
First date

After that i change to my cozy pajamas and jump on my bed then Jungkook called me "hi Y/n i mean Babe" he said "hi kookie" i said " yah don't call me that" he said and I said " okay ✌️BABE ✌️" then he blushed then I said " how cute" jungkook said " Y/N-nie can I take you out for a date tomorrow " . "So sudden I'm sorry kooks I can't go I'm going somewhere tomorrow. " I said . " where are you going tomorrow ?? "he said I'm going to the fashion week for our company . I'm one of the models there too but also I think you invited there maybe after that we can go to a date is that okay for you" he said "ofcourse it's okay for me " okay can you help me "I said "What kind of help you want me to do Y/N-nie" he said " Math homework" I said then he said "sure thats easy " then Jungkook. teach me to solve the Math problems then i fell a sleep

Jk's POV

while I teached her the equation of the math problem I saw her sleeping quitley then I said "how cute " then I called taehyung hyung and said " hyung Y/n is already asleep can you put her to her bed " taehyung said " okay and jungkook don't hurt her okay " jungkook said "I promise hyung " then after taehyung hyung put Y/n to her bed taehyung said " Jungkook I'll give you some things you need to do if you're Y/n 's bf . She's always sad okay I'm gonna tell you she's depressed so Everytime she says "babe I feel sad or empty " buy her Macarons, Milktea, Milk, Pizza, and hug her make her smile and stay by her side do that also when she's on her red days Watch netflix with her and buy her that things i just said to you " hyung tell me more thinks about y/n and i should do then after that we said goodbye to each other . then i look at my ceiling and think how could y/n be depress her smile that makes you be happy . I just shocked that y/n is depress and i said "I will get y/n get out of the darkness and I promise that " and i fell asleep