
Just An Act?

Scarlet_Eyes666 · Teen
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1 Chs

Chapter One

"I love you, Ella," confessed a boy. 

His brown eyes were piercing into icy blue ones of the brunette standing in front of him. He stepped closer while the girl took a step back, her back against the locker.

"I..." Her words were still in her mouth when he put his hands on the locker, cornering her. 

"I've always liked you. You're different from all other girls. Please be my girlfriend," he whispered in her ear.

She could feel his breath hit her skin. Her heart was racing so fast that it could explode at any moment. She gattered her strength and pushed him back so there was about two feet distance between them.

"I.. I'm sorry, Ethan," she apologized. "But I don't see you that way," she said, not meeting his gaze. 

When he didn't say anything in return, she looked up at him. There was rage in his eyes. He was angry. He ran a hand through his messy blonde hair, probably in an attempt to calm down.

The next moment, he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her against the lockers. It did hurt.

"What's the problem? I'm good-looking, popular, rich, have a brand new car. Any girl would die for that. Why not?" he hissed.

"A moment ago, you yourself said that.. I'm different," she responded hesitantly.

He smirked. "That's why I want you to be mine."

Ella silently gulped, as his hands grabbed her waist tightly and pulled her into him. He leaned his face closer and closer. Their lips were an inch apart, his gaze on her lips. He was about to kiss her, thinking that she would melt. Well... he could be wrong.

She tried to free herself from his tight grip but failed. His grip only tightened.

She couldn't think of anything clearly and did the first thing that came to her mind. She broke his hold by smashing her knee between his legs. He writhed in agony on the floor.

"I'm sorry but I can't be yours," she said and quickly walked out of the locker room into the hallway.

Standing there were Ethan's two friends, probably waiting for him. The three were popular in school for their good looks and wealth. They were the bad boy trio.

And, to be honest, Ella had a big crush on one of them. No, it wasn't Ethan. It was his best friend, Leo. He had thick straight messy black hair that covered his forehead and enticing green eyes. He seemed to be little different from the other two. There were a lot of girls always flirting with him. He used to flirt too but he hadn't had a girlfriend unlike the other two, Alex and Ethan, who were one hell of play boys. Confessing to girls, using them, dumping them and then moving on to their next victim, that was what the two always did.

That's why she rejected Ethan. She wasn't going to be trapped so easily like the other stupid girls who were captivated by their looks and couldn't see through their handsome faces.

She could feel their eyes on her. She lowered her head and walked away. As soon as she was out of their sight, she began to run toward the spot where her best friend, Callie, was waiting for her. 

Her mind was clouded. She was still trying to absorb what just happened in the locker room.

She stopped in front of Callie, breathing heavily.

"Ell? What's the matter?" her friend asked, feeling worried as she saw the look on Ella's face.

"I.. he.. there." She tried to catch her breath.

"Relax. Calm down and tell me cleary what exactly happened," Callie said, as she handed her a water bottle.


"What? How dare he?" Callie fumed, but the angry look on her face soon turned into a concerned one.

"But Ell, he must be really mad at you for rejecting him. I'm afraid.. I hope that he doesn't do anything horrible to take his revenge. You know how he is." She frowned.

"Well .. I tried to be as polite as possible. But it did affect his self respect. He seemed to be mad. But don't worry. He won't be able to do anything." Ella gave her an assuring smile, though a part of her knew that he wouldn't back down so easily.

"I hope so." Callie sighed, as they made our way to the bus.


After Ella left, Ethan came out of the locker room, anger evident on his face. 

"Huh.. she rejected you?!" Alex laughed at Ethan's expressions.

"Shut up!" Ethan yelled. "I won't let her go so easily."

"Easy man. You've plenty of girls behind you," Leo said, patting Ethan's back.

"How dare she? It's my insult." Ethan clenched his fists.

"She must be really courageous," Alex commended.

"I doubt that." Leo smirked. "She was on verge of tears when she passed by here," he added.

"Whatever," Ethan growled. "I'll take my revenge no matter what!"