

feranmi_falade · Urban
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The party II

When Jason and Juliet got into the class they met Nathan and Susan there but the latter didn't seem to notice them.They were about to say something when Susan spoke up.

" You think it's fun for me,watching your mother steal everything my mum worked for,Chloe has never cared about me and yet you want me to go back to that house.If i go back won't i be used as a slave by Chloe"

Nathan was still trying to pacify her but Susan was not budging,"My mum is not stealing anything from your mum,your mother is dead and she is not coming back.My mother is teaching you ethics but you are being unreasonable,please i don't want to argue with you right now let's just go back home".

"You still don't get it ,do you?.You keep telling me that your mum is teaching me,what is she teaching me huh?.Manners she isn't teaching your sister.I hate it,i don't need it,I'd rather stay with Juliet where i feel among".

"But they are not family,we are your family.Would you rather stay with strangers than with your brother,sister and father?".

"I feel respected with them,they don't force me to do what i don't want,i was treated like a human but with you i feel like a slave,so yes I'd rather stay with strangers than with the people i call family".

Nathan was about to say something when Juliet showed herself "i think she made herself clear,normally i would not interfere in something like this but Susan is my friend and she feels more comfortable with me so i would like it if you stop trying to persuade her and let her stay with me".

Nathan was pissed by Juliet's appearance,he couldn't stay any longer "Susan this is your last chance,if you don't go home with me today then forget about ever coming back to the house".

Nathan stayed a few seconds to see if Susan would change her mind but she didn't so he left.After Nathan left,Susan started crying,she was happy that she was finally free from the torment but little did she know that this was just the beginning.Juliet didn't know what to do she just stood beside her waiting for her to open up.

Justin was also there,the class was silent except from Susan's sob.After an hour Susan finally stopped crying. Juliet was worried about her so she asked " are you okay,do you want to go home,are you comfortable with telling me what happened between you and Nathan?". Juliet could roughly make out what happened but she wasn't sure of the whole thing.

" I'm fine,don't worry about me.Enjoy the party I'll tell you when i get home,don't think much of what happened" after saying this Susan walked out of the class leaving only Juliet and Jason on the classroom.

" I wanted to tell you something and i need you to listen carefully.I need an honest answer from you please".said Nathan

"I don't know when it started but i have feelings for you,i don't know how or why but i love you so much.I don't know what i would do without you please don't say no".

Juliet didn't know how to reply,she was shocked and amazed at the same time.Although she liked Jason,she was not ready for any distraction until she found her siblings and her parents killer.

"Jason you are a really nice guy but you know i am not ready for any relationship.My siblings are out there somewhere i need to find them,my parents murderer is out there i need to find whoever it is.I am really sorry but i like us being friends". said Juliet

After Juliet said this,the both of them stood in silence,no one was ready to talk.