
Just an experiment

Fantasy_Seeker · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Ch 1: When one story ends, begins a new on

3rd POV:

The night sky was aglow with bright city lights. The pale crescent moon was hanging in the sky and, to glorify her spiritual presence, countless stars were shining softly.

Under this beautiful sky, on the paved footpath which was completely empty not even a single soul could be seen except a somewhat handsome man about 6 ft tall wearing a tuxedo was staggering in his steps with half-closed bloodshot eyes, threatening to fall any moment.

Any person could guess that someone probably invited this man to some party where he drank so much that he was lucky that he did not pass out.

But something was more eye-catching than his intoxication. That was the state of his clothes and his body. His left eye was purplish-black, similar to a panda. His white inner shirt had turned slightly brown and so did his black pants, which even had torn in some places. Anyone not blind could notice that he was involved in some sort of street fight.

He was looking down and occasionally muttering something like ,"Fucking bastards", How dare they?","assholes"," To think they were once my classmates"," Don't let me catch you next time otherwise you will see who your daddy is".

As he was completely immersed in this, he did not notice a truck speeding in his way which was out of control, and climbed the paved street. Only when the vehicle was a few inches from his face, he noticed, but it was already too late. Forget dodging, he did not even have the time to panic. He was squashed into a bloody pulp by being sandwiched between the truck and the shop.

Just like that, he miserably lost his life.

Next Day

A crowd gathered near a shop on the street. The public had various emotions on their faces. Some were disgusted by how horribly blood and flesh were splattered, some looked with pity, some people cursing the driver who when interrogated was found to have suicidal tendencies. He even had records of attempting suicide 3 times before this. Unfortunately, he failed every time as he was saved with great luck which he called "Dogshit luck".

This incident caused a great sensation in the city and the politicians were scheming behind their gentle smiles how to take advantage of the situation.

While all this was happening, the culprit was sleeping or rather was unconscious peacefully.

The man's POV():

Huh? Where am I? Wait…didn't I die? So how the hell am I here speaking? No, I am not moving my mouth, so, I am….thinking? So I didn't reincarnate like those lucky protagonists in some light novels? Maybe I am so sinful that I couldn't even reincarnate as a dog don't even talk about being a human.


So am I going to float in this who knows where for eternity then?

Hah…so even hell did not welcome me.

Anyway, since I am here, I might as well tell you about myself.

Let's start with my name, my name is Aaron Blaze.

In my whole 25 years of a virgin life, I had always been unlucky. One day with my parents, I went to a newly opened mall. We had so much fun. Little did I know that it was the last time I would see them laughing.

On our way back, we had an accident when a truck came on the wrong side of the road and struck our car. My mom and I who were in the back seat somehow survived with a few fractures and broken bones. However, my dad who was driving was not that fortunate. The hit was too much for him and died on spot. I was just 11.

Although we received insurance, it was of little value, as my mom lost her smile from that day. The following week, she remained in the room, refusing to come out even ate in the room. After not coming out for a week.

I could hear faint noises of sobbing from outside her room while I just stood there, not having the courage to enter her room. I turned back.

Hearing her say those words, I left her alone, thinking that maybe she needed more time to recover from the shock.

Two years went by

I soon found some part-time jobs and my mom also somehow recovered. She would also occasionally smile. It also relieved me to see her like that. Never would I have imagined that behind those beautiful smiles, was heart broken into millions of pieces.

Days went, as usual, my mom worked in a small corporation and I worked in a café.

I still remember that day crystal clear when I was still doing a part-time job after my school when my mom called she would return earlier today. Usually, I returned in the afternoon and made dinner and we had dinner together when my mom returned in the evening.

However, that day, she went home first. I was not too worried when she said that thinking that maybe she had finished her work earlier. Anyway, on my way, I got some groceries. I wanted to make something special for her.

"I am home", I said, closing the door behind me.


"Huh? Didn't she say she was going to come home earlier?"

I had a bad feeling about this. Clearing my negative thoughts, "mom?"I called again only to be met with silence.'Maybe she is taking a bath, I thought.

I went to the bathroom and I called again.

Again silence

'fuck,' I cursed inwardly for being so stupid that I had forgotten the existence of my phone.

So I took out my smartphone and called. Then a ringtone entered my ears. So she is in her room. *phew* I sighed in relief. I thought she was kidnapped or something.

However, my bad feeling intensified as I moved closer to her room. My steps quickened and I started breathing faster.

