
Just Another Multiverse FanFiction

You know, I wanted to try this at least once. Note to anyone who actually got to this thing: I decided to write this thing after thinking about it for like 10 minutes. I wrote this just to try and it is a very rough draft. I literally wrote the first ten chapters today (well, the day I uploaded them). Anyway, guy dies, gets a wish, gets reincarnated in the Destiny (the game, you know, Bungie and all that stuff) universe, travels to other fictional universes. I wish I owned any of the stuff I am writing about. But I don't. So don't sue me. Please. I own only my OC.

DiluteWorm · Video Games
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115 Chs

Ep. 12 - New Toys, Forever Fall

After dinner, team JNPR came to my team's room as promised.

"Hey there. So, during our little spar, Pyrrha's shield got damaged. I wonder who did that?" I joked a little, which was met with a smile by everyone. "Jokes apart, I had some weapons ready for you guys. With these, you will not only have the best defence but also the best attack out there."

"Let's start with you Pyrrha, since I ruined your shield." I decided to give her a modified 'Polaris Lance'. Now it can actually morph into a sci-fi spear, and it can still shoot in that form. I also made a shield. Same design as her old one, just better. I am not too creative, if that wasn't clear already.

When she saw the gear, she jumped on them. She's another weapon maniac, apparently.

"Next, Jaune. With your training and boost from the armor, your weapons are kind of subpar, if I have to be honest. So I got you these." I pulled out a 'Throne-Cleaver' with modified colors for aesthetic reasons, because why not, along with a sheath and a shield, similar to the one he already has, but it is a little wider and taller. Now he looked like a decent Fantasy paladin.

"Thanks Tula!"

I just smiled at him. He's been improving himself, contrary to canon.

"Nora, you are stuck with this instead." I said, while bringing out a modified 'Anarchy'. It could now change between the normal grenade launcher and a spiked warhammer. It can also be coated with Arc energy, consuming a cartridge every few seconds.

'And she went hyper again.'

"Ren. Here you go." I said, plopping two 'Ikelos' SMG's in his hands.

I shit you not, he had stars in his eyes. Stars, I tell you!

"Always nice making friends happy. Ruby, I made you this!" and I brought out a scythe. It was a pretty plain-looking scythe with the exception of the blade. It was skeletonized and had a serrated edge near the shaft. Both sides were sharp enough to cut humans and Grimm alike like tofu. It could also shoot Solar whirlwinds, in order to compensate for the lack of sniper form. It had the same colors as her armor.

She too, went hyper and wanted to swing it around. I had to stop her and convince her to try it out the next day.

"Yang, can you give me your gauntlets? I will modify them to shoot ranged explosions like 'Ember Celica'." That was pretty easy, I made a little adjustment so that with a predetermined motion she can use the ranged attack.

"Blake, you get this bad boy here" I said, passing her a 'Black Talon'. It was already capable of ranged attacks, it was kind of like a wavy cleaver with a sharp edge and pointy tip. The sheath was obviously included. The color was black, with some white details.

A "Nice." was all I got in response, but I saw she liked it, a lot.

"And finally Weiss. It's the second time I leave you for last since I worked on your stuff more.. Yours is just that much more customized. Here, take a look." This time, I took out a case. I worked on this thing for two whole hours and it was pretty much a piece of art, though I suck at descriptions. Inside was a rapier, like her original weapon. This one had a normal blade, while the 'Myrtenaster' was more like an oversized needle. The hilt had a snowflake design, while the pommel was a white, oval pearl.

The hilt's six 'points' were curved, with three that curved downwards towards the pommel, creating the guard and knuckle guard. The six 'points' each had a different color. I spent most of the two hours working on this: one had a blue color, Arc energy, one was red, Solar, one was purple, Void, one was white, pure Light, another was pink, a combination of Solar and pure Light (basically an overcharged fiery boi), the last was probably the hardest: black, it had the same effect as 'Thorn's bullets. The effects of the other colors were: Solar 'enchantment', Arc 'enchantment', Void 'enchantment', cutting 'enchantment', explosion 'enchantment'.

When I explained the weapon, her eyes gradually widened. While it did not use Dust, it was several levels higher in power and quality.

"But, where is the trigger?" she asked.

"Ah, well about that… There isn't one. Don't freak out. You see the pommel?" getting a nod in response I continued, "Why don't you try putting a drop of blood on it?".

