
Just Admit It, You Love Me

Andrea Lu broke up with her boyfriend. He confessed that he was gay and in love with his friend, Qilin Han. Fueled by anger, Andrea drugged Qilin with aphrodisiacs and slept with him, solely to provoke her ex. However, she didn't anticipate Qilin's naivety and willingness to take responsibility, leading to them officially dating. Despite Qilin treating her well, Andrea couldn't find herself falling in love with him. Additionally, their differing social statuses seemed worlds apart. After more than two months, Andrea discovered she was pregnant. Without informing Qilin, she unilaterally decided to break up with him, intending to abort the fetus. Heartbroken, Qilin left the country. Andrea found out that her health condition wasn't favorable, and aborting the fetus could worsen her health and jeopardize her future fertility. Reluctantly, she chose to keep the baby. Six years later, Qilin's name had become renowned internationally. He had achieved success as a novelist and screenwriter, with several of his dramas going viral. The tiny little girl, Anlin, learned about her father. She fell in love with the kind-looking man on magazine covers. Looking at her unreliable mama, Anlin was determined to play matchmaker for her parents.

new_beginning · Urban
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11 Chs

Chapter 7 : Role of Girfriend

"Thank you for waiting! Shall we go to class?" Andrea said as she found Qilin at the doorway, looking refreshed.

He put away his phone.

"Let's go! Want some?" Qilin offered a handmade sandwich.

"Whoa... Looks yummy! Thank you... How about you?" Andrea accepted the sandwich.

"I've got mine," he replied, taking out his own share.

"Yosh, then let me buy our drinks!" Andrea smiled as she led the way to the canteen.

The canteen was quite empty, with only a few students having breakfast at school.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"Sports drink. Cold," Qilin replied.

"Hm? Okay... Then I'll have yogurt," Andrea chose their drinks from the vending machine.

Qilin: "Thanks. How about we eat here? There's still about twenty minutes until the bell rings."

They chose a table not far away. Andrea found the sandwich delicious and ate it with relish. She couldn't help but envy the lives of rich people. There were many kids with super wealthy backgrounds scattered around the school, with one practically every few meters. But the person sitting in front of her belonged to the super elite among them. Not only was Qilin from a family that had been rich for generations, but they also wielded significant political power. Despite this, Andrea couldn't sense any air of superiority from Qilin. Well, she couldn't help but wonder how expensive his skincare and treatments must be. If she hadn't seen the pimple on his neck, she wouldn't have believed that his divine face could have imperfections.

"Hmm... Do you..." Andrea began, intending to ask if he planned to do this every day, but Qilin's direct gaze into her eyes stopped her.


"Have you already picked out your outfit for prom night?" she quickly changed her question.

Qilin responded, "Not yet. Have you?"

"No. Then... How about we go shopping together?" Andrea suggested.

Qilin: "When?"

Andrea: "Tomorrow?"

Qilin nodded. "Okay."

"Oh, but... I don't think my budget could match yours, so how about you adjust your budget to match mine?" Andrea grinned.

"Okay," Qilin agreed without hesitation.

Andrea ate her sandwich awkwardly, feeling at a loss for conversation topics. She tried to recall the things she and Timothy had talked about in the past, but she wasn't sure if those topics would interest Qilin. Shamefully, she realized that she knew very little about him. She wondered how long it would be before Qilin broke up with her. Maybe about two weeks? She might have to go to the prom night by herself. But that was okay. She just had to play the role of a girlfriend these few days. Just having that title alone should be enough to sting Timothy's heart a few times.



Qilin: "When we're not playing games, my friends could talk to each other and just let me be. Sometimes they even forget I'm there. So... What I mean is... Even my childhood friends rarely find any topic to start a conversation with me. You don't have to think that hard."

Andrea felt embarrassed for getting caught. "Is it obvious?"

"Too obvious..." Qilin chuckled, amused by her. His eyes formed crescent moons.

Andrea was stunned. Really, she wondered how could a boy look this beautiful? He should be banned from smiling. If it was any other girl, she would have had a heart attack by now.

Andrea: "Truthfully, I can't find the right way to treat you. Sorry."

Qilin: "I understand. Just a few days ago, you still loved him. Maybe even now. So don't pressure yourself. We're dating, but we still don't know each other well. So, we should just let it flow, okay?"

Andrea nodded. She felt embarrassed to acknowledge that not only was he beautiful, but he was also very kind and mature. He had it all—looks, money, a good attitude, a nice personality. He was a complete package. Bitterly, she had to admit, no wonder Timothy liked him.

"By the way, what club did you belong to before? I don't remember ever seeing you on the practice ground, but I saw you were quite good in the futsal game yesterday," Andrea asked, curious.

"Club? I was in the Cooking Club. Home economic,"

"What... cooking?" she was not sure hearing that right.

"Well, it's not exactly a club because we only have a few members. I made the sandwich myself, how was it?" Qilin looked at her with anticipation.

"It... was delicious. I thought it was made by some high-class restaurant chefs," Andrea replied, impressed.

"Really? Then I can't wait for you to try my other cooking," Qilin looked happy.

"Um, alright," Andrea replied, not wanting to comment further.

"It was hard. My mom wouldn't let me live on my own unless I proved that I could manage even without servants around me," Qilin sighed, remembering the very first day he held a kitchen knife three years ago. It was a total disaster.

"You're really... Wonderful. Even I don't have the confidence to live without my mom. I'd probably last less than a month," Andrea admitted.

As they walked and parted ways to go to their own classes, Andrea couldn't help but find their dynamic as a couple amusing. The role of a girlfriend was completely owned by her boyfriend.

Unaware of their surroundings, they caused quite a stir among the other students, especially those in classes A and B. The onlookers were completely astonished, seeing the usually aloof boy smiling amicably as he walked side by side with Andrea.

And of course, the most shocked by them were Qilin's group of friends.

"Am I seeing things? Our Qilin never even smiles at me!" Legi felt betrayed and sad.

Ricky looked at Timothy, "Tim... Be honest, did you cheat on her or something?"

Timothy frowned, seeing his ex-girlfriend and his almost ex-friend getting close just three days after their breakup. He got a really bad feeling about this phenomenal event.

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