

feranmi_falade · Urban
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65 Chs

Shattered Expectations

Juliet felt confident with Jason by her side. The both of them walked in and were stopped by the security guards.

The security guards looked at them with a wary expression before asking them their mission.

" What are you looking for here".

" We are here to see the owner of this house Jacob and Sarah wayne " replied Jason.

" And may I ask why you want to see them " said a security guard.

" Actually,we are here to ask them a few questions,we are doing a school project and we are to ask successful business owners which strategies they used while operating their business" lied Jason knowing that the security guards won't allow them in if they knew their real purpose for visiting. Throughout the whole process Juliet didn't say a thing as she just watched Jason handle the security guards.

" That's very unfortunate,the people you are looking for are on a business trip and won't be back till next month "

Once the security guard said this,Juliet felt all her hopes shatter. She had high expectations for visiting as she really needed answers to all her questions. She had been anticipating the visit since the weekend but now she could only leave the place dejectedly with Jason.

Jason was wondering how he could console Juliet cause he too had anticipated this visit and thought they could have answers but now things didn't turn out as planned.

Jason wanted to say something to Juliet but when he saw her expression he knew that she needed a moment of silence,he didn't say anything as the both of them walked in silence.

Soon they arrived at their separating point,Jason finally spoke up

"You don't have to think so much about this,the guard said they would be back by next month right we can just come back and check.

Juliet looked at him and felt really grateful for having a friend like him,she was happy that throughout her time of trials he stood by her and supported her.

" Yeah you are right now need to lose hope, we can just come back next month and check" said Juliet. Although she said that she still felt down she didn't want Jason to worry about her. The both of them said their good bye and walked their different paths.

When Juliet got home, her aunt and Hannah were waiting for her.The both of them had prepared the dinner but didn't eat it as they waited for her to arrive.

" Welcome back juliet,go up and have your bath then come down for dinner " said Mary.

Juliet nodded and went upstairs,soon she came back down and the three of them sat down to eat. However, during the meal, Juliet didn't eat much as she just played with the spoon. Mary noticed this and asked her what was wrong.

" Why aren't you eating,do you not like the food,do you want something else to eat"

Juliet didn't want her aunt to suspect anything so she lied " Nothing is wrong,actually I'm not that hungry i already had something to eat before coming home"

Mary believed her and nodded. Soon they were dome with their meals, Juliet cleared the table while Hannah did the dishes. After doing her work Juliet went to her room claiming to be tired.