
Junior High

Jake used to read books about the Aura Union. He never knew he would become a member of there group.....

DaoistxVdLFT · Book&Literature
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

He raises his hands, glowing orbs of green energy circle them like the earth around the moon. He throws an orb on the ground where it cracks on impact. the exterior part of the orb digs into the ground as the contents fly into the sky. His name is Jake, cultivator the Aurelia. As level 9 mage, powerful enough to make wooden stakes fly from the sky for the next 2 miles.. He was enraged at me, a level *pretends to count on fingers* level 5 mage! " "Arata! How dare you fight the wooded monsters! You know they are to powerful for you!" "Im sorry master!" I say as I doge another rain of wooden spikes.

"Arata! Sorry is not going to cut it this time! This is the third time this week! the 50th time this month! the 256th time this year!" I can tell hes really frustrated with me, time to beg. I let my arms go limp and ly on the ground, sobbing. "No.... dont hurt me sensei ... i promise.... il listen.." I say between sobs. His face seems hesitant for a second, then becomes sympathetic. "Oh Arata, I did not intend to hurt you, only to show you that we must stay away from them. Do I make sense Arata?" He says, his breath warm on my neck. "Yes sensei..." I say sniffling. He slowly picks me up and carry's me into our home. It looks like a castle, as he has gained fame from becoming famous for his power with plants. I, ... well..... not much is known about me, they always as to see my dad. Aurelia is a small kingdom, as my dad is a weak cultivator if he were to fight a cultivator from the great city.

I have not gotten to properly introduce myself. My names is Arata of Ashwood. Im a 18 year old girl headed to college soon. My dad says that hopefully I will become a powerful cultivator, and lead the rebellion on the Deities, the demons, and monsters, that live in the forest. But my dream is to explore the world, and never settle into a town till I die, (which will be in 378 years -_-). "Arata! its time to leave to college!" yelled my dad from upstairs. "No! Im not going!" I yelled back, and stormed out of the entryway. I ran into the corn feilds and hid there. He walked out and with a swift flash from his hand raised me in the sky. I floated there, struggling to outreach is invisible hands. He released his grip and I fell to the ground. "Hmph!" I let out as my chest hit the ground.

"Let me tell you something Arata. you ARE going to college whether you like it or not. Do I make my point clear?'" "Yes father" I said looking at my feet. This was actually happening.