
Jumping Through Life With Magic By Your Side (Jumpchain)

The end of my rope came and I being the sane individual I was had accepted the end yet life was not done with me yet it seems. What was that saying again? "End? No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path... One that we all must take." Now its time to explore some worlds and see how far I can go. Wait Magic Is Real?! Can I Cast Fist?! (Any and all recognizable worlds and characters are not mine and belong to their individual creators. Please support the official releases so I do not get sent to the shadow realm.)

EzioAuditore_1 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Build For Generic Harry Potter Fanfiction

Generic Harry Potter Fanfiction Jump:

Entry Date And Setting: The time of entry is set to September 1, 1989 (Two years before Harry Potter was sent his Hogwarts letter). Location: The Cupboard under the Stairs or Harry Potter's bedroom at 4 Privet Drive.

Origin: Dark (Most origins do not fundamentally change the character other than the perk discounts or context by which they are inserted into the setting unless it is a straight-up drop-in.)

Perks: Each origin gets their 100 CP perk free, and the others at 50% price.

0 CP Local Magic - ​The magic system of whatever fanfic you're going to. This is almost always a variant of the Harry Potter magic system, so any and all magic you learn is fully compatible with that. 

600 CP Merlin Returned (Capstone Booster) - ​There were ancient tales of your coming, Jumper. Actually, wait, no. There weren't. But there should have been. You were born to greatness, and this reflects in everything you do. Magic is second nature to you. 

While you don't get any skill or knowledge innate with this perk, nor any gifts or talents that pass down bloodlines or through rituals, you now have limitless talent in every single branch of magic apart from these limitations. 

Besides that, you are a genius at learning magic too, mastering years' worth of material in days and weeks without even stressing yourself. This growth continues indefinitely, never slowing no matter what. 

Your grasp of magic and its theoretical framework is such that you can manipulate the very nature of it and do so with an almost contemptuous ease. You can take apart spells, rituals, or even entire magic systems and put them back together in whatever different arrangement you like, even in entirely new magic systems of your own. Even altering spells in real-time is second nature to you, changing their effects, size, scope, everything as is coming up with entirely new pieces of magic, with due research and innovation. 

Finally, to fuel all this, your "Magical Core" per se, is proportionately vast. You have a humongous amount of magic at your fingertips, stretching far and beyond any known metrics well into the realm of legends like Merlin and the Founders. 

This perk follows you in the future, too, providing you with all of these effects in any and all magic you become able to do. This perk is a capstone booster, meaning that it serves to enhance each of the original capstones in its own way. The interactions are mentioned alongside the respective perks. 

100 Supernaturally Attractive - ​You're sexy. You may be a Veela, able to ensnare anyone you want with your allure, or you may be a demon like a succubus or an incubus. Still, whatever the case, the fact of the matter is that you're incredibly, unbelievably beautiful. 

Not just that, but you have a certain... something about you. It might be an allure, or it might be a demon's "lust aura," but you find people of your preferred gender going weak-kneed with just a whiff of it, and they might just go crazy if you really focus it on them. 

It makes picking up partners trivial and easy, and if you want you could live an easy life full of hedonism for the rest of your days. Also, you have all the endurance you need in bed, meaning you will never leave your partner, or partners, unsatisfied no matter who or what they may be or how many of them might be there. 

Finally, your love life tends to remain peaceful, at least most of the time. If you have just one partner then both of you have an instinct for just what the other would like and superhuman patience towards each other. And if you're the Harem sort of guy, you find your partners get along extraordinarily well, agreeing to 'share' you far too easily.

Either way, you have phenomenal performance in bed, having the endurance of twenty men and a degree of skill that would leave Giacomo Casanova frantically taking notes and declaring that he's not worthy. 

1,000 CP Gifted - ​You're special, Jumper. Besides the whole 'jump across the multiverse' thing, I mean. You have one or more gifts of magic, which place you above and beyond ordinary witches and wizards. You may have received them through your in-universe ancestry, a ritual, or the favor of a very powerful being… but we all know it's actually that last one. 

Chosen Gifts:

 Parsel Magic- Spells in Parseltongue are stronger and can only be canceled by those that can speak in Parseltongue. 

Mind Magic- Master Of Occulemency And Legilimency = Creation of mind palace that gives perfect and eidetic memory. Eventual skill gains from mind reading others. In addition to gaining innate lie detection and cold reading abilities.

Wandless Magic - ​Magic is in your blood, Jumper. And you can feel it. Not for you the crutches that are wands. You can do any spells that normally require magical foci without them, and not lose a single smidgen of effectiveness. Nor do you need to shout your spells crudely, being perfectly able to cast wordless spells. 

