
Chapter 16


I made up my mind that I will find a way to get my money from Louise then get a place of my own and move out to an unknown place where Louise will never find me.

From there I will start my life again, start processing my admission and get into school.

Any money, either a tip from a customer or any monetary gift I happen to get from now onwards goes to my new account.

After another week pass, my colleague whom I used her phone the previous week to call Phil told me that she mistakenly sent the already dialed number belonging to Phil and the he picked she quickly ended the call.

He called back asking who she was, and she ended the call again and decided to come and inform me first.

I told her he wasn't important anymore. She should try and dismiss him anytime he calls.

That same week, I summon courage to go to Louise demanding for my money on the ground that I want to start school.