
Just a simple girl

Imbelani · Teen
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9 Chs

Chapter 1

Belle couldn't sleep the whole night, she kept on tossing and turning as if like something was eating het inside. She kept on staring at the clock on the wall, it was only 01:27 am and she is still wide awake.

It was 05:45 when the alarm went off, she couldn't believe it, when did she fall asleep? She was so tired to get out of bed, but she forced herself to run to the bathroom. She quickly took a shower and brush her teeth.

By 06:30 she was screaming trying to stop a taxi, but non came her way, she was exhausted and time was running out. After a while of walking, a taxi came her way. She gave the driver the address of the place she was going to.

She fell asleep after getting. She woke up when the drive hit her high telling her to get off. She paid the fees and get out. She stood outside admiring the place in front of her eyes, she have never been this side. When she was about to move, she saw a queue of people trying to get inside, she knew right there and then that she was late.

She went to the end of the queue, she was wearing wearing a strapless dress that shows her beautiful shoulders. The queue was moving slow and it was getting hot, the was no sign of shade, her shoulders where burning. It was about 14:33 pm when she secured a sit inside, she was given a script to read, in 30 minutes she will be on the next audition group.

She went to another room to start reading with others, many were friends, she felt like she was the only one who doesn't have a friend, no one to practice with, she felt lonely and isolated in a place full of people. Within few minutes a back door was open from the inside, a group of teenage boys entered the room.

It was no secret that they did stood on the line like others, from the way they were wearing, one could tell they come from rich families. Girls started staring at them making noise to be noticed. The boys joined some group of girls, they were handed some scripts too. They started practicing with some other girls.

One handsome boy didn't take the script, he just sat there looking at his friends, chatting and laughing. Many looked her way and one can see that she doesn't belong in the same room as others. She felt disappointed and embarrassed, looking at her outfit and her, she was the poor of the poorest at the audition.

Within few minutes, they were called back to start the audition.

She was so scared and uncomfortable as the character she was auditioning for was a wild girl who doesn't care about anything in her life. Unlike here, the character was totally opposite of her. She got called on stage with two beautiful, outgoing girls and three handsome boys.