

feranmi_falade · Urban
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65 Chs


Hannah was embarrassed because of their laugh but she still stayed there since the next day was a weekend the three of them stayed up till midnight.

The next morning Juliet was awoken by her ringing cellphone,she ignored it at first but it continued ringing. Hannah got annoyed by the ringing and shouted at Juliet "pick up your phone I'm trying to sleep but I can't fall asleep with a phone ringing above my head ".

Juliet reluctantly then stood up to take her phone. She was shocked to see that it was Jason.

"Why are you calling so early in the morning, It's still early and I was sleeping " said Juliet

"Well remember that time when we went to Jacob and Sarah Wayne's house but we couldn't meet them, guess what they are back and I booked us an appointment " replied Jason.

"Wow serious, that means I can see them and ask about my parents, how did you do it"

" Last night when I got home I started checking researches online about them and I checked about your parents, I saw the news about them and I remembered our last visit to their place. We couldn't get in the last time cause they were on a trip but now they are back I pulled a few strings and got us appointments to see them but our scheduled time is 8 am meaning you have only one more hour minutes to get ready ".

"Thank you so much Jason, I don't know how to repay this favor but thank you I'll be there soon"

Juliet hung up and quickly went to the bathroom to get ready.

After getting ready she went to meet Mary to ask for permission to leave the house but she had to come up with a good excuse.

"Aunt I have to head out today I and Jason have a project to submit so we have to meet up today and complete it".

"But I thought you just got back from a competition when we're you given this project and how come Hannah and Susan don't have this project " asked Mary

"We were actually given the project a week before the competition but we got carr away and couldn't finish it so we have to finish it up by today " said Juliet

" Oh okay but be back home before dinner and are you sure you want to go alone "

"Aunt I'm sure and besides it's only the project I have to do, I'll definitely be back before dinner don't worry "

Juliet had a breakfast quickly had her breakfast and headed out.

Hannah and Susan were suspicious and started having ideas in their heads.

" Were do you think she is going to, she didn't even tell us"

"Jason called her this morning so I'm sure she went with him but where do you think they went to"

"Since we have nothing to do today why don't we follow her, we can also find out if they are dating "

"I don't know I think that's a bad idea, I mean let's give them their privacy"

"You are so boring, nothing will happen we'll just confirm our suspicions and come back home "

"Are you sure? would Juliet like it "

"Don't worry everything will be fine, we'll just follow them arrived for a bit and then come back home but we need to ask permission from my mum first let's go"

Susan didn't want to do it but because of Hannah's words she got convinced and followed her.

Mary was about to go up to Hannah's room to ask for her plans today when Hannah and Susan came down. Hannah already had a fever plan in her head so immediately she saw her mum she started talking

"Mum, Susan and I have to head out real quick we will be back home soon "

Mary was stunned and started asking questions "where are you going to, just the two of you or are there other friends to come along "

"No mum, it's just the two of us we want to get a few things and get back home "

"Alright if you say so just be careful and if any thing comes up call me and I'll come to pick you".

Susan didn't say anything the whole time cause she was scared she would expose the whole thing but she was glad that they can now leave the house.