
Jumpchain Questing

[A Jumpchain Story] A mysterious figure visited Cain in his dreams, offering him a choice. "Do you accept?" "Yes!" And so begins the JumpChain Questing. ... Jumps - Avatar: The Last Airbender (0 - Ongoing)

Drifting_Embers · Anime & Comics
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Personal Reality Supplement (SJ-Chan & Sonic0704)

Personal Reality Supplement (SJ-Chan & Sonic0704) – V.1.8


- Start with 500 WP and gain 50 WP per completed jump.

Starting CP – [500 WP]



Over the course of your adventures you're probably going to collect a metric fuckton of stuff. Weapons, armor, technology, cars, big evil laser beams, everything and anything including several kitchen sinks. Why? Because you can. Now, normally you'd have trouble storing it all, and that's no fun, so here's your very own Cosmic Warehouse to give you a place to stick all your stuff. It is contained within its own reality that contains absolutely nothing else (guaranteed) and no matter where you go (unless blocked by a drawback or gauntlet) you'll always be able to access it. Before you do anything with it, it looks like a fairly dimly lit and very empty room.



Your Personal Reality starts out with a volume of 80 x 80 x 10 meters, so 6,400 square meters of floor space or 64,000 cubic meters of storage volume. In the archaic and silly 'Imperial' measuring system this is 262.5 x 262.5 x 32.8 feet, so 68,889 square feet or 2,260,138 cubic feet.


See, every biological lifeform carries their own microbiome and something called a virome (the viral version of biome) inside us. They're harmless to us… often helpful in fact. But expose someone to bacteria, protozoa, or virus particles that they're not used to and you've just given them the plague. This stops this from happening. The microbiome of everyone who enters or exits your PR is scrubbed to be harmless to everyone in each jump you visit. This doesn't kill your virome / biome, just keeps it from being harmful… to anyone. All viruses, parasites, and bacteria not native to your current jump and not in specifically designed storage containers (or fiat backed) are destroyed at the end of each jump or passage to a new reality if you're post chain. The biomes / viromes of companions and jumpers inside the PR at jump transition are converted to local versions at the start of the next jump. No one likes a plague carrier. This will not cure current infections except at the ends of jumps. But if you need that, there's a medbay later on. You probably want that.


This is a special key that lets you access your Personal Reality and its contents. When inserted into any lock on any door, the door opens to reveal a gateway into your Reality at a predetermined location within it. You are the only person who can take the key from the lock, the gateway remains open as long as the key is in the lock, and if the key is ever lost or stolen you will find it in your pocket a few minutes later. You cannot close the door as long as you are inside the Personal Reality.

Key Link [50 WP]

With this, you can now close the door while you are in the Personal Reality and use your key in a special podium in the entryway to link your Personal Reality Door to any door in your current Host Reality that you've previously used your Access Key on. If you have extra keys, any door opened by any of them can be accessed. You may also use a recall function to bring up a list of all the doors that have been accessed by any key, thus allowing you to follow a Companion should you so desire.

Only your main Entry Hall has this podium. To install a second Key Link Podium you'll have to buy this a second time, though each subsequent purchase comes with two more podiums.


What's the point of having a room 10 meters tall if you can't build upwards? Feel free to stack things up to the ceiling if you like.


Anybody coming in and out of your Personal Reality is now checked for any authorization you've given them to access it; and should anything about said authorization (or a lack of it) raise any flags in the system, then you will receive a warning about it. This allows you to define just what sorts of authorization different individuals can have to access your Personality Reality, anything from No Access through Temporary Access and Limited Access to Unlimited Access is possible. All this does is notify you. It does not stop them on its own. A Keyholder's Access cannot be limited by the Security System. Only hand out Keys to those you trust implicitly.


By default, the temperature in your Personal Reality is never too hot nor too cold, the air will always smell faintly musty but scent neutral, and the air will always be breathable… even if two different species with different atmospheric requirements are present in it at the same time…. well, as long as both species are there with permission. Invaders had better bring their own air or be able to breathe Earth Standard Atmo. Earth Standard Gravity will be maintained in all areas, and the air will be just humid enough. Although there will be some dust build-up over the centuries, it will be minimal.


Basic metal shelves to keep your goods on, the kind you find in industrial big box stores, sized for pallets and numbered for sorting. You'll get up to as many as will suit your initial space allotment, but if you don't take all of them, you'll need to buy more on your own… They sell them at most business supply warehouses, ironically enough.


These lights are nothing special, It's a color-neutral, source neutral ambient lighting system. It's not really that bright… think early twilight gloom, but if you want better, install it.