Opening the door, I saw a scene that I could never erase from my mind.

A beautiful young woman about 30 or 31 with a curvaceous body that any man would kill to just have a touch was hanging by her neck, tied with a rope connected to the ceiling. Her beautiful sky-blue eyes devoid of life look down.

I just stood there and…..stood there,then I crept forward, not daring to believe that this corpse was my mother.

In my mind, only one question repeated in my mind:


she had no reason to do this.

I slowly untied the rope on her neck, putting her lifeless body down, noticing a small folded piece of paper with something scribbled on it.

I picked it and tears rolled down my cheeks.

"My son, since you are reading, this means I am no more.

I just want to say that I am solely responsible for my death and wanted to say sorry.

I just could not take it anymore.

Without your father, a space occupied my heart.No matter what I did, I could never get rid of this emptiness

I loved your father more than my own life.

I am so sorry.

I could never smile like in the past, but seeing how you cutely begged me to smile, I simply didn't have the heart to say no. But on the inside, I was broken, broken to the point of no return.

I wanted to see him; I want to go to him.

After suppressing this thought for two long years, I just could not. I am sorry.

I am sorry that now that you have to live without me.

Knowing you would probably blame yourself but don't. It was my fault. Please live a good life, my son.

I have nothing to say but I am sorry".

---Was all that written on it.

'why could I never see this? Why could never see her sadness?'

I soon called the police. After a few days, I held her funeral. As she had no relatives to attend, it was just me.

2 months later,

It has been 2 months since then. Although I cannot forget it, I still cannot clutch to it and spent my life in depression. That would disappoint my parents, which I definitely don't want. I know mom would also want that.

I have already resumed my daily work routine. But my jobs increased as my mom's income was cut off. Even with two jobs, my father's insurance money will last at most 3 years. Let's see what happens when the situation arises as I still have to attend school and I cannot take more jobs.*sigh* Life is cruel.

Just like the days turn to months and months to years.

3 years later,

"Damn it" I yelled out loud in frustration. I was searching for some part-time jobs on online sites as the insurance money was about to end in a few months.

Most of the physical jobs I tried out were out of the age limit. As for office-type ones, I didn't have the qualifications. I mean, who would hire a high schooler. But the jobs I was working currently could not satisfy my requirements like the house rent, the school fees, and the food.

I stood up from the chair and went in front of the mirror; I had inherited my mother's blue eyes and my father's jet black hair. I had grown to about 5ft 8 inches, which were pretty good for my height. My body could neither be called skinny nor fat. Well, should I expect a supermodel's body from my half-assed diet which was mainly made of junk food. However, as my mother was gorgeous and my father was pretty handsome, I had a good-looking face.

Looking at my not-so-bad face, I was wondering if I should sign up as a model. However, I soon became discouraged and threw out the idea from my mind as I browsed through the requirements of being a model.


Unable to decide anything, I threw myself on the bed. I feel so helpless. Seeing the portrait of my parents kept on the table beside the bed, I became gloomy.

Feeling powerless won't do anything. Let's go outside and get some fresh air. I got up and left the apartment before grabbing my jacket, as it was already evening outside.

While walking on the ever-crowded streets, I saw a few mothers and children walking together. I couldn't help but get a bit sad and jealous. I quickly threw out these thoughts, as it was bad to get off a child.

I decided to have a drink. I know I am underaged but looking at my build; I don't think anyone will suspect me. With this thought, I reached a bar.

While drinking, a mature beauty whose figure was enough for men to have an instant boner noticed me and sat on my side.

Then she took the initiative," Hey handsome~how about telling me your story to this big sister~?"

Her voice was seductive enough to awaken a man's wildest fantasies.

"Not interested and miss, you 're old enough to be my aunty", I turned to her and said in a slightly indifferent tone, not understanding what her actual intention was.

"Oô scary~ don't talk if you don't want BIG SIS won't push you". She faked a frightened face and said as sweetly as possible, while emphasizing BIG SIS to show that she still thinks of herself as my big sis.

"Thank you AUNTY", I said in a slightly soft tone, pressing the word AUNTY just to see how far she can continue this game of words.

"No problem, are you waiting for someone~ handsome?" "Why don't you accompany this BIG SIS for a drink~?", she continued playing her game.

I also played along with her. We talked like this for half an hour. We exchanged many things like names, numbers, likes, and dislikes. From our conversation, I also learned that she is the real owner of the bar.

Just like this, the night passed by.

