
Just An Ordinary Catgirl

An unknown girl with an unknown past got reincarnated as Neferpitou in Hxh world with a........Gacha... Interested? Then please give it a try!!! -------------------- For some reason the Tag system is not working properly so I will just list it here: = Strong to Stronger =Female Lead = Multiverse =Adventure So, If you don't like these tags then you can leave now. But if it is then please give it a try!!

Perma_Sleep_010 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 8

Well, I'm in the mood to release a chapter early so here it is!


"System~ Please use the [Very Rare] Point that I get immediately, Nya."


Pitou didn't even hesitate to use the newly gained point since she needs to use all of the resources she can get to increase her strength.

She knows very well her current strength is not enough. Sure, her current strength is on par with Youpi and Pouf but the chances of winning are 50-50 maybe even lower than that and there's also the fact she needs to fight Meruem and Netero after killing two royal guards, and obviously she will be already tired at that time and the chances of winning will be almost nonexistent.

Some might say she can just wait until both of them are in a weakened state and kill both of them.

Well, that's quite a good idea but there is a tiny little bit of a problem with that plan.

[Host will only get a [Very Rare] Point as a reward if you decided to wait until they are weakened and use a sneak attack to take the last blow.]

"*Sigh* I guess I can't cheat my way to achieve the objective, huh?"

Some might be wondering why is it like that?

The answer is simple, It's because the Ranking of the Point that she will get depends on her opponent's strength and state and of course her strength and state as well.

If Pitou's enemy is weak or is in a weakened state then what she will get is [Very Rare] Point may be even lower than that but if her enemy is strong or stronger than her then what she will get is [Epic] point or above.

[Host, that doesn't mean it is not allowed to do that, So why are you suddenly feeling unhappy?]

"Well, yeah it is allowed but the quality of the reward is reduced and it is such a waste if I throw away the opportunity to get a [Legend] Point. Maybe I will use that plan as my last resort if I can't really help it, Nya."

[I don't understand your reasoning Host.]

"Well, you don't need to understand, and just continue rolling the wheel beside you have a lot of time (that is if I survive) to understand how my brain works," She said while pointing her finger to her head.



[You acquired the skill [Bloody Heal].]

"What does it do, Nya?" (Pitou)

[Bloody Heal:

It is a skill that heals/regenerates Host's injuries through drinking blood. The more Host's drink blood the faster your injuries heal.

It is can also heal severed limbs if Host drinks enough blood but it cannot regenerate(Regrow) a limb.]

[Note: make sure host You connect the severed limb to the injured part while drinking blood because this skill will not regrow a severed limb and will only 'reattach' them.]

"Ehhh?!? Why Blood?!" (Pitou)

[Don't worry Host, By acquiring the skill [Bloody Heal]. Your taste buds are altered to make blood taste sweet and not metallic.]

"Phew, That's good to hear." (Pitou)

"*cough* *Cough*" (Kite)

"Oh! I almost forgot about you, mister!" Pitou said with a fake worry plastered on her face after seeing Kite cough a mouthful of blood but anyone who saw her expression will immediately tell she is just making fun of the almost dead Kite.

'System, can you calculate what is the rank of the point I will get by defeating adult gon.'


Just like what she stated earlier, she was actually planning to heal Kite using the healing pill she get earlier and let him go and that idea was solidified by the answer of the system.

[Host will obtain [Legend] Point if you managed to defeat or kill 'Adult Gon'.]

"Man, why I am even beating a very innocent guy who didn't even do anything wrong to me!" (Pitou)

"Tsk, tsk what an evil creature you are Neferpitou." (Pitou)

Pitou said while shaking her in disappointment. It's like she is really guilty of doing such a thing but the real reason is: 'Like hell, I will fight another monster! I already have two royal guards, one king, and one old monster needed to deal with and I don't have any strength left to spare to deal with an upset boy going rage mode because of his bullshit plot armor! besides, there is no benefit in killing him.'

After throwing a small fit in her mind, Pitou takes out the Healing Pill in her inventory and forcefully makes Kite swallow it to make sure he will have no chance of spitting it out.

"*gurg*!?!?" (Kite)

The previously almost closed eyes of Kite immediately open up when he felt something being put in his mouth and forcing him to swallow a suspicious object. He tried to spit it out but Pitou will not let it be so all of his struggles bear no fruit.

'Hey system, He will not die because the pill will stuck on his throat, right?'

[Don't worry Host, The pill will turn into a liquid the moment it enters one's throat.]

'well, that's good to hear because I don't think Gon will believe me if I say I tried to heal him by feeding him a Pill but ended up dying of suffocation because I forcefully feed him and the pill stuck on his throat.'

And just like what the system said. The moment it enters Kite's throat it turns into liquid and instantly goes down to his stomach that immediately goes to his small intestine and in just a few seconds it already spread throughout his whole body healing his injuries and recovering his stamina by 30℅.

Kite also stops struggling when he notices the effect of the suspicious object the Chimera ant fed to him. He has many questions in his mind.

What is she doing?

Is she healing me? but why?

but those questions are quickly shot down when he remembers that he was almost killed by the same Chimera ant who healed him.

'She's an enemy! maybe there is something more in the thing she fed to me and not just as simple as healing my injuries!' (Kite)

with that in mind, Kite immediately stands up and distances himself from the suspicious Chimera ant.

Pitou didn't move from his squatting position and only stares at Kite with a smile on her face and Kite also stares back.

After a few seconds of staring at each other. Kite finally reach his limit and asked the smiling Chimera ant.

"What did you do?" (Kite)

"Hm? What do you mean, Nya?" Pitou answered with a confused expression plastered on her face.

"Don't play dumb! What did you feed me and what its effects?!" (Kite)

A chuckle left Pitou's mouth seeing an outraged, confused and distressed Kite.

"You don't need to worry, It doesn't have other effects other than healing you," Pitou said while standing up and patting her legs to remove the nonexistent dust.

"How can I believe you?" (Kite)

"*Sigh* I already expected this will happen but I didn't expect this will be quite annoying." She said while scratching the back of her head in irritation.

"What a drag, Nya." (Pitou)

Kite was about to say something but Pitou immediately shut him up by directing a small portion of her fear-inducing aura just enough to petrify him for a few seconds.

"Listen here, I don't have any way or proof for you to believe me nor I will waste my time persuading you that I'm not an enemy," Pitou said with a cold voice.

"All you need to know is our goal aligned to each other." (Pitou)

Kite got out of petrification and ask Pitou what she meant by having similar goals.

"It means, I was planning to kill the King and the other royal Guards."

*Insert imaginary background lightning*

Kite's eye widened in surprise and didn't know what to say by the sudden confession.

(The End, Nya~)

(Read my comment/note in the chapter comment section.)



well, I tried to write the chapter at 3rd Pov and I want to know how is it?

Is it good?


Anyways, that's all for now.

please suggest items/abilities/skills that will fall under the category of [Epic] and [Very Rare].

also, please suggest other worlds(anime) where she can go. It's power scaling can be either higher or lower than Hunter x Hunter world.