
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 78 - Initiation Again, Evaluation, INCARNATION

The next day, we woke up early for the first time in ages. Well, we don't actually need sleep, so it didn't affect us. The gang met up in the living room, we chatted a little, Hecate and Hephaestus decided to stay in the chalet since they had no interest in messing with the young students, then we teleported to the auditorium, where all the snotty students were. We arrived just in time to hear Young Nora screec- Singing, I guess.

"Shut it!" shouted our Nora. Ren patted her head since she did a good job.

I saw that RWBY were sleeping next to each other, so I guess that they did take my suggestion. I went next to the sleeping beauties and squatted down, then started snapping my fingers. Nothing worse than waking up to someone snapping his fingers at you.

Blake started opening her eyes first and was greeted by my smiling face. She let out a fantastic squeal and hid under her sleeping bag.

"Am I that scary? I think I look pretty good, what do you say?"

"Oh, you look real good, hot stuff, but I really don't like waking up to someone staring at me." said Young Yang.

"Noted. Wake up, Initiation will start soon. What a good older brother I am, waking up my little sisters…"

"Munya… Older Brother…" said Ruby still sleeping and hugging her pillow.

"W-what is this precious being?! Such pureness! It is making my heart beat faster! Ok, no, seriously. How can your sister be adorable and you be so… You?"

"What do you mean 'you'?!" retorted Yang.

"Beat me up and you might know." I said and got up, poked Weiss, cheeks until she woke up, then returned to the gang.

"Ruby, could you call me 'Big Bro' even just once?" I asked my Ruby.

"B-big Bro…" she whispered in my ear.

"I think I got a little hard. I might have a fetish…"

"You pervert!" shouted Weiss. Then she came next to me and whispered: "Older Brother… I luv you."

"Ok, can we skip Initiation and get back to the chalet real quick?"

"Nope, keep it in until tonight, Big B-r-o." Yang said and winked.

"Definitely a fetish. I want Freya, Loki, Merlin, Rimuru, and Hinata to call me brother as well…"

One way or another, we grouped up at the hillside, only to see that there were not enough launch pads for me and the gang.

Ozpin smirked and said: "Sorry, there appears to have been a mistake. There aren't enough pads for everyone… Someone will have to stand to the side."

I will make him pay. I cursed his coffee to taste like piss for the next year.

He did his little speech thing which I refused to listen to after his shit-talk last evening. How dare he diss on my Knowledge?! I cursed him to have diarrhea for the next week. Fuck you!

Anyway, the students launched, then he looked at us, particularly me and said: "Since there aren't enough launch pads, you will have to reach the Emerald Forest on your own… I believe it won't be a problem for you, the 'Experimental Hunter Unit', will it?"

"Heh, you can bet your ass, old man." I said and headed to the cliff, then started walking in the air.

"Come on, I want to mess with the students!" said Blake, so we started running, which was pretty much teleporting.

While moving, we were finding some targets for our pranks. Actually, no one seemed fun enough with the exception of the younger versions of RWBY and JNPR. I mean, sure I could torture Cardin, but that will help Young Jaune grow since I am not there to change canon. In fact, we decided to adopt a non-intervention policy and let the events of this world just happen while teasing people. Maybe training them a little if we want.

The gang split up to pick on their respective younger versions, with their wives in tow, which left me, Freya, Loki, Rimuru, Hinata, and Ai An.

"So… What are we doing right now?" asked Loki

"Well, I am probably just going to wait for them at the relics. I will pick on them there." I answered and looked back. "Hinata, I know that you probably want to help mankind. Don't worry, we will, but everything has an order. For now, let's have fun. You never had a normal high-school life, while Freya and Loki… I doubt you even had the concept of school back in Heaven."

"Fine, but we will bring salvation to this world before leaving." she said. My paladin waifu takes these kinds of things very seriously.

