
Jun Misugi Second Chance With An Iron Heart

After getting hit by Scheider's shot, instead of waking up because of Michael's interference, Misugi is dead. But ends up waking up when he is only in the elementary school before everything happen. Misugi then decide to distance himself from football at first in pursuing full recovery of his heart, before going back as he now know that his weakness will prevent him in becoming as good as someone like Tsubasa and will be hindering Japan's dream in World Cup.

arnautovic · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

New Life in Germany

"Jun," the voice of Doctor Elisabeth Kessler broke through his thoughts as he finished buttoning up the last button on his shirt, "the progress we've made since you first came here has been nothing short of remarkable." Jun looked at her with a small smile playing around his lips. "I can feel it too," he said quietly, his fingers tracing over the scar that still marred his chest. "My heart feels stronger than ever before, and I'm only just starting high school this time around."

Doctor Kessler nodded approvingly at Jun's words. "That's excellent news, young man," she said warmly. "It shows how dedicated you are to your treatment plan - swimming, martial arts, and minimal football training as I recommended." She paused for a moment before adding, "But don't forget that it's still important for you to keep up with those sports routines. They help maintain the strength of your heart muscles while also providing other health benefits."

"I know," Jun replied earnestly, meeting Doctor Kessler's gaze head-on. "And I promise I will continue following your instructions closely." He couldn't deny that sometimes he felt frustrated with having to limit his football training but seeing the progress made over time gave him hope and motivation to keep going.

As they continued talking about Jun's treatment plan, both doctor and patient shared a sense of satisfaction at their joint efforts towards improving his condition. And although there were still many challenges ahead in this new life, Jun was determined not to waste any opportunity given to him - starting with doing everything within his power to regain full health so he could return to playing the sport he loved most: football.

"Well," Dr. Kessler said finally, closing her file and standing up from behind her desk, "I believe you're making great strides in your recovery process." She smiled at him encouragingly. "And remember what we talked about earlier - if there's anything else bothering or worrying you along the way, don't hesitate to reach out."

Jun nodded gratefully as he walked towards the door with the doctor trailing behind him. As they reached it, she couldn't resist adding one last comment: "And Jun," she said playfully, "I have to admit that I am quite enjoying trying this new treatment on someone as handsome as you."

Jun blushed slightly at her words but grinned back at the older woman nonetheless. It was moments like these - where he could feel himself growing stronger and healthier every day - that reminded him just how lucky he truly was. And even though his journey ahead would undoubtedly be filled with more challenges, Jun knew deep down inside that he wouldn't let anything stand in his way of becoming the best version of himself possible.


As the cool water of the pool cascaded down his body, Jun couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment as he finished another successful lap. His newfound strength was evident in every stroke, reminding him once again how far he had come since first arriving in Düsseldorf for treatment.

Stepping out onto the wet tiles surrounding the pool, Jun caught sight of some familiar faces - his friends from school. He smiled warmly at them, noticing that many of the girls seemed particularly drawn to him these days. It was a far cry from his previous life as a shy and sheltered boy in Japan; now, standing at 180 cm tall with broad shoulders and an athletic physique, it wasn't hard to see why people were starting to take notice.

"Hey, Jun! You did great out there," one of the boys called out from across the room as they made their way over to join him by a table filled with food and drinks. "We heard about your swimming skills but seeing it in action was impressive!"

Jun chuckled softly at their praise, feeling grateful for these new friendships that had formed during his time here in Germany. As they sat down together, he couldn't help but reflect on how different his life was now compared to the one he left behind. No longer did he have the wealth and privilege of being born into a well-off family; instead, he found himself just another teenager navigating the ups and downs of high school in Düsseldorf.

But as much as things had changed for him - academically, socially, physically - there was one constant that remained: his love for football. And though it pained him to hold back when playing with his friends due to Dr. Kessler's instructions about limiting his time on the field, he knew better than anyone else the importance of following those guidelines if he wanted any chance at fully recovering from his heart condition.

"I really appreciate your support," Jun told them sincerely as they all tucked into their food, "but you know I can't play too much football right now." He explained about the doctor's orders once again and how important it was for him to stick to those limitations if he wanted to continue making progress in his treatment.

His friends listened attentively before one of them piped up: "Well, then we won't make you play full games," he suggested with a grin. "Just be our super sub! That way, you can still enjoy the sport without pushing yourself too hard."

Jun hesitated for just a moment before finally nodding his agreement. It wasn't exactly what he had in mind when thinking about returning to football someday - but then again, this was just another reminder that life rarely goes according to plan. And as long as he stayed focused on getting better and doing everything within his power to make the most of each day, Jun knew there would always be opportunities waiting for him around every corner.


As Jun watched from the sidelines, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and frustration as his friend dribbled skillfully around defenders, drawing closer to scoring against their opponents. With only 20 minutes left in the game, time was running out - and yet, there wasn't much more Jun could do without risking further damage to his heart.

