeared alarmingly thin, his tattered clothes hanging loosely on his skeletal frame, remnants of a life marked by hardship and struggle.

As the child's eyes blinked open, they revealed an uncanny depth—an abyssal blackness that seemed to swallow the remnants of daylight. These eyes, far beyond the age they belonged to, held a profound and searching gaze, as if seeking answers in a world that defied understanding. They were windows to a soul that had seen too much, their darkness a testament to the trials he had endured, and their intensity an eerie reflection of his resilience in the face of adversity.

For a moment, the child remained still, their gaze drifting over the deserted playground. The swings swayed gently in the breeze, the jungle gym's vibrant colors fading in the twilight, and the slides stood as silent guardians of forgotten laughter.

The child-Rupesh, was a frail figure amidst the playground's expanse. His delicate hands, nearly engulfed by the timeworn bench, trembled as they reached out to explore the unfamiliar contours of his own form. It was as though he had been thrust into an alien body, and his fingers cautiously traced the lines of his face, moving down to gingerly explore the miniature limbs that now composed his being. In those dark, enigmatic eyes, a tumultuous mix of emotions churned—confusion, determination, and a profound sense of disorientation.

Attempting to raise himself from the bench sent searing pain coursing through Rupesh's fragile frame. Each muscle and bone seemed to protest vehemently against this bewildering reality, amplifying his inner turmoil. Memories of the recent past eluded him, replaced by fragmented recollections of screeching tires, blinding lights, and the eerie sensation of weightlessness. The transition from his once unfathomable abyssal eyes to the return of a more familiar shade of brown only served to deepen the mystery that shrouded his predicament.

The playground, now bathed in the gentle obscurity of late evening, lay eerily still and devoid of life. Swings swayed gently in the whispering breeze, the once-vibrant colors of the jungle gym gradually succumbing to the cloak of night, and the slides stood as silent guardians of bygone laughter.

Rupesh's thoughts raced in a frantic attempt to grasp the bewildering fragments of his existence. Was this an enigmatic afterlife, or had he plunged into an unfathomable dream from which awakening seemed impossible? Every sensory detail, every fleeting emotion, felt inexplicably surreal, as though he were a passive observer in a world where the laws of reason had been suspended.

A profound sense of weariness, both in body and mind, settled upon him like a leaden shroud. His eyelids grew impossibly heavy, and the persistent ache that reverberated throughout his body rendered even the slightest movement a tormenting ordeal. With a growing sense of vulnerability and a heart heavy with unanswerable questions, Rupesh yielded to the relentless embrace of fatigue. The mysteries that encircled his very existence remained frustratingly beyond his grasp, leaving him adrift in a sea of uncertainty and confusion.


As Rupesh stirred from his slumber once more, he found himself in an unfamiliar place—a cozy Japanese-style apartment, the essence of simplicity and functionality. The room bore the hallmarks of a serene yet practical abode, much like those he had read about in his favorite manga and novels.

Sunlight streamed through delicate shoji screens, casting intricate patterns of light and shadow upon tatami mat flooring. The air was imbued with a faint scent of wood and paper, evoking a sense of calm and tranquility. The low wooden table, adorned with a small vase of fresh flowers, sat at the center of the room, inviting moments of reflection and contemplation.

The walls, mostly unadorned, seemed to embrace the philosophy of minimalism, allowing the few cherished decorations to command attention. Among these, he noticed framed photographs capturing moments of joy and togetherness—a family shrine adorned with offerings of fresh fruit and a serene miniature garden symbolizing harmony with nature.

As he attempted to rise, a disconcerting realization settled in. He was in an unknown place, within an unfamiliar body. The term "transmigration" floated through his mind, though he couldn't muster much enthusiasm for the prospect. Uncertainty clung to him like a shadow.

In the doorway, a woman appeared, her presence commanding attention and evoking a sense of warmth. She bore a striking resemblance to the child that he now inhabited—a clear testament to their mother-son bond.

The woman's gentle yet concerned eyes regarded Rupesh as she called out, "Kuma." Her voice was filled with love and worry, a soothing melody that held both comfort and unease in its notes.

