
Just a Teaspoon of Crazy

In a shocking event where young Sakura Haruno dies at an early age, A soul whom has wondered the vast alternate realities claims this empty shell. The soul embodies Sakura and takes full charge, How will this new Sakura change the events of the future.

Monatophobia · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

I Fight For Myself

"Why do you train all the time? Why can't you just sit and watch as we train? You act as if you're getting stronger but you will always be weak. You are just a civilian born fangirl and your training will not gain my attention so stop chasing me." Sasuke snarled as he threw an unsharpened Kunai which grazed my arm.

"Why can't you take the time to sharpen your knives?" I dully retorted, rolling my eyes as I shunshined above him, swiftly delivering an axe kick on his right shoulder which had him tumbling to the ground with a 'phoof'.

I watched as he pushed himself off the ground with a wince, his hand moving up to comfort his shoulder tenderly, I quirked an eyebrow in question as his anger towards me grew. His hands were coming together to complete the fireball Jutsu hand signs and I scoffed. He tells me I am weak and proceeds to get his ass handed to him, what an asshole.

"Sensei, I think we already know who's won by now." I called firmly as I glanced at the silver-haired man who was (Not surprisingly) reading erotic literature.

I dodged the fireball that Sasuke sent my way hastily, Narrowing my eyes at the raven-haired rat in annoyance.

"Sasuke be careful, You know that Sakura-Chan can't handle an attack like that!" Kakashi waved as he continued to read his novel. I felt my lip curl into a snarl and his comment was like gasoline to my fire of rage. My hate for this team slowly bubbling to the max,

'I cannot be angry at them, they simply don't understand' I thought as I counted to ten in my head, letting the anger drip off of me like water.

'The best fighter is never angry' Inner reminded me, her voice wiping away the fog of rage.

"Sasuke, I do not train for your attention. I do not chase you because you don't deserve me." I spoke with a light tone as I shunshined behind him, I planted my foot on his back and gripped his hair close to his scalp and held him like that until Kakashi announced the winner.

"Sakura-Chan is the winner!" Kakashi announced with a fake smile. It was Naruto's turn and the blonde was talking to himself…. About ramen. I dropped Sasuke promptly which caused the emo to faceplant into the ground.

"Naruto, its your turn your up against Sasuke." The masked man nodded as Naruto jumped up excited for his turn. I furrowed my eyebrows and glanced at the masked man in confusion.

"Sensei, I won the match, That means that Naruto goes up against me." I corrected the man with a raised eyebrow.

Kakashi waved his hand in front of his face with that same squinted eye smile.

"Naruto and Sasuke train at a higher level, We need to focus on them for now." Kakashi replied, not at all correcting himself for his mistake, I stood there silently, processing what the man had said. I realised that Naruto and Sasuke were already duking it out and Kakashi had turned his attention to them.

I clenched my jaw in irritation and left the training ground, trying to let off some steam by taking a brisk jog around.

'To be honest, I never liked him that much anyways, He was a pretty weak character in Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations.' Inner offered as she stroked her imaginary beard.

'That is so true, I was actually so good at that game. My favourite characters to use in a team were Orochimaru, Kisame and Guy.' I thought as I silently giggled to myself, My thoughts blocking out the world around me.

I heard Inner's warning a second before I ran into something, I was rapidly sucked out of my thoughts as my ass hit the concrete harshly. I blinked a few times before looking around to figure out both where the hell I was and what I bumped into.

I saw a hand being offered to me, I took a hold of it and got up, brushing myself off.




"Shiranui…?" I muttered to myself as I squinted my eyes. Coffee brown hair and eyes, bandana and a Senbon in his mouth.

'AGGAHAAHAhhH WE FINALLY MEET HIM, IT'S FATE!' Inner cheered in my head as she danced around energetically.

Genma raised an eyebrow in question and his Senbon shifted to the other side.

"How would a genin fresh outta' the academy know my name?" He asked as he bit on his Senbon unconsciously. I ruffled my hair sheepishly and offered him a wide grin.

"I mean, you're the short guy with the Senbon I've heard the ladies talking about. A 'real player' you are apparently." I raised an eyebrow in retaliation.

Genma chuckled and accepted my response, He grinned back and ruffled my hair.

"I'm not short pinky, you're just tall for a kid." He pointed out. Genma wasn't wrong, I was 5'6 in this world for some reason. In my last life I was around 5'6 - 5'7. I continuously reminded everyone that they were just short, Usually to just point out that I was average height.

"Meh" I shrugged nonchalantly as an idea popped up into my head, It had to work.

"I can see by the way you carry yourself you are most likely a Jonin, And I need someone to train me for the Chunin exams which are coming up quickly. Would you be willing to train me?" I asked all in one breath, I felt nervousness creep up in my gut. The brunette stood there for a while with a contemplative look on his face.

"What about your Sensei? Why can't you just train with them?" He asked with an inquisitive look on his face.

'Ugh Kaka-Baka' Inner scoffed.

"Well Kakashi-Sensei prefers to train the boys because they have more promise than me. While I am a capable Genin he refuses to give me any time of day, In fact I am grouped with a bunch of power houses who insult my capability as a shinobi whether they mean to or not. While I am patient I will not cloud myself with false hope, I would like to get help and working with the team will not help me improve." I confessed with a slight bitterness in my tone, I felt a small weight leave my shoulders.

Genma was frowning at my words, I guess he never pegged Kakashi to be the type. Or maybe he was conflicted on what to do. I stared at him dully, awaiting him to tell me he will train me, find someone to train me or leave me here. The brunette man pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh, seemingly having his answer.

"What do you need help with?"

"Kenjutsu, Taijutsu and Stamina. I would like to learn my chakra affinity and some Ninjutsu that work well with it. I would also like to boost my dodging and quick thinking." I spoke firmly, meeting Genma's eyes with confidence.

"I'll tell you what kid, I may have a few missions but I can help you with training. I can teach you the basics of Kenjutsu but that's where the terrible twins come in. Everything else I can help you with." He grinned as he ruffled my bubblegum pink hair once again.

I grinned back at the man with excitement and nodded eagerly, My hands balled up in fists at my chest. (If you get it, You get it.)

"When do we start!"