"Hinata, 'salvation' sounds a little too much as if you wanted to destroy humanity…" pointed out Rimuru

"Who said I am not considering it?" Hinata responded.

After what? About half an hour? The first ones arrived: Yang and Blake with their younger selves, plus Sun and Rose.

"Hey there, slowpokes! Took some time having tea or something?" I asked as my Yang came to cuddle. Must have been really boring.

"Hah, I wish! This forest is a maze, a maze I tell you! And our 'big sisters' here were not so helpful! Like, at all! They just picked on us or molested me!" she said, shooting a glare at the older Yang.

"Older and Younger Yang… I want to see it." said Freya

"Good job, dear. Surely walking through a forest would be annoying. How about you two choose a relic? Young Ruby is about to arrive."

Yang and Blake started examining the relics, then chose the Knight piece. Then, Blake asked: "Hey, where are your weapons? And armor?"

"These clothes are armor and we can materialize our weapons whenever we want. It's called Integration. Think of it as a part of our semblance." Ah, we can use semblances as excuses again… How nostalgic.

"Cool. What are your weapons?" asked Yang

"Yang uses lances and swords, along with her fists. Freya uses her semblance, like Glynda. Loki uses her semblance and a staff. Weiss uses her semblance and a rapier. Ruby uses a… strange, bladed weapon, maybe you will see it. Rimuru uses her semblance, while Hinata uses a spear. Rose uses a bow, Sun a spear, Blake a strange bow as well. Nora uses her semblance, usually. Ren uses a sword, but he hasn't integrated with his spirit since it is quite intimidating. Shizue uses her semblance. Ais uses a banner with pointy tip as a spear and a sword, Pyrrha uses a rifle, Jaune uses the same weapons as Ais. My apprentice, Ai An uses her fists, mainly."

"And you?"

"Anything goes with me. Though, I guess that a sword is easiest to swing around and destroy shit with. That and a staff." I said, thinking about spamming Noble Phantasms left and right. That would hold me back substantially. "Oh, here comes Young Ruby. And Young Jaune."

"Why do you call everyone 'Young'?" asked Blake

"Girl, we are much older than we look and have the same names as you. Do you prefer 'kitty-kiddo' or 'Young Blake'?"

"Young Blake."

At any rate, Young Ruby and Young Jaune hit each other while flying, then fell on a tree. I saw Old Jaune and Old Ruby arrive.

"Quite the rough landing, huh?" said Jaune.

"Nah, it was quite good! He didn't get skewered by the branch, so there's that!" said Ruby.

"Ugh, I shudder just thinking about it. Oh, here come Ren, Nora, and Shizue." he said.

Soon, the new arrivals exited the forest on top of the Ursa. Just that this time, both Nora's were riding it. Old Ren was following them by jumping on top of the branches, while Young Ren was running behind them.

"Young Ren! Why not jump from branch to branch?" asked our Ren.

"Uuh… I didn't think about it?" he said uncertainly.

"Think about these things! They can save you a lot of energy on the battlefield. You can use Aura to boost your jumps, which is much better than constantly using it while running in a forest."

"Yes sir!" and the young boy saluted. What the hell? Is this some kind of military academy? Oh, wait… It is, kinda.

Young Weiss soon fell from the sky and was caught by Young Jaune. My Weiss then calmly descended while using her glyphs as a staircase.

"What are you doing? You are a Schnee, a glyph-user. Use. Your. Damned. Glyphs!"

Ah, she went into Glynda-mode aka stern teacher-mode. I shall pray for Young Weiss.

"Y-yes!" the young girl said. If she had a tail, she would have hid it between her legs.

"Oh, Pyrrha is coming." I said, attracting the students' attention. They were looking at me though. "Oi, don't look at me. Your surroundings! You are Huntsmen and Huntresses-in-training! Not boy-scouts!"

Soon, Young Pyrrha arrived with a Death Stalker on her tail, while Old Pyrrha was calmly standing on its stingy-thingy, looking absolutely awesome with her coat swaying in the wind.

