
Just a Teaspoon of Crazy

In a shocking event where young Sakura Haruno dies at an early age, A soul whom has wondered the vast alternate realities claims this empty shell. The soul embodies Sakura and takes full charge, How will this new Sakura change the events of the future.

Monatophobia · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Team 7

I could hear the other's talking about my new outfit, some whispering while some outright talking and staring at me.

It's better to insult or talk about someone in front of them than behind their back.

Finally, the moment I have been waiting for, We were going to be assigned to our teams. I was rather excited to be meeting the Kakashi Hatake.

I had zoned out, so many people graduated and there were too many non-cannon teams, I could feel my conscience start to slip away. I snapped out of it when Iruka began with the first Cannon team.

"Team 7" He called out. He looked rather concerned, I guess he wasn't happy that Naruto was on Kakashi's team.

"Naruto Uzumaki" Naruto jumped out of his seat and grinned wide, He adjusted his head band and glanced at me.

"Sakura Haruno" I nudged Shikamaru with my shoulder and 'telepathically' communicated

'Lets still meet at the same spot tomorrow?'

He nodded and rested his head back on his arms and 'dozed off'

"Hell yeah, Me and Sakura-Chan are on the same team! As long as the bastard Sasuke-Teme isn't on our team" He jumped up and down in his seat until Iruka told him to calm down.

"And Sasuke Uchiha" Iruka finished, Naruto huffed and glared at Sasuke.

The man child in question was also having a little pissy fit, I guess he didn't want to be on the same team as us 'weaklings'.

Sasuke scoffed and turned to glare at me, If that's how he was going to treat me that's how he's going to be treated.

I had made the most utterly disgusted face at him, He looked surprised at my reaction, I glared back at him.

'I won't tolerate a weakling like you on the team' I mouthed to him.

He furrowed his eyebrows before huffing after he could understand what I said.

I giggled to myself after, I hated people like him. I'm going to break his nasty habits, Extort his rage for Itachi and redirect it to me. Because Itachi did nothing to deserve the hate he carries.

"Team 8"

"Kiba Inuzuka" Said boy perked up, Akamaru barked from within his Jacket.

I could hear some chatter between the two before the next name was called.

"Hinata Hyuga" I could see a small smile stretch across her face, She poked her pointer fingers together. The classic 'shy' characteristic.

"Shino Aburame" The boy stayed perfectly still. His eyes were always hidden behind a pair of circular sunglasses. It was slightly eerie but never in a way that made me uncomfortable.

I've talked to Shino a couple of times before, I have even trained with him before. He was misunderstood because of his bugs, The Kikachu weren't as bad as most made them seem, The bugs were curious and very useful in tracking and long distance.

I sent a small smile Shino's way, He inclined his head in response.

"Team 9"

I nudged Shikamaru's shoulder signalling it was his team being called up.

"It's gonna be the Ino-Shika-Cho 100%" I whispered.

"Troublesome, Ino's on my team, No doubt it's going to be all about Sasuke" He answered, He actually sounded rather irritated.

"Shikamaru Nara"

"Choji Akimichi"

"And Ino Yamanaka"

Ino scoffed and glared at me, I guess she was sour that I was assigned to her 'Sasuke-Kun's' team. I responded with the same face I sent Sasuke, I would not put up with Ino's impotence. Even when we were younger she would harass me about it, Saying I was hiding my feelings for him. But that was never the case, Over time she got more and more jealous of me. My bond with Shikamaru had finally made her snap. One day after school she took the time to get her hands dirty.

She brought the two of Ami's minions, Kasumi and Fuki.

She had them hold me down as she beat me, I took it thinking that maybe it would satisfy her.

She was never satisfied.

I took all of her anger and punches.

It was pain endurance training, No one but Shikamaru ever commented if I had bruises the next day.

That's exactly why I'm going to beat her in the Chunin exams.

I'm going to prove that I was never weak.

I will prove that her actions were wrong.

They did say that killing your opponent was allowed.

This time it will be me paying you back for that year of torment.

Get excited.


"We've been waiting for hours, when is this sensei of ours gonna show up?" Naruto yelled. He stomped his feet on the floor and a chalkboard eraser fell from a shelf.

A sneaky fox grin appeared on his face, I couldn't help but grin when I saw what he was doing. Naruto took a chair and wedged the eraser in between the door and the frame. He quickly jumped off and put the chair back in its original position.

"Hn, That would never work on a Jonin dobe" Sasuke scoffed, He was ever so sure in himself.

I hopped off my seat on the desk and walked over to where Sasuke sat, I slammed my hand on the desk and a sly grin spread over my face.

"Wanna bet on it" My grin only widened when he agreed, I guess my knowledge in the future did come in handy.