But when one of his teammates signaled for him to join them on the field after waiting patiently for five long minutes, Jun knew it was finally his chance to make a difference. His eyes gleaming with determination, he ran onto the pitch and immediately began passing the ball with precision and skill that belied his limited playing time.

The moment came when Jun spotted an opening in the opposing team's defense and sent a perfectly placed pass towards one of his teammates who managed to score a goal just minutes later. As they celebrated together, there was no denying the joy and satisfaction on each player's face - especially for Jun himself, who felt grateful for this opportunity to showcase his hard-earned abilities.

With only one minute left in the game, he decided it was time to test out a move trademarked by none other than Tsubasa: the drive shot. Though he knew his version might not be as polished or powerful as those performed by his friend, Jun couldn't resist attempting it anyway - after all, he managed to do it on his previous life as well.

As luck would have it, the ball sailed through the air and landed squarely in the back of the net, sending shockwaves across both teams as well as the spectators watching from the stands. And while Jun couldn't help but think about how much he missed being part of a team with players like Tsubasa back home in Japan (and wonder if his friend had already made it to Brazil by now), there was no denying that this moment belonged entirely to him and his newfound friends on the field.

As the final whistle blew, signaling the end of the match, Jun sprinted towards his cheering teammates on the sidelines - including several excited girls who couldn't resist showering him with praise for his incredible performance. It was a moment that he would remember for years to come: one filled with hope, determination, and an undeniable sense of belonging in this unfamiliar but welcoming city far from home.


As Jun strolled through the streets of Düsseldorf alongside Anna, one of his closest friends since moving to Germany, he couldn't help but marvel at how different she was from Yayoi - the girl who had captured his heart back home in Japan. While Yayoi exuded a quiet grace and dignity that left him breathless with admiration, Anna possessed an infectious energy and flirtatious charm that made it impossible not to be drawn into her orbit.

Though Jun hadn't pursued any romantic relationships since arriving in Germany, he found himself increasingly attracted to this vivacious young woman who had become such a cherished part of his new life abroad. It wasn't uncommon for him to discuss girls with his male friends when they were together; after all, teenage boys tended to have an insatiable curiosity about the opposite sex that seemed almost hardwired into their DNA.

Yet as they walked arm-in-arm beneath the setting sun, Anna's voice broke through his thoughts: "Jun," she murmured softly, gently squeezing his hand in hers, "you seem lost in thought today." She looked up at him with a mix of concern and curiosity etched onto her features.

"Oh, it's nothing really," he replied with a smile, trying to brush off the sudden fluttering sensation that had taken root deep within his chest. "I guess I was just enjoying our walk together." He knew full well that she could see right through him - but for now, he wanted to maintain some semblance of normalcy between them.

Anna hesitated for a moment before speaking again: "Jun," she began hesitantly, her voice barely above a whisper, "would you like...to be my boyfriend?" Her question caught him off guard; while it was true that Anna often flirted with him playfully during their time together at school and around town, he had never imagined that these lighthearted interactions might actually mean something more to her.

For his part, Jun found himself struggling for an appropriate response - one that wouldn't hurt or offend this kind-hearted girl who had become such a cherished friend over the past few months. After what felt like an eternity but was likely only seconds, he finally managed to find the right words: "Anna," he said gently, trying his best not to let on how much her question meant to him, "I really appreciate you asking me that...but right now, all I'm focused on is getting better and taking care of my health." He paused briefly before adding, "And honestly? I don't want to burden you with any of that if we were ever to become more than just friends."

Anna listened intently as he spoke, her expression unreadable. But when she finally responded, there was no trace of disappointment or resentment in her voice: "I understand," she said simply, nodding her head in agreement. "And I respect your decision completely." The relief that washed over him at those words was palpable; he knew how lucky he was to have such an understanding friend by his side during this difficult time in his life.

As they approached Anna's house just moments later, something unexpected happened: without warning or explanation, she suddenly leaned forward and planted a kiss firmly on Jun's lips - leaving him utterly dumbfounded as he stood there frozen with surprise. For one brief moment, time seemed to stand still around them; then, after what felt like an eternity but was likely only seconds again, Anna pulled away and flashed him a mischievous grin before saying nonchalantly: "See you tomorrow at school."

Jun watched as she disappeared through the front door of her home, leaving him alone on the sidewalk with nothing but the lingering taste of her kiss still fresh upon his lips. As he began walking back towards his own residence, he couldn't help but laugh softly to himself - amazed by how easily this high school girl had managed to render him completely speechless and captivated all at once.

In that moment, Jun accepted something else about himself as well: despite feeling older than his years due to the life experiences he carried with him from his previous life, there was no denying that his body belonged to a teenager navigating the complexities of love, friendship, and growing up in an unfamiliar land far away from everything familiar.