Next Morning

I opened my eyes. I felt a sharp headache as soon as I sat up. Maybe I drank too much. But where is this? This doesn't look like my bedroom.

Just as I was thinking about how I ended up here, I saw a familiar beauty coming out of the bathroom with just a towel. I felt my mouth run dry and brain freezing as I imagined what happened last night if she is here.

She then noticed that I had awakened." Did you enjoy the night with big sis?" She said in her usual seductive voice while winking at me.

Seeing her curvy body, I gulped and inquired," what happened last night? i remember drinking too much " " After that, I remember nothing"

"Fufu~ you drank too much last night, and I had to bring you to this hotel?"

"Who would have known that I awakened a sleeping beast in the process? As soon as we got here, you jumped on me and even ripped my dress"

"Not that I hate it but in fact, I like it~Ah...I can still remember your vigorous little monster"

"And did you forget how hard you were pistoning big sis yesterday~?"She asked with a dangerous glint in her eyes which vanished at the next moment.

"I am so sorry. Please tell me what should I do to take responsibility?", I said in embarrassment and guilt that I forced myself on her.

"Fufu~silly boy, when did I ask you to do that?"

"And I remember asking you to call me Rina~," she said and pouted childishly.

"Fine, Rina, can I at least give you some sort of compensation?" I sighed after seeing her childish acts despite being the almost same age as my mom if she was alive and asked in a worried tone if she later takes advantage of this situation and forces him to do something bad. So he wanted to clear this debt he owned.

As if understanding his inner thoughts, Rina then replied in a serious tone which was unusually businesses like," If you want to repay this big sis, Will you accept a job offer?"

"Huh?.. i wanted to repay you but you are giving me a job?", I asked in a puzzled tone." What are these women talking about? i want to repay her but she is piling another favor by making a job offer?', I thought.

Seeing my puzzled face, she reverted to her usual playful nature and said," Fufu~I can completely understand, but I am not so kind to offer something without getting something in return ?"

"Actually a few women, homemakers to be precise requested me to find a young man to spend some time with, unfortunately, I didn't find anyone suitable for this position, however, I after seeing your bed skills last night I can say you will the perfect man. So will you take the job? I can personally guarantee that the pay will be generous and can be negotiated as per your performance", Rina asked

'isn't this simply prostitution?.. well as long as I can pay my rent and school fees, I have to do this… it's not that I am losing something but I am getting a chance touch unsatisfied beautiful women ', I thought after understanding the meaning of spending time. After pondering a bit, I agreed to her offer, and we decided that the distribution will be 75-25. Needless to say, the larger part is mine.

After taking a bath, she then informed me that my first appointment was tomorrow.

I can still remember my first customer. She was mature beauty like Rina but instead of Rina's playful, seductive nature; she gave an aura of a kind aura of a mother and just my ideal type.

All of my customers were housewives with an ample chest, a plump butt, and a slim waist that would perfectly fit into my arms or in a single word, which you would call a milf.

But the problem was as their husband were useless bast*ahem* so busy in their respective work that these women were unattended.

However, after my special dates with them, they did not let their husbands touch them.

I chuckled imagining the face after being refused to touch their own wives and can't help but laugh imagining their faces if they ever learn about their cheating wives.

Anyway, the first time I feel bad for those husbands as they are being cucked behind their backs, but I later realized that it was their fault for leaving their women unguarded and unsatisfied.

And I am just fulfilling their hidden desires in turn making them happy, I am just doing social service. Actually, Shouldn't they be grateful to me for doing what could not?

They would surely cough a mouthful of blood and go to coma if they ever hear his shameless words.

Well, the few years following that were really great, and I soon passed high school and college but one day when I was invited to a reunion party by high school classmates.

At first, I thought maybe they remembered this poor kid and invited me out of goodwill, but who would think that they were planning to beat me up.

Actually, in my high school days, I used to beat up these arrogant Nouveau rich boys who bullied others just because they were more wealthy. So they planned revenge.

However, after being beaten up like a dog, this shitty accident resulted in losing my life.

Well, it was not a terrible life, but not a good one, too.

I still had regrets like not finding love, could not become wealthy, and I couldn't marry.

Heh! at least I did not die as a virgin.

As I was floating in this empty void and recalling my life, I felt something pulling me towards it.

I panicked, as I felt like I was being dragged into a tornado. I could not even resist, as I had no power in my limbs. So I could go along with the flow. Then I left my life, or rather presently my soul, to fate.

Who knows what fate has in store for me.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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