
New Friend

Mom and I chatted about stuff that we missed from each others lives. Although it was more on her since mine was pretty boring.

Although I was supposed to be the one to visit her, she still came out of her way and came which comforted me somehow. But her demeanor soon changed which shaked every nerve in me.

"Mom, what's wrong?". I said as I instantly knew that something was off.

"Lia...". mom replied as her expression worsened.

I look at her eyes and told her to continue what she was about to say. Although it was nerve wrecking, i just had to know what's up.

"I received a message earlier this morning, and it's about Rian's arrival here". she says and stopped to look at me as if she was finding something in me.

"You and Rian had this close bond ever since, and I hope that you both could still regain it once you meet each other again". mom said as a smile full of worry showed on her face.

"Mom...the whole thing still replays in my mind, it's hard". I said as it was challenging for me to process what I was feeling at that moment.

I knew the best thing was to not overreact since it wouldn't make nor change anything for the better.

I fully understand that he had reasons to leave so suddenly. But I hope that these questions in me would finally be answered as I meet him. Because my thoughts regarding his departure that day still remained untouched and disregarded to the point that it haunts me till this day.

Mom then hugged me as tight as she could to possibly give some type of comfort as hugged her back..


Morning came and mom ended up staying for the night and left for work as soon as she was sure that I was okay.

I then went straight to the kitchen since I didn't eat dinner the night before and realized that I had a book to return to that bookstore. Hope I don't see him again.

After I ate, I drove to the bookstore wearing a loose shirt paired with some cycling shorts.

It has been my go-to outfit when I don't have to formally dress up for something important and It's not like I have anyone to impress anyway.

I finally arrived and saw the owner of the store, which became a friend of mine since I go here almost every single day for the past year. I guess I do have a friend then, although she's also busy like my parents.

"Hi Lia!". she smiled and waved.

"Hello to you Sophie!". I replied smiling back at her.

She then went outside for a call while I returned the book and decided to read the book I bought yesterday.

I then walked up to the hidden area where not much people go to, simply like my hideout.

That quietness relaxed me and got my mind away from any unnecessary thoughts as I focus on the book, and it is one of the reasons why I love reading.

After time passed by, I went outside and saw Sophie talking to someone that was oddly familiar.

I then took a closer look. And yet again, Mr.Stranger is here.

"Why is he here again?". I said to myself and walked towards Sophie.

"Sophie, who was that?". I asked her.

"Oh, are you interested by any chance?". She asked and chuckled at me.

"Well to answer your question, I am nowhere near interested, plus, I just coincidentally met him yesterday". I answered and she chuckled again.

"Oh, you met Nick?". she said teasingly.

"Haha". I replied sarcastically and smiled at her.

I then bid my goodbye as I went out the store and drove to a local cafe. You could probably notice by now that libraries plus a trip to the cafe is my fav? Hm, i guess so.

And this cafe is also rumored that the owner was a "the man of every girls dream". Well then, let's put that to the test.

I walked into the cafe and immediately saw a bunch of girls hurdling over someone. I'm guessing it's the owner. But when I finally saw a spot far from the crowd, someone took my hand before I could even sit. And as I look up, It was Nick?

"He's the owner?". I asked myself as he swiftly he took my arm and pulled me outside.

He took me to his car and drove as far as we can from that insane crowd that filled his cafe. I guess it's a price you have to pay that comes with being this Godly sculptured, both in beauty and brains.

We then stopped in front of a house that looked like it belonged to a really rich person. Luxury and mansion type of rich. Which is definitely far far from my reach.

But who's house is this? Is it his? Or maybe he works here?