
Jumping Through the Omniverse as a Conduit

I have been reincarnated/transferred to new worlds over five times now. Throughout my travels, I have been the Hero, Sage, Assassin, Villain, and King ...and never once was I granted the peace I desired after my work was done. The God in charge of my transfers is a cruel man who seems to draw pleasure in ripping me away from those I love and casting me into a new situation to fix his problems. Now on my sixth transfer, I am done being his errand boy and will forge my fate with my own hands. Using the skills and knowledge I have acquired over my past few lives, I will take back my existence and find the peace I have longed for.

ManOfCultureLeon · Anime & Comics
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214 Chs

Chapter 194 - The New God

—A Short Time Later—

Climbing up to the top of the wall, the three of us got a better look at the scumbags sieging the city. Looking down at the drunkard men and nonhumans, we could see hundreds of hostages locked up in cages and countless women being passed around like mugs of ale. Seeing their hollow eyes and heartbroken expressions, Ciri and Ghislane gripped their blades tightly impatiently waiting for my signal to attack them.

"I will teleport the hostages into Italica before we begin.", I told the two, before turning to one of the guards who came to see what we were doing, "It would behoove you to fetch as many healers and temple staff members as possible. In a few moments, you are going to have a large group of refugees that will need medical attention and food."

Looking at me with confusion, the guards looked at one another like I was speaking a foreign language. Knowing that my translation skills were working, as Kaine had no issue understanding me, I repeated my statement with a hint of irritation.

"We heard you the first time, it is just…why would you risk your life for those poor souls?", one of the guards inquired, "They are not going to pay you for saving them, and those women…I doubt you would want to touch one of them again."

Laughing at his comment, the guards shut up the moment Ciri and Ghislane glared at them.

"All of you should be ashamed, what if that was you and your family out there?!", Ciri snapped, "Are you saying that you would rather die than be saved?"

"I…I did not mean it like that!", the guard replied, in a flustered tone, "What I meant to say was we do not have the resources to help them. Our food stores are already nearly empty, there are no open beds, and they are too far gone to be helped. It is not worth it to risk your lives to save them, you should just give them a quick, painless death."

"Just because you have already resigned yourselves to death does not mean they have.", I told the guards, "Go get the healers and temple staff, if money is the issue, I will pay for all of them myself. Do not argue with us further!"

"We are trying to save you from throwing away your lives!", another guard protested, "You have two beautiful wives there, those assholes are going to treat them like common whores!"

"First of all, these two women are more than capable of defending themselves in combat. None of you idiots would last a second in a fight with them. Second of all, when did I say anything about going down to save them? I do that with a snap of my finger.", I remarked, targeting the hostages with my teleportation spell then snapping my fingers, "Watch this."

Engulfing them in a brilliant flash of light, the hostages disappeared from the enemy camp and reappeared in the street below us. Looking around in confusion, both the hostages and the enemy were left stunned, unable to understand what had just happened. Calling out for help immediately, the hostages began searching for a place to hide believing that their former captors would soon attack Italica now that their entertainment was stolen away from them. Looking down at the scene below, the guards turned to look at me in disbelief.

"What the hell was that magic!?", the first guard asked, "I have never heard or seen magic that can move so many people at once!"

"Are you some sort of Archmage or something?", the second guard inquired, as a sense of renewed hope welled up in him.

"Archmage, do not make me laugh.", I said, as a storm began forming over the city, "Ciri…Ghislane…go tear those animals a new asshole. I will take care of the other sides of the city."

"Roger that!", they stated, before leaping off the wall with their blades drawn.

The moment their feet touched the ground, both women launched themselves forward unleashing a torrent of slashes with their blades. Hearing the screams of agony and terror coming from the enemy camp, all the guards in the area ran to the outer edge of the wall to see what was happening. To their utter shock, they watched blood, guts, and heads go flying in all directions as the women cut their way through the enemy ranks like a lawnmower cutting grass.

"By the Gods!", another guard gasped, falling onto his backside, "Who the hell are you people!?"

"We are the ones that are going break the siege. Now for the last time…go get healers and temple staff for the former hostages.", I said, calling down two massive bolts of Omega Energy Lightning.

Erasing everything the bolt touched on an atomic level, the guards stumbled away from the wall and immediately took off running. Calling out for healers and aid for the freed hostages, none of them wanted to be anywhere near me now. Confirming that the two women would be fine for the moment, I turned myself into lightning and shot into the sky. Reforming myself above the gathering storm, I launched myself back toward the ground while generating hundreds of lightning bolts around me.

Breaking through the clouds as I fell, the lightning bolts began raining down on the enemy on the other sides of the city. Throwing their belongings and weapons to the ground, all of them frantically began looking for cover but they quickly realized they had burned all of it to the ground. Watching their comrades and brothers-in-arms reduced to ash all around them, their ranks quickly fell into chaos.

—3rd Person POV—

Hearing the fighting going on outside the city, Kaine and her Mistress looked out the window as lightning rained down all around them. Awestruck by the power they were witnessing, Myui looked to her maid and inquired if the gods had not died like they had been told.

"Maybe the gods did not die like that Evil God said.", Myui said, with a hopeful smile, "I pray that we can return to the peace we had soon…though, it would be even better if we obtained the peace my Father wanted to bring."

"Of course, My Lady, all of us want that peace.", Kaine acknowledged, 'It appears the man that came to do the door earlier was not a fool or a liar, he really is a God.'

Noticing a soldier sprinting toward the mansion, Myui immediately left her study and went to meet them. Descending the stairs in a hurry, she walked up to the soldier and asked what was wrong. Giving him a moment to catch his breath, one of the other maids brought him a towel to dry his face and head off as he was soaked with rain that was just beginning to fall now at the mansion.

"Lady Myui…we have a situation at the East Gate.", the soldier said, "Some unknown person rescued the hostages from the enemy camp, and is asking us to tend to their wounds and feed them. I was not able to confirm how they did it, but the men manning the wall there are pleading for your approval to do so. They say the man will kill them if they do not comply with his request."

Turning to Kaine for a second opinion, the Head Maid saw no reason to deny the request. While their food stores were low, once the siege was broken, they would be able to begin foraging and hunting again to resupply. Giving Myui a nod of approval, Myui gave the order to proceed with the request just as the ground began to quake violently.

"LADY MYUI!! HEAD MAID!!!", Aurea screamed, running down from one of the bedrooms, "THERE IS A GIANT MONSTERS OUTSIDE THE CITY!!!"

"Aurea, how many times must I tell you not to make jokes like that during these trying times.", Kaine sighed.

"I AM NOT LYING OR JOKING!!", Aurea cried, gripping Kaine's skirt with a mortified look.

"Aurea, please-", Kaine started to say, before several soldiers burst into the room.

"CAPTAIN!!! THERE IS A GIANT MONSTER OUTSIDE THE WESTERN GATE!!", they screamed, stumbling over each other as the ground shook violently again.

Realizing that Aurea was not joking this time, the group ran outside to see what was going on. Finding Cole, in his Beast Form, trampling the enemy beneath his feet Kaine and Myui stood there unable to utter a word. Calling down gigantic bolts of lightning that turned the landscape into molten lava, Myui looked at the Guard Captain and immediately motioned for him to get going. Not wanting to upset the one laying waste to the enemy, he promptly took off running with his men to get as many healers as they could to begin helping the freed hostages.