
Chapter 34 The hunt

A full nights rest later, we woke up to the sound of buzzing insects and strange bird calls where at some point I even thought an ambulance was nearby which freaked me out.

'Sigh, strange world, freaky birds.' I didn't linger on the thought too long as I needed to get ready for the day. Phoenix was still using the tentacles to read one of the alchemy books while simultaneously ingraining the knowledge at a slow pace in my mind. It was probably one of her most "unique" skills to say the least. I could still think my own thoughts but I could feel a slight numbing sensations coming from somewhere within my brain and if I try to think about alchemy or anything she has been transferring over, I can remember things I never recalled actually learning myself. Nonetheless, it was incredibly useful.

"Morning Phoenix." I greeted as I simply got a rub from one of the tentacles which I learned over time was just her greeting me while still ignoring me due to her reading. First time I heard her explanation, I just thought it was a weird slime thing.

Eating some jerky, I head over to the stream near the house while surveying the surroundings and didn't notice anything unusual which made me breathe a sigh of relief as I really didn't want to encounter a beast on my way to wash my face and take a piss. Phoenix was already done her little transfer and reminded me we should explore the surroundings and hopefully find some good stuff to improve which lead me to question about how much she knew of magic.

I wasn't too surprised or let down to find out her knowledge was the equivalent of a "general enquiries" book with no specialization aside from her unique abilities to help improve herself and her host simultaneously.

" I didn't really expect magic to be so much more free than what I've somewhat expected from reading random novels." I told Phoenix as I understood that magic was more of a pool of water that can be shaped into anything rather than an energy that required spell models, or complicated rune knowledge and such to activate.

"It's a natural rule or so the people who research the matter declared. They said that the energy that is absorbed, though it may be of a certain elemental affinity, is still made from a base energy that is available in all forms of matter and phenomena which equates to basically the building blocks of this universe itself." Phoenix explained a bit more which clarified some of the questions I had and made me a lot more excited about the different uses I may be able to come up with.

"Though Jupiter, you should remember that for more powerful or unique uses to be acquired you would need a more in depth knowledge of different methods to more easily manipulate your energy or what you keep calling mana. Learning about runes, magic circles, manipulation methods, etc."

I eventually managed to get Phoenix to start calling the universal energy mana and the whole energy manipulation thing magic as it sounds simpler to me and to be honest, made the whole experience more exciting which motivated me.

"Thanks Phoenix, I should maybe enroll in some school on this planet at some point when we reach a city since we are definitely sure there must be some sort of organization to learn more from since we saw those mysterious guys."

"Oh that sounds fun. I could get access to their library that way."

"Yeah, don't worry. I'll get you your books. Anyways, let's get to hunting."

I sighed as I was slightly disappointed that we didn't really know any ways to make me more silent and stealthy. I did manage to make myself slightly faster but my small energy pool left me to have to save in case I had to use my other skills when faced with unexpected situations.

I made another spike bat with a smoother and better design after having learnt to control my mana more which resulted in a spike bat looking just like one from an actual crafter rather than a savage caveman. I still had my little special dagger and made a few premade stone needles that I could easily enhance rather than make one from scratch as mana dissipates when control over it is lost. The premade needles were a little more fragile than the ones I made from pure energy but I could resolve the issue if I had enough time but I carried close to 20 in a pouch I made myself from a foxhorns pelt.

We head out still moving further east as I wanted to see what was there to find in this jungle. I knew that I was still in the outer perimeter as I remembered that stronger territorial beasts usually wouldn't any creatures near their zones due to their "aura" or whatever it is they send out into their surroundings and they would usually live deeper closer to the center of any large wilderness area. These were my self-proclaimed survival knowledge that I just assumed based on what little real world knowledge and vast library of novels in my head.

Walking further into the jungle, the surroundings were covered with dense underbrush, plants and trees, I noticed a few unique looking plants and herbs which I gathered to examine closely later and continued marching further into the jungle.

An hour or so later during the little expedition, we finally saw what looked like a boar of some sorts digging its snout into the ground, practically trying to bury its face in it like those ostriches that shoved their heads into the sand. It had thick black fur that looked like it had razor sharp needles instead of hair and had two tusks with a row of bone spikes on its forehead. It didn't really look like a boar but it was the closest thing I could compare its look to but it didn't decrease the level of fear that arose in me as this was the first creature that looked big enough to seriously injure me with a height bordering my stomach, those tusks looked terrifying.

I regretted not having built a bow of some sort but my skills were less than qualified to even attempt it as I knew it would probably have the power equaling the full strength of a spit ball shot through a straw.

Sidestepping while making sure to not step on branches that could snap and making sure the boar was alone, I moved to its rear while closely watching it to make sure it didn't notice me. The ears or nubs of skin on the side of its head twitched a few times but it kept digging into the ground so I was left unnoticed.

I was close to 9 feet away from the boars behind and I slowly with as little noise as possible pulled out three obsidian needles and started channeling some mana into it to get them ready to strike without noise but the moment I started channeling my mana, the boar lifted its head and started looking around which stunned me for a second.

"Jupiter, get ready NOW!" Phoenix whispered in my ear and brought me back, I still wasn't used to this, the smaller creatures made me fear less so I didn't have to worry as much but things that could kill me easily like the boar still managed to stun me.

I stopped hesitating as I got the needles to float near me with my mana manipulation and decided to calmly watch its reactions without moving while staying behind a bush and peering through its gaps. The boar was on guard as it probably sensed my mana and I wasn't sure if I should attack and risk exposing myself or keep hiding hoping it goes back to shoving its face into dirt.

I hesitated for a few seconds before firming my resolve and remembering one of the tactics me and Phoenix thought up. I sent a needle towards its left flank while trying to make sure the needle curves so that it doesn't immediately recognize where I am and with my current speed, I still managed to catch it off guard but boar seemed to have a good reaction as it twisted its body sideways and used its tusk to hit my needle aside. I immediately sent the remaining two with as much speed as I could muster while trying to add in a rotation but due to the pressure the needles only spun slowly.

"EEEEEEUUUUUUHK" A large brutish squeal sounded in the jungle and I rush forward towards the boar as my second and third needle managed to penetrate the belly of the boar which caused it to scream.

Running forward with the spiked bat in my hands, I muster all the increased strength and agility I had and smashed it on the side of its jaw. The boar was stunned from the needles which gave me enough time to land a perfect blow. Unfortunately, I hugely underestimated this things endurance because it just shook its head from the blow to the face but stood standing.

Thanks to everyone who is reading and enjoying the story! I would love a few reviews and comments from those who like the story just to get a better idea of what i'm doing right and not. Thanks again everyone!

FlowingTimecreators' thoughts