"10,000 ryo, I mean, you can back out if you want too but.... I don't think you would chicken out...."

Sasuke had that stupid smirk on his face, I guess since he was the one left with the Uchiha fortune he didn't have to worry about money. I don't have the money to pay Sasuke back but I wouldn't need it, I already knew Kakashi would fall for it.

Just then the door slid open and the chalkboard eraser fell straight onto a silver head of hair.

The look on Sasuke's face was priceless, I looked him in the eye and smirked, my smug face seemed to piss him off more and more. Naruto's obnoxious laugh bounced off the walls in the classroom.

"My first impression of you is.... I don't like you"

"Meet me on the roof"

The man disappeared in a swirl of leaves leaving Naruto and I to laugh our asses off.

"Where's my money Uzai?" He looked rather aggravated. It seems no one but Naruto has insulted him to his face.

"Don't you dare-" I pushed past him to get to the door, It took one insult to get under his skin it seems.

"You better have me my money tomorrow, If you don't it's going to be 200% interest" I slid open the door and left the room, Quickly heading up to the roof.

Kakashi was reading his Icha Icha paradise when I arrived. He either didn't notice me or didn't want to. I sat down and fiddled with my hair, an old habit if you will. It was a few minutes of silence before Naruto's loud voice could be heard grumbling about Sasuke.

Naruto sat next to me while Sasuke trailed after him, eventually taking a seat himself.

Kakashi finally tucked his book in his kunai pouch with that classic crinkled eye smile.

"Now that you're all up here it's time to introduce yourselves, Talk about your Likes, Dislikes, Hobbies and Dreams for the future." His smile didn't fade but it did seem rather fake.

"Well why don't you introduce yourself first sensei, I mean you did read through our files already" I shot at him, I sent him the same eye crinkle smile that he sent us.

"I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate.... I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future... never really thought about it. As for my hobbies.. I have a lot of hobbies" The more he talked the more exasperated I became,

"Your turn pinky" That nickname was not new, I've heard it multiple times by many people.

"My name is Sakura Haruno, I like money and Shika-kun. I dislike many things. My dream for the future..... Hobbies.... humm I too have many hobbies" I looked Kakashi in the eye and blinked at him.

'That's what you get'

"Ehem, Blondie your next" He pointed to Naruto.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki. What I like is ramen, especially from Ichiraku's ramen shop. What I dislike is the three minutes you have to wait for the ramen to cook after pouring in the boiling water. My hobbies are eating ramen and comparing different ramens. My dream is to become the next Hokage!" Naruto shouted the last bit, It was astounding to think he could get louder than he already was.

'Maa, you next" Kakashi pointed to Sasuke, I was surprised that he didn't give him a nickname.

"Hn, My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan, and kill a certain someone." He interlaced his fingers and set his hands in front of his face, He looked even more somehow.

I saw Kakashi's eyes narrow slightly, his middle finger twitched slightly and he adjusted his posture.

"We'll have a mission tomorrow, we'll do what we can with four people" He explained.

"What what what what whattt" Naruto jumped excitedly, His exuberance made me smile.

"A survival exercise" The man spoke.

"..... survival exercise...? Wait a minute why are doing a survival exercise if its should be a mission, huh huh huh?" Naruto yelled, he was getting riled up over nothing.

"This is no simple exercise, Naruto"

"Then... What type of exercise is it?" Naruto questioned, he still seemed confused.

At that the silver-haired man started chuckling, Sasuke crossed his fingers infront of his head, I sweat dropped.

"Hey! What's so funny sensei?"

"Uh, well, If I tell you, I know you'll be disappointed." Kakashi waved a hand in front of his face.

Naruto sat back down, he squinted his eyes in thought.

Kakashi then explained how the first mission is to weed out the weak, Naruto looked rather nervous after his explanation. Sasuke still looked and acted like the emo he was, I wonder if he would ever just stop being emo....

"Well, I'll leave you too it, Oh... and don't eat..... or you'll throw up" With a swirl of leaves he was gone, I sighed, stood up and went to the ledge of the building. Quickly I rushed home jumping roof to roof, I had to grab my money if I wanted to get some shopping done today. The fridge was empty and I was rather hungry, I would need to prepare something for Naruto and I. Naruto was the only one I would cook for our team. If Kakashi wanted me to cook for him he would need to create a bond. However Sasuke would never get any food I make, I refuse to feed such an egotistical brat such as him.

The rest of the day rushed past in a blur, Shopping was done, Cooking was done, Cleaning was done. All I had to do was close my eyes and wait for sleep to take me as I rested on my bed. Maybe it would be easier if Kakashi wasn't outside my window.