
Jumping Through Life With Magic By Your Side (Jumpchain)

The end of my rope came and I being the sane individual I was had accepted the end yet life was not done with me yet it seems. What was that saying again? "End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path... One that we all must take." Now its time to explore some worlds and see how far I can go. Wait Magic Is Real?! Can I Cast Fist?! (Any and all recognizable worlds and characters are not mine and belong to their individual creators. Please support the official releases so I do not get sent to the shadow realm.)

EzioAuditore_1 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Cutting The Head Off A Snake

(You know I have been a big fan of the Destiny franchise of video games for a long time, and I have been thinking of using it for a jump, but I have also been thinking about giving my character a keyblade from the Kingdom Hearts Series so my ideas are all over the place. Such is the beauty of writing. When I started doing all this just to put my ideas to words and words to pages, I never realized the true definition of choice paralysis until now.)

Nezan POV:

As I apparated inside the grounds, I saw Kreacher waiting for me, and as I approached him, he gave me a bow and said, "It has been done, Lord Potter. The family is currently asleep while Lucius has been given the poison. He will not be waking up. I have also collected the blood from each family member as instructed." Taking the vials labeled by first name, I smile and say, "Well done, this is everything I should need. Now follow me to the study."

Kreacher nods as we enter the house through the front door, unlocked by Kreacher using the key he stole, and as we enter the wards in the house go off, but the ones that would alert the ministry have been deactivated. The other alarms mean nothing when everyone is either knocked out or dead. Following Kreacher, we entered the study, and sensing the Horcrux, I placed my wand against the drawer and uttered, "Alohamora." 

The lock is then released, and the book or journal is revealed while it looks rather simple with its black leather cover and worn pages of parchment, I can sense the soul within it, but I would rather not waste more time here and place it in my bag Kreacher and I exit the room as we remain utterly silent as not to provide any recordings of our voices.

If I were a betting man, I would say that this was too easy, but even thinking this may cause issues, I immediately silenced the thought, and as the house elf and I walk out of the home, Kreacher snaps us away back to 12 Grimmauld Place. 

Gotta love having a magic elf Uber, but I digress, and by tomorrow, the house of Malfoy will awaken to find their patriarch dead and various documents sent to the ministry of their dealings with the Dark Lord.

To be honest, I myself debated whether or not I wanted to bring them down entirely, but I decided to do so as they may threaten my position as the Heir Of House Black and Draco is a dick. 

And to anyone judging me, the only reason he ever really changed was that he literally had to lose everything from his dignity to his parents and his home, in addition to the fact that it took multiple years' worth of being exposed to good people to even be somewhat reprehensible.

If I was being more logical, it was the Malfoy family that represented a majority of the political presence towards pureblood mania, along with a couple of other families. Speaking of which, that reminds me of a little side quest I need to do before I end this jump, that being destroying a certain toad (Not Trevor, By The Way). Make no mistake, I'm not trying to change the world simply to fulfill a prerogative.

I am a bit apathetic, most definitely, but such are the consequences of my actions. I will not lose sleep over it. Looking at Kreacher, I say to him, "Good work, Kreacher. Another of the monster's soul pieces is in our hands. All that remains are the ring, diadem, my scar, and a certain professor if necessary."

The elf looks ready to cry in happiness as I continue, "I still have a year and a half before getting my Hogwarts letter, and even then, I will only spend a year there to deal with the Basilisk and the Diadem." Kreacher gives me a knowing look as he asks, "What of the other soul pieces, Master Potter?"

Smirking all I say to that is "Other than two horcruxes actually no three horcruxes the others are fair game, and we will take care of them but for now we must deal with the one in our hands. The most difficult one will most likely be dealing with Professor Quirrell if he has become a Horcrux, that is." 

From my knowledge, he only became the holder of Voldemort's Spirit In 1991, and seeing that it is currently February 1990, I still have around a year and 3/4 before my letter arrives to allow me into Hogwarts. Honestly, I don't even want to have to deal with Dumbledore, so I will most likely leave the curses on the ring intact but dispel the Horcrux and take the Resurrection Stone.

While I do have the cloak of invisibility and soon the Resurrection Stone, I will need to get my hands on the Elder Wand, which Dumbledore is currently holding, but when I "give" him some information from my "visions" that I have had of the ring he will be ever so eager to possess the ring in order to follow the prophecy.

As I was contemplating on my plans, Kreacher handed me some food he made, and I gave him my thanks and asked if he wanted to eat with me but he denied saying, "Simply having someone to serve is enough, Lord Potter, and the fact that we are following Lord Regulus's will is the only sustenance I require." Such loyalty is worthy of praise, which I give him, and physically, it looks like it just rolls off his back. I can feel the happiness from his emotions.

After finishing the meal, I take out the Horcrux Journal, and as I hold it in my hands, I feel the urge to write in it all my deepest fears and regrets in order for it to fix what it deems as unnecessary or broken so that it may possess me. But instead, I focus my Magic, and using barely a sliver of fiendfyre it disintegrates into nothing as I see the soul disappearing into the void or death's grasp.

Smiling at my success, I await tomorrow's Daily Prophet headlines as, unlike most people, my perks of mudblood pride and modern-day Alexander will enforce any changes to society that I desire. 