Furthermore, magic comes instinctively to you, meaning you can dispense with the complexity that the more advanced magic usually requires. Spells that would require long chants and complicated wand movements can be done with the wave of a hand, days long rituals can be done with as much effort as a moderately complex potion or ritual would take for an ordinary wizard. Indeed, you can do all the magic you know with similar ease. 

Necromancy - ​Souls, death, and the other assorted stuff are your domain now. Be it raising entire armies of corpses as Inferi or Ghouls or summoning and/or binding ghosts, you have a preternatural talent at everything that has to do with Death and the Dead. Beyond just this, you are a master of the skill called 'Soul Magic'. 

You can bind and control ghosts and spirits, exorcise them, enable them to possess someone, or end ongoing possessions. You also have the ability to work with the soul for all kinds of things, such as creating Horcruxes, stealing energy or memories from it, and so on. And, if you somehow get someone else's horcrux in your possession… well, you can imagine. 

Magical Resistance - ​Somehow you have skin like a Dragon or a Basilisk, which provides you an incredible resistance to harmful magic of all types. This ability is strongest in your skin, allowing you to tank mighty spells without even noticing them, but it's only slightly less potent elsewhere. 

This Gift works through absorbing the magic used on you, meaning that sufficiently strong magic can still affect you, it's just that the bar is sky-high now. Ordinary spells like jinxes and hexes aren't even noticed, a fireball that would vaporize anyone else leaves you mildly smoking, and dancing naked in Fiendfyre would give you a slight burn. 

This works not just on deliberately cast magic, but also on magical gifts, be they possessed by humans or beasts. Unless they're exceptionally powerful, of course. A Dementor's aura does nothing to you, nor do the weaker diseases of a Nundu's breath. 

There is one single exception to this however. The Killing Curse isn't hindered in the slightest by this. 

300 CP Luck of the Devil - ​You're lucky. Indeed, it might be fair to say you have the devil's own luck. Or rather, fanfic Harry Potter's own luck. Ordinary shops hold great treasures that only you come across. People always have useful, nice things that they are willing to give away just out of the blue. 

Old kingdoms desperately need heirs just when you come across them, witches and wizards tend to leave you fortunes in their wills. Tombs that have been explored a thousand times just happen to reveal new secrets when you're around. Unless your enemy made sure you were hit and then double-tapped to be sure, nine times out of ten chances are you're just injured. 

500 CP Hyphenated Name - ​Yours is an old and storied bloodline. And you are the heir to all its potential. You are directly descended from one or more among Merlin, the founders of Hogwarts, Morgana and any other famous witches and wizards there might be in the local world, having some of the most exalted pureblood ancestry. 

This has multiple effects. Firstly, you're able to use any special gifts or bloodline abilities they had to their fullest potential, despite your blood being so far removed from them. Indeed, you can command and wield the absolute apex of the potential possible in your bloodline, no matter how high it may be or how far back the ancestor may have been. 

Secondly, you are not just the equal of your bloodline, but the very best of them. Any race, species, type or breed you belong to, you're automatically among the very greatest, most powerful of them. You have every hint of the power and potential possible to be had, although it may require training or practice. 

Finally, you count as the 'Magical Heir' of all your ancestors, meaning any wards or defenses or enchantments keyed directly to such individuals will also recognize you as their "heir", and let you pass without issue. You can toggle any and all of these effects at will.

0 CP Pureblood Etiquette (Dark)- ​Manners Maketh Man. Those of higher status or purer blood should act like it, no? You find you have an impeccable understanding of social norms and etiquettes, knowing just the right way to treat everyone higher, equal, and lower in status than you at all times. You're at home in any high-level gatherings, and will never be caught wearing the wrong cut of robes. 

Aside from being able to make good impressions with the people you interact with, others will always assume you to be a person of high breeding and class unless they have specific evidence otherwise. Even the snootiest pureblood wouldn't suspect you of being muggle-born with this (assuming you were a muggle-born, of course). 

100 CP Building Bridges (Gray) - ​As it usually works, people in high-tension situations almost always develop 'us vs them' attitudes. Anyone who's friendly with the 'other side' is consorting with the enemy, probably a traitor, and so on and so forth. Not you. 

You're immune to such petty suspicions. As long as you're not actually betraying any of them, you can spend the night partying in a Vampire club and the day attending the wedding of the most vicious hunter in town, and neither group will mind. 

The greatest use of this, however, is in mediation. You can assist disparate groups find points of agreement, and also come to terms with their differences. As long as your points are valid, no one will dismiss you as being a 'lapdog of the other side!'. 