Natural Lighting [50 WP]

Completely natural lighting that looks and feels and functions as good as the real thing (sun, moon, or starlight). Comes with sectional dimmer switches and can be sourceless or from any lamplike object you bring into the Personal Reality. Purchasing this upgrades all sources of lighting you bring in, even things like TVs and Computer Monitors to be perfectly safe and naturally adjusting for minimal eye-strain. This replaces Neutral Lighting and does not require any power source.


This is the room your Access Key opens a door to. It starts off as a 5 meter cube with blank white walls, floor, and ceiling, and some doors, one leading to the current Host Reality, the other into your Cosmic Warehouse, with additional doors leading to other extensions as these get added to your Personal Reality. Feel free to customize this Entrance Hall as you see fit. Additional Halls can, at your discretion, be linked only to certain keys or only to certain extensions. This allows you to have an entry hall just for skiing if you want. If you have the Force Field Utility, the Field does not block access from the outside world into the Entrance Hall, but rather from the Entrance Hall into the rest of your Personal Reality.


This can treat all medical or dental issues on anyone that still has a pulse or equivalent. Provides detailed accounting of a person's medical history. Will not repair genetic defects or replace / repair cybernetics and cannot differentiate between beneficial and harmful nanites or implants on its own. Works on animals as well. Being fixed up takes anywhere from one hour to a solid week depending on the degree of damage, and you'll still need physical therapy, have scars, and be all achey.


Purchasing this provides your Warehouse with enough plumbing fixtures to turn the entire volume of your Personal Reality into one massive pool… or anything below that. This provides clean running water with any reasonably common additives you like (chlorine, glacial milk, fluoride), but does not provide a limitless supply, nor does it heat the water. By default, the amount of water this system can produce per day is 1 billion liters or one megaton of water or a block of water 100 meters on a side, and the default temperature of this water is 25 degrees Celsius. It can support any civilian infrastructure on the same scale as Mexico City or Tokyo. Comes only with the basic hookups. You'll need a plumber to do the actual piping. We hear Mario's very good. Bathrooms not included. Purchasing this supplies all facilities inside your Personal Reality with water feeds, and if you've Got the Powa, it will supply hot and cold running water as well. These pipes include sewage and storm drain systems, vanishing waste as effectively as they create water. Anything that is not biological waste, loose grime, or liquid waste will be shunted into a special processing venue where you'll have to dispose of it (such as toys, trash, large trees, etc). This venue will be somewhere discreet in your reality behind a door labeled "Authorized Pipes Personnel Only". The stuff will be cleaned of biological contaminants for you. The entire Pipe system is self-cleaning and self-maintaining, guaranteed free of vermin and bad odors.


This provides enough electricity to power a city the size of New York City or London, forever, with nary a brown out or power fluctuation ever. It also comes with all the basic wiring hookups, surge protectors, outlets, circuit-breakers, routers, etc you might need… but you'll probably want to get a qualified electrician in at some point… or pick up a companion who does that kind of thing. Purchase of this supplies all facilities inside your Personal Reality with electrical hookups.


This provides minimalist accommodations for you and each companion. Essentially the same thing you'd get in Basic Training in the military. A barracks with a bunk and a locker and a camp toilet. If you bought Pipes Pipes Pipes, this improves to include a communal shower and toilets (no plumber needed). In fact, someone need not be a companion for this to work. Anyone you allow into your Personal Reality will be allotted a similar level of basic living quarters, thus allowing you to turn your Personal Reality into a refugee center if you like. If you have Basic Nutrition, this will provide any such guests as you may invite into your Personal Reality with very basic food equal to 2000 Kcal a day, totally vegetarian. This can support up to a maximum of one person per day for every 4 cubic meters of space in your warehouse.

Camp toilets must be emptied manually. No extra space is added to your Personal Reality by this. It simply provides food and bed and toilets for as many people / beings as you have in your Personal Reality at any given time.


This option provides a basic (if minimalist) food delivery for you and all companions (metered for a normal human dietary requirement). This delivery comes once a week and is the kind of thing you'd buy on a very strict budget; Ramen, Peanut Butter, Generic Cereal, Dry Beans, Eggs, Tofu, Fresh Common Fruits & Veggies, Canned Fruits & Veggies, Dry Pasta, Salt, Pepper, Milk, Bottled Water, Rice, Flour, Butter, Barley, etc. Essentially the purchasing power of 50 dollars US a wee.

Total CP Spent – [500 WP]