
Jupiter: Earth's Saviour

Jupiter is born in Earth Alone in the wood Ordinary man, Cole finds a book Now, he has to fight the Falgorts, life draining beasts sent by Lord Ziffer to end the Earth just like he ended Mars What do you think of Cole? Do you think he can defeat Lord Ziffer? Read on to answer these questions

Bossbabyqwingirl · Teen
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Chapter 4

Cole headed North, he didn't even know what he was searching for, the book didn't tell him what to expect

He stopped and opened the book

It was blank

He sighed and continued walking

It was getting dark

What am I thinking

I can't do this

He thought but kept walking

He soon reached an empty land

A land unlike the woods

The woods is supposed to be full of trees but this place was arid

His instincts told him that he was at the right place

What was he even looking for?

He opened the book to check if it had updated

You will find what you need to be prepared for meeting your second Falgorts

Don't be scared

You have power within

Just learn to use it

Then, there was a rustle

Cole was frightened

He looked around and found nothing

He look around again and found a gaze

A familiar gaze

The eyes that have been staring at him ever since he started the journey


A cute little chameleon

"Don't gush, I can bite"

The chameleon said as he curled it's tail

The chameleon was probably a male

'cause it sounded like one


"Oh my God, you can talk?"

"Oh my God , you can talk?" The chameleon mimicked him

"You humans never change, there are so many things in this woods that you don't know, many things you haven't seen"

" Huh? "

Cole was so scared , first crazy thing he had seen in this woods

He has seen crazy but this is crazy and weird

"I can't believe you are Jupiter, I expected something better , oh well, it is what it is"

" You know about Jupiter? "

" Why do you think I am here? "

" W---hat a---re you? "

" I am Rogue, I am here to help you"

Cole laughed

How is this little chameleon going to help me?


Cole thought

" I heard that"

" Heard what?"

Cole asked with his eyes widened

"How is this little chameleon going to help me? Hilarious"

Cole's eyes widened

He can read my mind?

He thought

" Yes , I can"

" Omg , that's nice . I wish I could do that too"

"You can ... If you relax and concentrate"

" Really? "

By this time, Cole had forgotten that he was talking to a chameleon

He felt as if he was talking to a human

Something he have not done for a long time

"You have got the power , you just have to unleash them "

"How? "

" Just concentrate, you will understand "

" Ok"

" Can I touch you?"

Cole asked as he stared at Mr Rogue,the chameleon

"Sure but not roughly" Rogue said

Cole picked Rogue up and placed him on his shoulder like he had seen Rapunzel in tangled to her chameleon ,Pascal

" We are heading North , right? "

" Yeah but I thought I found what I needed"

" Me???? "

" Yeah"

" So,you thought when you get what you need,you just turn back home?

No,you continue ya journey"

Then Rogue laughed

" Wait lemme check my book"

Cole said as he opened the book

You must have found Rogue


Smart mind reader

Good luck with him

Head North

"Head North" Cole screamed in frustration

Smart mind reader

He isn't even smart

Cole thought , forgetting that rogue could read his mind

"I am"

Cole just laughed at the little chameleon on his shoulder

Hey guys

What do you think about this part?

I was thinking about it too

Talking chameleon?

Where did I get that?


I see my views increased

Thanks so much for the views

I hope you read,vote and comment

That gives me the vibe to write the next chapter

Cheers to my known and unknown friends

Unknown friends will soon be known

Love you 😘