While not immediate, the changes I desire will occur if given enough momentum. So essentially, cutting the head off of the pure blood society in terms of funds and political backing should be enough, as well as exposing various crimes from other families that the Malfoy's held in case they needed to blackmail some of their own allies.

So, with all that said, all that was needed was to watch the fireworks in the news, but in terms of threats I need to deal with other than Voldemort, it is that prisoner that escaped from Azkaban a couple of days ago and seeing his face I knew with certainty that he was the drawback given form. The man's crimes included rape as well as the attempted murder of various muggle-born Wizards that also hated my mother and also my father or at least Harry's parents.

The man himself will be an annoyance, to say the least, as the drawback does nothing to empower him. While he has experience in Magic, he does not have my strength or knowledge. 

Also, I knew he was coming, and he knew nothing about me, so I needed to prepare. This need for immediate preparation is because the drawback will lead him to wherever I am, so I cannot hide. But I was somewhat excited as this would be my first duel with another wizard, and as a new experience, the very thought brought me sheer excitement.

But the more logical part of me wants to set a trap for him via a private message and use his need for vengeance and envy against him, and being the more logical man I am, and I began to plan my "battle" with the inmate.

Albus Wulfric Percival Brian Dumbledore POV:

His accomplishments were legion: Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, and Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, to name a few. The wizard who defeated Grindlewald and stopped the war. My accomplishments had all been planned to the letter.

Being the Headmaster of Hogwarts was a given, being the man who survived two dark lords, with the second one being quite the disappointment as I was hoping for a battle with Tom to cement my legacy. Aberforth, being the failure he is, lives in obscurity in perpetual hatred of me, which was not even deserved. While I did befriend Grindelwald, it was my foolish sister who walked in while we were dueling.

The fact that I had to kill my friend initially brought me great sorrow as I felt he was the only man to truly understand me, but his ambition would doom any future I had in the wizarding world. He tried to argue that wizards should rise above Muggles, but why do so when we are already superior to them? 

Their governments could be bent to our will at any moment, and even with their advancing technology, we could lead where it goes. But the man truly just desired power like everyone else. I am above such a need as all I need is reputation because that is what truly matters: Legacy. 

I thought I could have a worthy rival in the form of Tom Riddle, but due to how he was conceived, he could never truly understand. So yet again, the person I thought could understand me, and it didn't fail.

The only good thing that came out of the wars that have been fought was the fact that I gained all of my Awards and commendations, but I desire more. A good death with my reputation intact as a martyr for the light. Even I knew that my age was catching up to me even though I do look amazing with this beard. 

Yet as time approached, I continued to hold influence over the Wizemangot, and everything was well in hand. I take a lemon drop, place it in my mouth, and taste the amazing flavor.

Nothing can go wrong.

But then my door opened, and Minerva entered, seeming rather frantic, and as I faced her, she said in a worried tone, "Albus, thank heavens you're here! Have you heard the news? The Malfoy Family is up in flames."

This sends me into a bit of confusion as I spoke to Lucius just yesterday about the whereabouts of Voldemort. He knows of my plan to deal with him and proposed a deal that if I were to kill Tom Riddle, he would inform me of various information regarding his fellow Death Eaters. This was rather alarming as with him gone, I had no spies on the other side.

"Calm down, Minerva, and breath. What has happened?" I ask as she paces around in front of me. "Lucius has been assassinated, and the ministry has found various information on families related to He Who Shall Not Be Named." This was a problem as without the Death Eaters, Tom would not rise up, and I would simply die. This is unacceptable!

"Have they identified what killed him?" Minerva then pulls out the prophet, and as I read it, it shows Narcissa shielding Draco from a mob of muggle-born wizarding families. But what truly focused my attention was the fact that Lucius died of poison as it was found in his system but is entirely foreign, and due to its nature of not being magical, it can't be traced, and with the lack of physical or magical evidence, the case will be very difficult to solve.

Who could have done this? I understand that the Malfoys had enemies, but their wards would secure them against any threats other than maybe house elves, but they are too stupid and docile to pose a threat to a wizard. 

Standing up, I place a hand on Minerva's shoulder and say, "While this is alarming, we should focus on the coming school year, Minerva, and while this is tragic, we must focus on those we can protect. Random acts and assassinations happen quite often, and while it is a dark day for this to happen, we are only human."

Minerva then nods and goes to inform the other professors to meet in my office to discuss the future. My own expression grows annoyed as I wrack my mind on who could have done this. A small doubt forms as I check the various spells I cast on young Harry Potter to make sure that he is still alive and at the Dursleys, and based on the wards the protections are still in place, so he is still alive and at that house.

Luckily, that part of my plan is still in place, and all I need to do is influence the young Potter to follow the steps I will lay out for him. Eventually, he and I will both die, but we will die as Heroes and while he may not have lived a good life, my reputation will be secure and his as well. Honestly, you should be thanking me for getting such a good death. I truly am a magnanimous man.

This event is nothing but a roadblock that I will pass by, as I am too far into my plans to fail now. Now, I just need to remember where I left the boy's invisibility cloak from his father.