100 CP Friend Maker (Light Origin) - ​You're a nice guy, Jumper. Whatever else people take away from meeting you, this is something just about everyone who has so much as exchanged a few words with you agrees on. You're polite, somehow make time for everyone, and have an easy smile.

Getting people to like you and let you join their social groups and clubs is a matter of trivial effort, staying in any groups you're already part of is easier still. Even your worst detractors will have to dig very deep to find bad things to say about you. 

200 CP Great Redeemer - ​There is never a person who cannot turn away from evil. You believe so, and you know so. You have an aura around you, a sort of force you exude that inspires people to regain hope in their innate goodness, which makes it so that no matter how foul someone's past actions, how sadistic or obscene their previous temperament, they can always still turn to goodness and be as upstanding and kind a person as any other. 

You may choose the way you do this. It might be through a conversation in which you work through all their issues, it might be through defeating them in a duel, or it may be a long process of simple interactions that steadily make them see the light. Or, for the more 'fun-minded', you could literally fuck the evil out of a person of your preferred gender over the course of several enthusiastic 'sessions'. Whatever means you end up employing, if there is even the slightest chance of a person ever conceivably turning from their course, you know how to make it so. 

100 CP Work Ethic - ​It takes hard work to do things in this world. And you've never shied from this fact. You now have the kind of drive that would make the most wanked incarnation of Hermione Granger blush. When you decide to do something, you will remain at it, come hell or high water, until you succeed. 

200 CP Mudblood Pride - ​Someone needs to bring those idiotic, illogical wizards into the modern age! And you're just the Jumper for it. You have the skills to inflict great change upon a society for its betterment or worse. You can get age-old traditions to be discarded, ancient biases forgotten, new methods and ways of doing things adopted at a truly ludicrous pace, and everything up to and including getting new laws passed and government policies changed in record time. Wherever possible, you will be able to do it peacefully, with debate and logic. But you will also always know when it's just not possible and have a decent grasp of the violent methods thus needed. 

200 CP Modern-Day Alexander - ​You have the skills of a modern-day conqueror, a warlord, and a wizard extraordinaire. You can dredge up ancient grudges, remind people of old injustices, or straight-up invent causes, but either way, you know just how to get people to do what you want and let you lead them to good and ill. 

And once you do lead them, you find yourself utterly superb at it. Instead of your charisma being hollow like it is for so many others you actually have excellent leadership and planning skills, to the extent that you could orchestrate the fall of governments as a teenager. 

Finally, you have a gift for using magic in wars. It doesn't matter if it's the first time it's being used or the five thousandth. You find your skills at determining the best time and place for the best types of magic to be absolutely impeccable. 

300 CP Dark Lord - ​There is no such thing as Good or Evil, only Power and those too weak to seek it. You know the truth of this, and you. Are. Not. Weak! Magic is a great and wonderful thing, and among its greatest uses is its breathtaking capacity for harm. 

You know this, which is why you're so good at this. You are one of the best at fighting with magic in the world, period. Formal dueling, casual combat, or just a magical brawl, you're very, very good at all three. More than just good, you're utterly brilliant. Your reflexes, your breadth of knowledge, and just your sheer skill leave the likes of Voldemort and Dumbledore gaping. 

But more than conventionally used battle magic, you have the gift of being able to turn any spell into a combat spell. It might require creative application, or it may require some editing of the spell's wand movements or incantations or whatever, but you have an instinctive grasp for the potential in combat of any spell and know just how to bring it out to maximum effect. 

Merlin Returned Boosted - ​Fighting using magic is one thing. Maybe a good thing, maybe a bad thing, who knows? And really, who cares? Because you can go far, far beyond fighting with magic. You can wage a War with magic. 

Your abilities at using your abilities in combat skyrocket and evolve, taking an entirely more advanced form. To begin with, you can toss around wide, area-effect versions of any magic you can normally do, letting you throw your curses against fortresses and armies instead of individual people. 

This takes more energy, obviously, but far, far less than it normally should. Something to the effect of a tenth as much. And that's for systems that actually cost any power to cast magic in the first place. You can do this in reverse also, 'shrinking' spells meant for battles and sieges to


0 CP Common Wand - ​A normal, common wand. Made of wood and something from a powerful magical animal. It lets you cast magic. 

100 CP Muggleborn Introduction Booklet is your basic 'introduction to magic' booklet. It has a simple primer on the local politics, social structures, and good-to-know information about the magical world. It is guaranteed to be able to give a basic understanding of how things work to anyone without them freaking out.

