
Still Waiting 1/3


Oh graceful maiden I long to keep,

I know thee mind is of uncertain.

For when I confessed thy said that thee are young,

And wanted to experience the world whilst still young.


I felt crestfallen at first yet I braced the odds and said,

If that is what you wish then I shall wait no matter how long for thee.

You may not believe it but every time I think of you,

A smile would always form on my face.

For a time I spend exchanging messages with you,

I found out a few thing about you.

Few differences in the areas of our interest,

But be at ease for my pledge won't change.

Even when temptations​ around me is great,

For many great beauties can be seen on these streets.

Yet I only have my eyes set on one pure soul,

Of which can melt my heart the second a smile flash on her face.