"Jaune, your wife is really cool."

"Oh, I know. Pyrrha is awesome!"

"Anyway, let's have the younger ones fight the Grimm." I said, then turned to look at the students, including the panting Young Pyrrha. "We will be evaluating you. Form a strategy. You have one minute."

When I finished saying that, I created chains to stop the Death Stalker and stopped the Nevermore in the air. They were staring with wide eyes at the scene.

"50 seconds. Move it." said Old Pyrrha, who had just arrived.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, time's up!" Blake said and set free the Grimm. JNPR was going to take care of the Death Stalker, while RWBY would lead the Nevermore towards the ruins Young Ruby spotted from the air and fight it. A pretty sound strategy, though they could have also left Pyrrha and Weiss to defend from the Nevermore's feathers while the rest dealt with the Death Stalker, then finished the job together. Eh, I'll tell them afterwards.

We, the old guys, took out our thrones and watched the fights with popcorn in hand. Merlin came out to observe the battle and sat on her usual place, my lap. JNPR had a much easier time than in canon since they had the terrain advantage with all the trees offering great mobility options, not much protection though. Ren acted as a distraction since his shots didn't have enough power to pierce anything except the eyes, while Nora and Pyrrha dealt the actual damage. Jaune was trying to parry strikes and create openings. A little better than I expected. Well, as evidenced by my friend sitting beside me, he has talent.

RWBY on the other hand was facing a much more troublesome foe. Flying birb that can shoot deadly feathers? Yeah, pretty bad match-up. Well, after the partial destruction of the ruins, they managed to decapitate it with the same strategy as canon. Then, they realized that they were stuck on the other side of a canyon.

"The! Glyphs! Idiot! Was I seriously this stupid in the past?" my Weiss shouted.

Young Weiss then started making a Glyph bridge, though it was quite unstable. Well, they got across just fine, so no problem there.

"Come here, young ones, for it is time for your evaluation!" I said as JNPR and RWBY arrived.

"And who are you to 'evaluate' us? I still haven't gotten that part." asked Pyrrha.

"We are certified Huntsmen. You will soon learn more of us, but it is not the time yet." I said, taking out my Scroll and showing my certificate, which I appropriately modified along with making one for those that didn't have one. God, in how many years did I not use this thing? "Anyway, good idea. Splitting the enemies I mean. You are not used to fighting together, so it was probably the best course of action. With enough training, you could have left Pyrrha and Weiss to deal with the Nevermore's feathers while the rest of you dealt with the Death Stalker, then finished off the bird. What I am wondering is why neither Nora or Pyrrha attacked its legs. Why not take its mobility? And that stinger… Why not cut it off, if you had the chance? Ren did well, working as a distraction."

As I finished, I held my hand out with four candies. "Come, kids. Take your rewards. Uncle Tula is totally not a shady person."

"Sounds shady as fuck!" they all said together.

"Now, onto RWBY. It was good. Ruby and Yang had better ranged options compared to JNPR so it made sense for you to take the Nevermore. Leading it to the ruins was a debatable decision however, as they crumbled beneath you and could have been very dangerous. You were lucky. Overall it was okay, there was no particular flaw apart from the fact that you don't make the most out of your semblances. This is the same for JNPR, so it's fine for now, you will have to work on it though." I said and gave them candy.

"First of all, why are you all seated on thrones, actually, where did you even get them? Second, JNPR?" asked Blake

"Shit, I let that slip. JNPR would be team Juniper, led by Jaune, the members would be Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren. As for the thrones… It's because they are cool and comfy. Oh, they also boost our powers."

"Cool." said the young students.

"Now, let's return to Beacon, Ozpin needs to announce the teams. Oh, you should act surprised when JNPR gets announced. Do it for the shits and giggles." said Old Jaune.

