
Jumping Cat

Don't let the title fool you, inside you will find a new, refresing and long story

fireking099 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The shock

When he opened his eyes, Michael had multiple big shocks. The first shock was the enormous grass field he saw under his feet then he realised he was not on the ground but a huge leaf of a giant tree having hundreds of meters in its length and height. The tree's body was so damn wide a whole capital city could easily be placed on. This was not the most powerful shock though; the creature sitting next to him was a girl. It was Anna, but she was not moving. Michael sprinted to her and screamed her name "ANNA, ANNA WAKE UP" but the girl was lifeless. Michael then realised she must have drown. He was so frustrated, he screamed and hit the ground until he got exhausted. A second later, the lifeless Ana started shinning.