In future worlds, it updates to new locales, and you may use it to explain any society, nation, or group of people you know about in detail to anyone and be assured that they'll be able to comprehend things without freaking out. 

100 Shopping Trunk - ​A simple-looking wooden trunk on the outside, this is pretty much a pocket dimension you can carry about. On the inside, it has about a dozen compartments, each the size of your average living room. No matter how much you put into it, it will never weigh more than a feather. 

0 CP Basilisk Hide - ​This is a cool piece of wear. Black or a very dark green in color, it's a trench coat that goes down to just below your knees, as long as you're between four to ten feet in height. Extremely resistant to all magic but your own, it can turn into a suit of armor at will, losing none of the effectiveness. 

Aside from being extremely light and easy to move in, this comes with a full array of enchantments, including expansion charms on the internal pockets, cooling and warming spells, and durability spells that boost its already great durability, equivalent to about five or six layers of kevlar, by several orders of magnitude. You could brush off a point-blank tank shell in this thing. Or the magical equivalent, for that matter. 

Scenario: +500 CP Jumper Who Lived- Time of Entry is set to September 1, 1989 

Because the best kind of fanfic is self-insert fanfic! You are now the Jumper-Who-Lived. You were born as the seventh month died to those who thrice defied the Dark Lord (unless your fanfic had a different Prophecy, of course) and you're the one with the cool scar and the destiny and all that. You are replacing the Person-Who-Lived of your particular fanfic's continuity, whoever that might be, and enjoy both all the upsides and downsides of that position.

Since this is fanfic, continuity will bend enough so that whatever gender you import as your backstory will agree that you have always been that gender. Likewise, you are under no requirement to pick any particular origin or perks, although regardless of which origin you pick for discount purposes, you will import as the Jumper-Who-Lived with all the backstory of that so it would be a good idea to take something that will help you deal with the upcoming challenges.

You may freely choose the start time of your jump as per the normal options laid out in the jump-document, although your starting location is set to wherever the protagonist would have canonically been at that time ('canon' as per the particular fanfic you are in).

Because you are the Jumper-Who-Lived, you cannot escape your destiny. Whether it be Voldemort, Dumbledore, your evil twin sibling, Hagrid, or anyone else in between, you are the one fated to oppose the Dark Lord of your particular storyline, and you cannot leave the jump until they have been permanently vanquished.

This may be by killing them and destroying all their Horcruxes fast-forwarding them to the end of time, binding their soul into a rock and then

burying the rock where it will never be found, exposing all their crimes so thoroughly that they will never be able to regain their power base, and then stuffing them in Azkaban for the duration, or whatever else reasonably fulfills the definition of "vanquished" and is something they won't be able to come back from.

They don't necessarily have to be vanquished by your hand, but somebody needs to get rid of this asshole before you're allowed to move on, and unless you're blessed with an unbelievably competent Wizarding World, you'll likely have to get involved at some point.

Once the Dark Lord has been defeated,, you may choose to end the jump at that point or postpone leaving until you have completed whatever amount of epilogue you feel is sufficient. If you happen to die after the scenario has been completed you do not fail the chain, and you simply end your jump.

Also, if one of the Dark Lord's Horcruxes happens to be in your scar then you will be given a special, conditional 1-up for this jump only. The first time you die by a dramatically appropriate Horcrux-destroying method (such as a Killing Curse, being soul-sucked by a Dementor, basilisk venom exposure, etc.) that 'death' will only destroy the Horcrux in your scar and not you. After the Horcrux is gone. You're on your own.

Reward: ​The saga of the Boy-who-lived has nothing equal to itself in this world, and this follows you in future worlds, too. In all future worlds, you find yourself accompanied by all your achievements, the glories you have achieved.

Perhaps you were a Prince once, an Emperor another time, a Hero in one tale, and a Villain in another. They all weave themselves into the histories and myths of every world from hereon, scattered into appropriate cultures. Where possible, your local selves might even have actually done similar, equivalent things.

Much as real historians and storytellers, you control this, being able to pick out any stories you don't want to be inserted.


+100 CP One Big Evil Weasley Family - ​Ah, the Weasley family. Like them, hate them, they play a big role in 90% of Harry Potter plots. They will in your story too. With this drawback, every single Weasley is now evil to the core. The twins are heartless bullies almost single-handedly responsible for the strife between Gryffindor and Slytherin, Molly Weasley is a shrew using love potions at the drop of a hat, Percy is an outright Death Eater, and the rest are similarly warped and twisted. 