We were currently in the auditorium, waiting for the old fuck to announce the teams. But… He was nowhere to be seen. I started giggling since I knew perfectly where he was. I will only say that it has to do with the curse I casted on him this morning.

Since she couldn't wait too much, Glynda started the announcements. Everything proceeded normally until only we were left.

"And finally… For the first time since the history of Beacon, we will have an Experimental Hunter Unit among us. They are a unit formed in an effort to create the best Hunters in history and also evaluate the academy. Tula, Weiss Schnee, Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, Loki, Freya, Rimuru, Hinata Sakaguchi, Jaune Arc, Pyrrha Nikos, Frey, Ais Wallenstein, Lie Ren, Nora Valkyrie, Shizue Izawa, Sun Wukong, Blake Belladonna, Rose Fannett, Ai An. The unit's name is INCARNATION.

Now, go to your dormitories. INCARNATION will have a different room, obviously."

Heh, the names caused a commotion since they had already been called, yet different people stepped forward. I looked over to JNPR and RWBY and winked with a smirk. I could see their jaws hanging. Well, not everyday you meet someone who looks exactly like you, but older, and has your same name and semblance. Too many coincidences are not 'coincidences', but something different and much more interesting.

We were about to go outside to teleport back to the chalet in peace, when we were cornered. More like, we allowed the kids to corner us.

"Explain. In detail." ordered Young Weiss.

"Why should I?" rebuked my Weiss.

"Ooh, this is becoming a confrontation between Schnee's, I am getting the popcorn!" I said

"And I get the 3D glasses!" said Sun, pulling out some of those glasses with red and blue lenses.

"And I get the booze!" said Jaune.

"Hell yeah!" said Ren

"Can you just shut up?!" asked both older and younger Weiss.

"Sure thing!" we said and bursted out laughing. It's funny how they have the same reaction to our fooling around. Guess they really are the same person after all.

"Why do you look so much like us, have our semblances, our names?!" asked Young Pyrrha, obviously freaked out.

I received a mental message from Ruby: 'Should we tell them?'

'If you want. I mean, it wouldn't do much good saying that we are an alternate version of them and Gods at that.'

'Fair enough. Invent something, possibly a little believable.'

'That is… Difficult. Give me a sec.' I said and started thinking. Clones? Creepy but more believable than other things. Alternate worlds? Maybe, not very believable as well. Future selves? Possible, but not very believable. Semblance bullshit? Plausible, there are way too many different things in this world. I will go for a mix, I guess.

"Well, you could say that we are your future selves. In the future, an enemy used his semblance on us to make us 'lost in time'. Theoretically, we should have died, while instead we ended up here. I don't know why some of us are not at Beacon… I can only suppose that we come from some parallel universe or something. Happy?" I said.

'Seriously? That was the best you could come up with?' asked Weiss

'You want to find something better? We can always mind-wipe them and try another excuse.'

'Just wipe their minds of your stupid excuse and tell the truth. It's up to them whether they believe us or not. Why would you care anyway?'

'Because it's still you guys. Even if we are in an alternate universe and they are younger, weaker, more stupid, they are still RWBY and JNPR…'

'Fine, I get it. Still, wipe them and tell the truth.'

I quickly mind-wiped them and explained again: "We come from an alternate universe to this. We can travel between universes and became Gods at a certain point in time. To mess around, we came to this universe and decided to enroll in Beacon. Happy?"

"Alternate universes? Gods? You expect us to believe th-" before Young Yang could finish, I created a star in my hand. "I take that back. Still, it's highly unbelievable."

"As Weiss just told me, it's up to you whether you believe it or not. Consider us your mischievous older siblings for now, then you will be able to draw your own conclusions." I said, then we teleported back to the chalet.

"Well, pretty nice second day in this universe. I want to see how they will react to the news… Will they panic, deny the truth, make an objective judgement, inform their parents? Oh, I can't wait to discover it." said Loki.