
THE AZTECS : The Beginnings

When we hear the word 'ÁZTECS' we think of bloodthirsty, brutal offensive cannibals who sacrificed people.

Well, I wouldn't necessarily say bloodthirsty but yes there were human sacrifices nonetheless, Aztec civilization is an amazing society and full of new wonders.

So, let's start with dates,

A/N: Nobody likes these but for formality purposes, this civilization occurred between 1345 to 1521 CE. Essentially situated in Meso-America which is Mexico.

Now the Aztecs. They were nomadic tribes who were from the northern mountains and plains in Mexico in the 13th century.

An interesting fact when these people were travelling they saw a marshy land near the southwest border of Lake Texcoco and decided to build their settlement there.

Y'all most probably are wondering what's interesting about that? cause they saw an eagle perched on a cactus and took it as a sign to build their settlement there. Weird and awesome at the same time, I mean an eagle seriously! They drained this marshy land and reasonably built an island there where they could do agriculture and plant seeds, extra. This was the foundation of the capital of the Aztec city, Tenochtitlan.

Now let's go-to food (cause everyone likes food)

The Aztecs were known for growing crops like corn, beans, squashes, and avocados. They also supported themselves through fishing and hunting local animals. I mean our salsa and guacamole originated from there. This was all possible only due to their urban agricultural system.

Now one of the most important rulers in the Aztecs was "Montezuma" he was the son of Itzcoatl(another ruler) and was also known as the father of the Aztec empire. Right about here Tenonchitlan was flourishing and It was a big market place.