The worst affected, though, are Ron and Ginny. Ginny is a copy of her mother, a harlot who is basically the Hogwarts Bike and needs Love Potions to get anywhere in a serious relationship. While Ron… Ron is a Death Eater, a spy for Dumbledore (if Dumbledore is the type to have them in your jump), a bully who keeps people away from Harry, and an aspiring Dark Lord… all at once. 

On a different note, though, there is one silver lining. Every single Weasley, while they are just as capable and efficient as anyone else normally, becomes an absolute, unimaginable moron as soon as you come into the equation. Their schemes against you fail at the most hilarious moments, the twins' pranks backfire, Charlie's dragons attack him, so on and so forth. 

They won't leave you completely unscathed, but serious danger isn't really a possibility with 99.9% of their schemes. Really, the worst thing you need to worry about from them is going bald from tearing your hair out at their idiocy.

+400 CP Dumbledorean Troubles - ​Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts, takes far too much of an interest in your life. He likes to keep tabs on you and keep an eye on where you go and what you do, even when he really doesn't have any reason to. 

For an additional 200 CP, instead of the canon-ish version this drawback normally gives you, you get a defective version. Your version of Albus Dumbledore is either absolutely buffoonish, unbelievably stupid, or ​he is absolute, mustache-twirling Evil with a capital 'E'. Either way, he will actively enact schemes and plans, and they will never be for your good. 

Evil Dumbledore makes slow, steady plans with long-term goals in mind, moving at a crawl with his work. Meaning that you face fewer dangers, but the ones you do face are much more complicated and problematic. Stupid Dumbledore comes up with a new scheme every week, but they're half-baked and just completely idiotic. 

+200 CP Never too Early - ​With close to a million stories on one site alone, the Harry Potter fanfic world can be a weird place. One of the most persistent tropes is the overbearing hyper-romance. This is the world you're going to. Let alone 14 or 15-year-olds, that would even make sense. Kids in this place start on the shipping way too early. 

This is something that has ruined many an otherwise fine story. Expect it to ruin yours too. Not only are the first years already getting the freak on, going full-out decadent as soon as they arrive at Hogwarts, the real problem is that they insist on talking about it. You will see prepubescent children have romantic tiffs, whine and moan about true love and eternal loyalty, all the while talking like a contemporary of Shakespeare got access to really bad media from the 21st century. 

+300 CP Dark Lord's Target - ​Okay, what happened? Somehow, you've made enemies of the Dark Lord Voldemort, who now considers you his most important target in priority right after Dumbledore. Death Eaters will dog your steps, dementors will attack you, as will anything else he can throw at you. 

+600 CP Durzkaban Inmate - ​Ookay. So...um, let's talk about your family. They're kind of...troubling, simply put. For 300 CP, your parents/guardians are really incompetent. They don't know the first thing about raising a child/teenager, and they're too stupid to learn. They don't remember to feed you properly, they forget to pick you up from Platform 93/4, they're just too neglectful to count as 'parents'. 

For another 300 CP, someone else broke out with Sirius after he departed from Azkaban or Sirius never even survived and they're actively trying to hurt and/or kill you, maybe for your inheritance or maybe for some other reason. They will deliberately try to starve you to death, beat you up with a belt, whip you, hit you with frying pans...and those are the less unsavory things they try. This hole goes deep indeed, Jumper. Be careful before you jump. 

+400 CP Squib - ​Oookay, what possessed you to choose to do this? Not much to say here, really. For 400 CP, you lose all your powers gained from before this jump. The warehouse is locked other than a space for bought items only etc, etc.

+400 CP The Prophesied One - ​You have a prophecy about you, Jumper! It has to do with Dark Lords, as you're either the reincarnation of an ancient Dark Lord prophesied to bring about his reign once again, or an ancient evil is about to get loose and you're the only one who can stop it, or both. Either way, you will have numerous wizarding secret societies, cults, and groups behind you, each commanding immense resources, either to snuff you out before you get on with the 'dark reigning' or to offer you their support… provided you're their neat little puppet, of course. 

This would be problematic enough before you consider one last thing. As it happens… they're right. As time passes, the events of the prophecy will come to pass, and it will be up to you to either embrace it or defy it completely. If you embrace it you must do it on your own terms, meaning no becoming anyone's figurehead, and if you oppose it you must make its machinations crash into dust. Simply put, not one of the parts that actually require your actions in any part occur, no matter the consequences.

Or all of them should occur, but entirely at your will, without being under anyone's control, magical or otherwise. Either is enough to satisfy this drawback, but once you choose a course you may not change. 

Failure, needless to say, means your chain is over. You may stay here or go home but you cannot continue onwards. 

Total CP (Choice Points): 1,000 + 2,900= 3,900 CP