
Jumpchain Questing

[A Jumpchain Story] A mysterious figure visited Cain in his dreams, offering him a choice. "Do you accept?" "Yes!" And so begins the JumpChain Questing. ... Jumps - Avatar: The Last Airbender (0 - Ongoing)

Drifting_Embers · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

JumpChain Questing Guidelines

Guidelines for Perk Buying and CP ManagementDocumentationAvailability:

Only perks from completed or ongoing documents are available for purchase.

Starting CPInitial Allocation: In the very first jump, the jumper is granted 500 CP.

Earning Additional CPQuest System:To earn more CP, the jumper must complete quests issued by the Quest window.

Types of Quests:

Primary Quests:

More than one Primary Quest can be active at a time.

• Primary Quests can award between 500 and 800 CP.

• These quests can appear one to three times per jump.

Secondary Quests:

• Only one Secondary Quest can be active at a time.

• A new Secondary Quest is generated only upon failure or completion of the current one.

• Each Secondary Quest can award between 30 and 100 CP.

CP Usage End of Jump:

Once a jump ends, the jumper must expend all saved CP before starting the next jump.

Unspent CP will be lost if not used before the next jump begins.

Drawbacks Selection:

All Drawbacks will be sealed once the jump starts.

The jumper must select any desired Drawbacks before the jump begins.