
Jungkook FF Psycho Girl

A young girl, thought that the love of her life would be together forever. What happens after she finds out it was all a lie. Her death was faked, she was sent to an asylum due to the brain damage she sustained in the accident. She turns psycho, will she be freed, will she love again. LET'S SEE.

Shakaylan_13 · Teen
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21 Chs

New Place

Jungkook pov

"Baby, wake up." i tapped Y/n's cheek lightly. She didn't budge. "Baby come on, we have to get out." still nothing. 'i know what would wake her up'.

I leaned closer to her ear and whispered, "Baby, Hobi is going to buy some chicken so you gotta wake up." And just like that, the sleeping beauty has awoken.

"Huh where." she rubbed her eye then search the car. "Where he at." i chuckled. "He hasn't got it yet but we need to get out the car, we are at out new place."

I exited the car and waited for her to get out. I grabbed her hand and helped her out and since she just woke up i figured i'll just carry her.

"come here." i motioned for her to wrap her arms and legs around me. She did so and i took her into the house.

"Wow, what's this place?" Y/n asked me. "This is like a backup HQ, we have all the same equipment, technology but just a little more security. You're going to be safe here." The boys were already inside, they were talking to the other gang members about security etc.

"So i will be out to get us some food, i already brought you and Y/n's bags to your room." Hobi hyung said. I nodded and took baby to our room.

Y/n pov

Ok ok, i like this house better than the other one. "So babe, you want me to pack for you and you go back to sleep or are you good with it." Jungkook asked.

"I'll just pack later, i want to spend time with you, i wanted to spend the night with you but stuff happened." he sat on the bed next to me before saying.

"I know what happened wasn't an ideal engagement night but i promise, i'll make today great. So let's just chill and watch a movie or something."

A/N: One second.....Did you all hear Yuqi's song 'Bonnie And Clyde'....i love that song, Yuqi just keeps amazing me, back to the story

I nodded and he kissed my forehead, cheeks then lips. He cupped my cheeks to deepen the kiss. I adjusted my position so i could kiss him better.

"Jk~" i mumbled against his lips. "W-what about the movie." he slipped his tongue in. "Ten more seconds baby."

After 15 seconds he pulled away. "I love you." he said caressing my cheek. "I love you too, now let's watch Army of The Dead."


We were half way into the movie when there was a knock on our door. I got up to open it ,while doing so Jungkook slapped my ass. "Ow wtf!" he just smiled innocently. I rolled my eyes and opened the door to see Jimin.

"Yo yO, i got you guys' food. And uh Jin said he wanted to go to the beach soooo, yeah bye. My girl is waiting for me." he handed me the food and ran downstairs.

A/n: Y'all is confusion, well Jimin's girlfriend's name is Ara. She is in the hacking and tech department.

I walked back towards Jk. "You heard right?" i asked. "Yeah, oh and can you wear that bikini i bought you the other day- actually no, that's too revealing, that might not even be a bikini, so just wear the blue one."

"Ok gosh, perverted guy. Now lets ea- Hey that's my chicken." I grabbed the piece of chicken before it made it's way into his mouth.

"But that's juiciest piece." he pouted. "Mine." i took a big bite. We both finished watching the movie and ate all our food.

Jungkook pov

I was cleaning up, then i heard a gag sound. I looked over at Y/n and she look weird. "You good babe." she shook her head and gagged again.

"ba-" she ran into the bathroom. I followed behind her to make sure she was okay.

"Baby, what's wrong?" she leaned over the toilet seat. I acted fast and held her hair in a pony-tail and rubbed her back. Right away, she vomited. I kept rubbing her back.

She stood up and went to the sink to wash her mouth. "Tell me, what are you feeling, was it the chicken?" i asked rubbing her waist.

"I feel dizzy and i have a headache now. I'm not sure what caused it." i picked her up and took her to sit on the bed.

"Wait here okay baby." she nodded and i made my way downstairs.

And i shouted, "Hobiiii!!!!" i looked in the kitchen, living room and then him and the ther boys came running from outside. "What's wrong." he asked.

I walked towards him and grabbed his collar.

"What did u put in the chicken?" he had a confused face, probably wondering how i found out. "Woah woah, calm down, what is wrong Jungkook." Jin Hyung asked removing me from Hobi.

"Y/n just vomited after eating ,so i want to know if someone did something to the food. I'll kill them."

"Okay hold on." Jin ran to his room and came back with something.

"Take this....i mean not you ,Y/n." he handed me a pregnancy test. "Tf do you have this?" Suga hyung asked.

"I got 2 when i heard them do it for the first time." he shrugged. "So tell her to take it, okay." i nodded.

Could she be...no....could she?

I opened out bedroom door to see her talking to the pillows about how soft they are. Wow this is my fiancee guys.

"babe, can you take this ,jin hyung said you should." I handed her the test and her eyes widened. "You don't think..-" she started. "I'll just g-go take it." "Let me come with you." she just nodded.

We went into the bathroom, she took it and we waited.










"Okay, let's check." she grabbed it with her eyes closed, then opened them.

She stared at it for a couple seconds. "What?" i asked anxiously.

She lifted her hand and showed me


"no fucking way'

"Oh my god.....OH MY GOD." i picked her up and hugged her while tears fell from both our eyes. "I'm going to be a Dad. Thank you so much baby." i kissed her passionately and she responded.

"I'm scared tho kook." i kissed her forehead. "I will not let anything happen to you or our little baby. I love you so much."

"I love you too Kookie." I ran downstairs shouting.

"I'M GOING TO BE A DAD , I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!!!!!" the boys tried to calm me down. "Calm down kook." -Taehyung.

"She's pregnant. I'm going to be a daddy~" i jumped up and down. Yeah i'm the most feared mafia guys :)

"We are going to be uncle. Fuck we gotta go shopping for the little girl." Said jin excitedly. "Jin it could be a boy." Jhope said. "But still we need to go shopping.

"We have to wait 9 moths why do we have to go shopping now?" Namjoon asked. The boys quarreled over what the baby's name should be but Yoongi hyung came up to me and held my shoulder.

"You to protect them both. Don't let them get hurt. Keep your promise." i nodded and went back to Y/n and by baby.

A/n: I will update soon guys, i have exams so i will have to focus on that. Stay safe. And check out my other books.