She was a lady of grace and character, her long, ebony hair cascading like a waterfall down her back. Her features held a timeless beauty, with expressive eyes that conveyed both strength and kindness. Dressed in simple yet elegant attire, she exuded an air of quiet authority.

Her maternal instincts were evident in every gesture, every line etched on her face, and every word she spoke. As she approached Rupesh, her eyes searched his with a mixture of relief and concern, creating an unspoken connection between them that transcended the boundaries of time and space.

Rupesh, for his part, was both bewildered and intrigued by the tableau that surrounded him. He couldn't help but feel a growing affection for this woman, a maternal figure whose warmth enveloped him even in the midst of his disorientation.

As he tried to make sense of his situation, he couldn't deny the possibility that he was experiencing an extraordinary twist of fate. The very essence of transmigration, the stuff of fantasy novels and anime, now seemed to be his reality.

Amidst the tumultuous whirlpool of thoughts and unanswered questions that swirled within Rupesh's mind, one captivating aspect stood out like a beacon in the haze: the enigmatic woman who had referred to him as "Kuma." The resonance of that name struck a chord within him, simultaneously foreign and oddly familiar, akin to a fragile thread weaving him into a past he yearned to grasp. Yet, beneath the façade of intrigue lay a deep well of sorrow, and perhaps even empathy, for the woman before him. As he gazed upon her, memories of his mother resurfaced, casting a somber shadow upon his heart. Was it mere resemblance that drew him to her, he pondered? Her eyes, in particular, held a captivating allure, filled with concern and tenderness as they bore into his face, offering a comforting solace in their depths.

The connection between the woman's gaze and Rupesh's memories of his mother stirred a complex blend of emotions within him, tugging at the delicate threads of his past and present. It was as if fate had conspired to bring them together, and in that moment, he couldn't help but be drawn deeper into the enigma of her presence, questioning whether this encounter held the key to unlocking the mysteries of his own existence.

For a moment, he simply observed, taking in the details of his new surroundings—the soft glow of the sunlight filtering through the shoji screens, the soothing rustle of the tatami mats beneath his feet, and the gentle aroma of incense that lingered in the air.

The woman's eyes, a deep and soulful brown, held a tenderness that spoke volumes. She had a timeless beauty, her features exuding an aura of grace and inner strength. Her attire, a blend of traditional and contemporary, hinted at a personality that valued both heritage and modernity.

With a gentle smile, she approached him, her voice a comforting melody in the stillness of the room. "Kuma," she called again, her voice filled with both affection and worry.

Rupesh, or "Kuma" as she called him, struggled to find his voice, to communicate his own bewilderment and longing for understanding. It was as though he had been thrust into the pages of a story, a narrative that defied logic and explanation.

Rupe-Kuma, found himself in a whirlwind of emotions as he struggled to understand the woman who claimed to be his mother. Though his heart ached to reciprocate the love he saw in her eyes, he couldn't help but feel like an imposter in this unfamiliar body.

As he looked around the room, his eyes fell upon a picture of the child's father. The shrine-like setup suggested that the man was no longer among the living, and it weighed heavily on Kuma's heart. Had he inadvertently stolen this woman's last remaining connection to her husband?

A single tear welled up in Kuma's eyes, clouding his vision. He was startled when the woman, his supposed mother, embraced him, her sobs almost drowning out her words. Her warmth and sorrow enveloped him, and despite the confusion and turmoil within him, he couldn't help but hug her back, a gesture that transcended words.

Eventually, the mother released him from the embrace and headed to the kitchen. She beckoned Kuma to follow, her actions gentle and caring. The dining area was bathed in soft, warm light, and a fragrant aroma wafted from the food she had prepared. It was a simple meal, but it carried with it a profound sense of love and comfort.

Kuma sat down at the table, his emotions still in turmoil. He wanted to speak, to explain, but the words remained elusive. Instead, he watched the woman who believed him to be her son as she served him food with a gentle smile, her eyes still carrying a mixture of worry and affection.

In that moment, Kuma realized that he had been thrust into a complex and fragile situation. He had taken on the identity of someone else, and now he needed to navigate the intricate web of relationships and emotions that surrounded this child's life. As he took a hesitant bite of the meal, he couldn't help but wonder how he would find his place in this new world, where he was both a stranger and a son.