She looked at me strangely, but she passed her finger on the blade and dropped some blood on the pommel as I told her. Her eyes widened once again when the blood was absorbed.

"Do you feel it? You can now use your enchantments mentally, no need for a trigger. Maybe I should have used another method to key you in, but that was the easiest." I said. Yes, this thing was currently keyed in to Weiss. No one apart from her, and me, would be able to use its functions. Without her, it was just a damn sharp weapon.

After getting keyed in, she swung it once towards the door, just to test it. She had a beautiful smile on her face. I also gave her a sheath to store it in.

I admit I may have lied about the gear being the same in quality. This is probably my best creation after the 'ultimate' material I used for my body, armor, and, now, weapons.

If the gang's weapons were exotic in rarity, Weiss' new toy was a step above. In my inventory's interface it showed up as red, as a matter of fact. I have transcended the ranking system from the game, so I will just label it as 'transcendent' rarity. Sue me.

'I might be spoiling her a little. For now she doesn't know, so it's fine. I do have the feeling that she understood that there is a clear difference though. Well, I didn't even actually bother hiding the fact.'

When I snapped out of my thoughts, I found Ruby, Yang, and Pyrrha staring at the weapon.

"What happened? Cat caught your tongue or something?" I asked.

"Not fair. She gets the best one. Also, why doesn't her weapon have a name?" Ruby said.

"What do you mean not fair?! You got the cool one! As for the name that's because your weapons are based off of my friends' weapons, while Weiss' rapier is something new. Actually, you should give it a name." I said, looking over to Weiss for the last part. 'Theoretically that's not a lie. My fireteam members actually have used those weapons before. Now they are sporting some stuff we got from the raids we completed. Good stuff. When I go back I should give them some souvenirs now that I think about it. I will make something when I have the time.'

"A name… Scheesturm. It has my name in it and it has 'storm' in it. With all the stuff it can do, I think it fits the weapon to a 't'. What do you think?" She said.

'Terrible naming sense, though the name does make sense, kinda.' I thought this.

"It's perfect." And said this. Gotta be sensitive about her feelings.

She was beaming when she heard my answer. Literally, I think she was shining a bit. Surely an optical illusion.

"Ok, it's getting late and we have class tomorrow. Leave your armor with me tonight. I will modify it so that it can become an under-armor like mine. You won't need to waste too much time putting it on." I said, getting several thankful gazes. 'Yup, this armor is definitely a bitch to get on.'

The next day, I gave back the armor during breakfast, so that they would have for the sparring session.

Just like that, a couple more weeks passed by in a flash. Everybody loved their new weapons, in particular Weiss. I think she gave PTSD to some unfortunate students who became her 'test subjects'. 'Is she a sadist. Well, Weiss in a dominatrix outfit sure sounds nice. I need to find the time to give myself a dick.'

Anyway, the time for the trip/training at the Forever Fall forest. Without Cardin there was no plan to bring harm to Pyrrha. Not that it would actually happen with the current Jaune. He has grown by leap and bounds and is now stronger than the entire student body. Still the weakest of us, but he is getting there. 'Now that I think about it, shouldn't team CFVY also be kind of important? Aren't they just above average? Maybe I just made team RWBY and JNPR a bunch of monsters… Eh, who cares. My friends are safe, strong, happy. I've always been safe, strong, never been happy before, and I did kinda make progress with Weiss. Not a lot, but progress nonetheless.'

Indeed, after giving Weiss her new rapier, she has been clinging to me. Remember how I was supposed to be a hug pillow in rotation? Yeah, Weiss has been hogging me for herself. I won't complain, not in a million years. 'Is giving gifts seriously the way to go? Why didn't I realize this before dying?! Fuck me!'

Ahem- forget about that. We did encounter some Grimm, but they were easily taken care of. Small to medium sized Grimm are nothing more than an annoyance to me and the gang. A few Rapier Wasps appeared, but I shot them all down since they were annoying. Some other students though were unlucky and got attacked by an Ursa. Jaune took care of quite easily. If I were to give him a score, it would be a '7/10, watch out for the weight difference': the only miscalculation he did was trying to throw the Ursa off balance. He didn't manage to do so, so he was kinda stuck there trying to push the damn thing away. Well, nothing happened and the rest was quite smooth, therefore the score. I'm ranting aren't I?