

Tim was the only man I have ever Loved and he was sure going to be the last , although our time together wasn't that long but I could swear that it was the best moments of my life . I love Tim, that's for sure, I have always and will forever love him , I fell in love with him the very first day I saw him , that cold rainy night, our meeting might not have been pleasant but it was the greatest experience of my life. Loving Tim has been the hardest yet easiest thing I have ever done in my life and getting him to fall for me was the worst , but at the end everything That happened all happened for a reason, i guess my love life with Tim was just a taste of love . My name is precious Jameson and this is my story.

Skyler101starp · Urban
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6 Chs


I knew it was going to rain heavily due to the cold heavy wind which blew which was accompanied by the lighting in the sky followed by the thunder storm, i was completely stranded , with no cars passing by and a heavy rain threatening to fall I checked my wrist Watch to realise that it was past ten pm, groaning in anger i broke into a ran but unfortunately the heavy rain was faster than i was , it poured on the Earth without Mercy.

I finally found shatter under a small built zinc , it must have been someone's business place but thank God that the owner has closed for the day.

I noticed a presence behind and when I turned i saw a young man who was busy smoking his life out, at that moment I breathe in the smoke, it was then i even noticed that someone was actually there , i didn't notice it before, worse of all he's smoking. i felt a choking , i gently reach for my bag and brought out my inhaler and place it in my mouth and inhaled it , it was tremble, I would have gone out but that's the only available shatter nearby and it was quite small.

" please sir can you not smoke it's choking me" I politely told him, he didn't even make a movement to indicate that he has heard me, it was like he totally ignored me.

" sir ?" i called out to him, yet he didn't respond.

With his head bow he kept on smoking his life out, annoyingly the rain wasn't even slowly down, instead it was increasing it's speed , the thunderstorms were terrifying and so was the rain. Had it not be because of my condition I would have gone home even with the rain, but hey no ..... i won't even survive five minutes under this rain.

I inhaled my inhaler again and glance at the man, he was dressed in a black suit, matching his jet black hair and am sure it also matches his black heart . Although it was dark and i could bearly see a thing, i was very sure he has tanned skin. with the way he was smoking one could easily guess that he was depressed, sad and very Moody.

I was about to pity him when i suddenly felt that choking again .

like hell what have I gotten myself Into !!

I inhaled my inhaler again , I choose to mind my own business, once the rain reduce i will take off maybe before it will start again i will be under another shatter far away from him, but the stup¡d rain wasn't even slowly down.

i took a deep breath, and then glanced at him,I watched him thrown the cigarette out but when I could breath a relief breathe he brought out the packet of it.

My eyes widened in shock and surprise.

seriously !!

" please sir am asmatic , and smoking isn't good for my health " I told him.

" then go find some other place " his voice was rude and it lack warmness, it was deep and cold , the kind that will send shiver down your spine but in this case I don't care, it's my health we're talking about.

" but there is no other place " i blurted out , i was already frustrated with he's lack of understanding.

He ignored me , like he totally ignored me, i choose to ignore him as well, after all after this night I will never see him again, I endured him until he finally finished the second stick .

When I thought he was going to quit smoking boom he brought out another stick from the pack, i couldn't take it anymore, i had to snatch the packet of cigarettes from him including the one he was holding and threw everything out in the rain.

" WHAT THE F*CK!!!! " he exclaimed loud almost immediately the sound of the thunder roaring in the sky was heard.

I didn't know the one which was more terrifying, the thunderstorm or the man standing before me.

I told few steps backwards but he grabbed my by the arm and before I could even think he pushed me out in the rain, the inhaler i was holding flew away from my hand.

The moment I fell in that cold heavy rain, my body began to tremble, the entire place was dark but i carded less , i began searching for inhaler, using my hands and my leg , i was literally acting like a blind person who was searching for something.

Whether he was watching me, that I cared less , i was still searching for my inhaler when i began to feel a restriction in my air flow, i was finding it difficult to breath , i held my chest while searching for my inhaler, until finally I couldn't take it anymore, I was so weak that I lost my balance and fell to the ground.

" heyy are you okay " came a voice, a male voice, it was distant or so I thought.

The next thing I noticed was the mean smoking guy bending before me, he was shaking me, properly trying to get me back to ny senses.

Suddenly something click on him and he left me .

" where's your inhaler ?" he asked me, i couldn't speak, like what am i even saying, i couldn't even breath , i kept on pointing at some random place, he rushed over to the place I was pointing and began to search round, his suit were currently dripping wet by now.

He reached for his pocket and brought out his phone, ge switch on tbe flash light and in no time he found my inhaler.

He rushed towards my, sat down on the ground and lifted my head up as he brought the inhaler close to my mouth, i inhaled the inhaler .

it was like a relief to me, he gently lifted me up , carrying me in bridal style back to the shatter, where he sat dy and made me rest on his chest.

Although i was still recovering from a near death experience, i could clearly tell that hid heart was beating faster than normal.

was he panicking ?

is he afraid ?

whatever the case might me , he looks freaked out .

right there under that cold heavy rain, in the night I nearly died , i slept on him , using his chest as my comfort pillow.