
Jupiter: Earth's Saviour

Jupiter is born in Earth Alone in the wood Ordinary man, Cole finds a book Now, he has to fight the Falgorts, life draining beasts sent by Lord Ziffer to end the Earth just like he ended Mars What do you think of Cole? Do you think he can defeat Lord Ziffer? Read on to answer these questions

Bossbabyqwingirl · Teen
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Chapter 2

A knock sounded at the door

Cole was frightened because it happened immediately the book flipped open


It was a female's voice


He walks to the door and peeped

Nothing strange, just a normal lady

Strange though

No one lived in the woods apart from him and the animals and trees

For years now, he practically owned the woods

A bright smile welcomed him as he opened the door

"How may I help you? "

"I am sorry to disturb, I don't know what is happening to me"

"I am sorry, Young Lady but I don't think I can help you"

He said and turned to shut the door

"Wait... "

"Why? I don't know why but this wood keeps coming to my mind, for some reason I found myself driving here. My car broke down along the road"

His eyes widened, was she dumb or something?

How would a sensible human drive through that narrow path?

Even the most primitive animal wouldn't

"I am sorry but I can't help you"


She was cute when she said please, she even batted her eyes


"Ok,Ok I will help"

She took him to where her car was packed

She was actually dumb, she just had a pretty face but no brain

There is no way that car could get unstuck

What was he going to do?

Lightening followed by thunder

"It is going to rain, I am going home. There is nothing I can do about it"

He turns to leave and realised that she was actually turning to leave with him

"And where do you think you are going to? "

"To your place,of course"

"I didn't say you could go with me, just go back"

She persisted.He could not resist her, so, he allowed her to go with him

As they got to his cabin, It began to rain heavily. They got inside quickly

"You care for anything? "


She answered politely

He went to the kitchen to prepare coffee for himself and also get water for her

Cole had forgotten to keep the book after the knock

She was looking around when she saw the book on the table

She thought it was a novel or so

She walked towards it

"What are you doing? "


"I just wanted to see it"

"Don't touch my stuffs" he said as he picked the book

"Sorry, What is the title? "

"Mind your business"

She sat gently on the not properly made bench and prayed for the rain to stop

He is so weird

She thought

The rain ended and she was leaving

He was relieved

He would see her off to where are car was

As she walked past the door

She said

"I know about the Falgorts too"

He was speechless

He tried to pretend as if he didn't understand

"Do not pretend. I can read that language too, It is called Rowapan, not an earthly language but a Marsly language"

"How did you know? "

"I don't know, I woke up this morning and it felt like I knew everything, I wanted to tell you when I came but you  were grumpy"

"I am sorry. I am not used to people"

She told him that she was scared that the Falgorts were near

She told him to follow the instructions of the book and be vigilant

She was scared, they were after her now

Not just her

Cole too

"Prepare for the worst, our fate is in your hands"

For the first time, she sounded serious

She laughed for some minutes


"Where am I? "

She said unconsciously, holding her forehead

Cole tried talking to her but she couldn't respond, she was unconscious


She said

"Why? "

In front of him, was a unknown creature

Giant creature

Like a beast

It wasn't like a beast, it was a beast

With thousands of eyes

It hit him now



she said again

Cole ran as if he was a car

As he ran, he heard the lady's scream, probably the falgort killed her too

He ran faster than his legs could take him

The image of the Falgort couldn't leave his head.

Scary being