
Chapter 30


It does not matter anymore, Louise twisted everything, he was supposed to be the one given an award for lying. He is very manipulative .

Phil didn't believe me in my first explanation before Louise started speaking, he won't believe me now no matter what I say.

Nothing I say will ever matter. I know that I was supposed to tell him the truth when Louise was trying to blackmail me, I really wanted to be free from Louise claws. My mind was totally made up, Phil is a good guy and deserve to know the whole truth but I couldn't. I just couldn't bring myself to tell him. He was going to hate me and never want to have anything to do with me. I can't live with that, I can't loose him.

Phil was the only human that truly cares about me in this big city. If anything happens, he's the only one I can run to, I couldn't jeopardize all of that. well, I thought one day I will muster courage to tell him.