
chapter two

A week later, Zoe went to see her friend, Mzee Tom and on reaching there she found out that the door to his house opened but with no immediate sight of him. She knocked on his door for some minutes but with no of response, she decided to enter inside. while inside, Zoe was so terrified and finding out a big cloud of bees in one corner of his house. Mzee Tom appeared from the back;

'How may I help you, my favorite granddaughter,' Mzee said

Zoe replied, 'Mzee Tom, why do you have bees inside your house'

'Oh yeah, bees are my best friend,' he replied

'What?' She spoke

'Yes, because they give me honey besides guarding me. I don't have cameras or a dog for security,' Mzee replied

'Don't you fear them turning against you one day. They are insects remember,' Zoe said

'No, these are my buddies. You have been here for now almost 10 minutes and no single bee has bitten you then why get afraid,' Mzee replied

'Okay, I came to greet you,' Zoe said

'Oh, thank you for the company; Zoe, send greetings to your daddy and mummy,' he replied

Zoe leaves the house but a bit surprised. 'This guy must be crazy one, why stay with bees inside your house,' she talks to herself as she walks back home.

The following day in the evening as Zoe was coming from the market, she peeped through one of the windows of Mzee Tom's house and something struck her off, she saw Mzee Tom lying on his couch with a swarm of bees' allover his body as if he was bitten by bees and died. The only part that was not covered was the face. Zoe kept her mouth shut and walked slowly past his house and proceeded home and kept quiet about the whole scenario. I knew that bees would turn against him, what if now he is dead. Who is going to report to the authorities, she kept asking herself?

Zoe decided to keep a distance from Mzee Tom's house, she would pass by without even looking by and after sometime, she ran into Mzee Tom in the vicinity and said to him;

'I thought that maybe you are dead. The other week I peeped through your window and I found you lying on the couch with bees' allover your body, I thought that maybe, you were bitten by bees and you were lying there dead in your house,'

'I saw you but didn't want to scare you,' he replied

'You saw me,' she said

''Yes, but the good news is that bees like you too. Bees are attracted to sugary and fragrances that smell flowery and just like me, our natural bodies are attracted to them. Minutes later, a group of bees appeared and surrounded them. Zoe panicked and Mzee Tom asked her to remain calm and both their bodies were covered with bees. Mzee Tom later asked her to open her eyes as this was not a dream. She could not believe what had just happened to her and moments later the cloud of bees disappeared''

'Now you see, they like us,' he said

'I heard it, you just whispered and they left. You even talk with bees and they listen to you,' Zoe asked?

'If you agree, I will begin to teach you how you can a part of their lives and you will live a straight free life with no hurdles at all,' Mzee said

'OK Mzee Tom, I will get some time and check on you,' she replied

Zoe kept this secret to herself and she would get time when her parents are not around and come and spend quality with her friend and she was enjoying every little bit of it.